Dec 29, 2016 | Articles, Recent Articles
1. Is Now the Time to Enter? By Duane Stewart The time had arrived; a time looked forward to by Joshua and Caleb, who for forty years had been waiting for that great day of promise. A promise time from God had now arrived, a time when the Israelis were to enter the...
Dec 29, 2016 | Recent Digest
In This Issue 1. Is Now the Time to Enter? 2. The Shepherd Leaves the 99 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest 1. Is Now the Time to Enter? By Duane Stewart The time had arrived; a time looked forward to by Joshua and Caleb, who for forty...
Dec 21, 2016 | Articles, Recent Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
THE ESSENCE OF ETERNAL SPIRIT GOD WITHIN US People of God are awakening to the reality of eternity intricately involved in our lives now in this life of existence in time. There is becoming awareness of an eternal reality affecting the scope of life in this...
Dec 21, 2016 | Open Heaven Digest, Recent Digest
In This Issue 1. The Essence of Eternal Spirit God within Us 2. AN ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS REGARDING DONALD TRUMP’S PRESIDENTIAL SEASON 3. SPECIAL NOTICE 4. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest The Essence of Eternal Spirit God within Us By Ron McGatlin...
Dec 15, 2016 | Open Heaven Digest, Recent Digest
. In This Issue 1. It Is Time To Soar Higher and Roar Louder! 2. The Testimony of Sister Dabney 3. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest 1. It Is Time To Soar Higher and Roar Louder! By Bobby Conner I was in Singapore at the exact moment I was typing...
Dec 15, 2016 | Articles, Recent Articles
The testimony of Sister Dabney, a lady who “prayed through” is shared in a tract, “What It Means to Pray Through,” published by the Free Tract Society. Her story begins in a church building almost empty; three and one half years later, she...
Dec 15, 2016 | Articles, Recent Articles
I was in Singapore at the exact moment I was typing out the title for this teaching, and as soon as the last word was typed, suddenly, a group of jet planes flew just over the hotel where I was staying and it shook the place as they roared by. I think this is a strong...
Dec 10, 2016 | Articles, Recent Articles
(“Come Out of her…” Revelation 18:4) God is equipping His remnant people with an understanding of the times. It is not His desire that His very elect be deceived, thus He is raising voices in the wilderness to proclaim prophetic truth for this hour in...
Dec 8, 2016 | Articles, Recent Articles, Ron's Complete Archive
The return to the Garden of Eden reality is now within all in whom Christ dwells by the Holy Spirit. The world will be transformed by that which dwells in the people of God. A restored world of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit is planted in the spirit...
Dec 8, 2016 | Open Heaven Digest, Recent Digest
. In This Issue 1. Walking in the Garden of Eden Spirit Reality 2. Christianity in Crisis: A Personal Journey 3. Fragrance of His Presence 4. News Headlines SUBSCRIBE Digest 1. Walking in the Garden of Eden Spirit Reality By Ron McGatlin The...