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  • #14436
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened to you for if you do not seek, ask, or knock; you will not find that which you are seeking after.

    Today is the day that many do not even know what they are seeking after. Many are just going astray blindly going after every whim without even determining what I would even have them to do.

    That is where independence without Me can get you, blindly seeking after empty and vain methods of appeasing what the flesh would want or desire to do.

    This is the day that if you do not have your goals set upon what I would have you to do, the enemy will surely come in and lead you astray from My perfect will for your life.

    You need to have your goals based upon what pleases Me and not what you plan on doing. Many make plans without even asking Me what My plans are.

    This should not be. You need to be concerned about doing what I would have you to do. That is what living for Me is all about. It is to be a vessel I can use to live My life through.

    Remember that I called you into My kingdom to serve Me alone and to die out to your will and ways.

    Consult Me about everything you are to do. That keeps you in a safe place being in the center of My perfect will.

    Teach your children to walk with Me at an early age. Set the example for them to follow. Pray with them. Teach them to talk with their Heavenly Father and to expect to hear My voice.

    Teach them to walk with Me as a way of life early and when they get older, they will never depart from Me. Even if they fall away for a season, they will return to Me. My life will be in them. They will feel it and be sensitive to it. Their heart will be tender to Me.

    This is the day when many are falling away. They were never taught to walk with Me. They might appear to know Me but it is only a religious experience. It wasn’t real and it could not keep them.

    They went seeking after fulfillment in other places not even knowing that they never knew Me. This is so dangerous. They weren’t fulfilled in Me and went seeking after other things because they didn’t think I would supply they needed.

    Check your heart daily. Check your walk daily. Make sure your salvation is sure. Then you will forever be Mine and nothing will ever pull you away. Your love for Me will last throughout eternity because it is from Me.

    Ron McGatlin

    Yes, great advice in setting God and an intimate relationship with Him as your goal. Ultimately that will always lead to SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

    Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

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