

In This Issue
1. Walking in the Garden of Eden Spirit Reality
2. Christianity in Crisis: A Personal Journey
3. Fragrance of His Presence
4. News Headlines

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1. Walking in the Garden of Eden Spirit Reality

By Ron McGatlin


The return to the Garden of Eden reality is now within all in whom Christ dwells by the Holy Spirit. The world will be transformed by that which dwells in the people of God. A restored world of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit is planted in the spirit and heart of His people. The Spirit DNA is growing the new Garden of Eden Spirit reality in the hearts of His purified people to be planted into the world.

Beyond supernatural there awaits a heavenly love passion that lifts those who find it into a mountain of peace in fresh pristine righteousness and pools of crystal clear love with rippling waves of joy unspeakable in a fruitful land known as Garden of Eden Spirit Reality.

Only a step away from natural reality, just one step through an increasingly thinned separating membrane is the heavenly Spirit reality. The reality of Spirit heaven that has come to earth to tabernacle in and with mankind.

Spirit reality is more real than natural reality. All physical existence was created by Spirit. (Heb 11:3). Spirit God created a perfect natural world and placed it in the care of perfect innocent mankind made in the image and likeness of God in a wondrously designed earthly body. (Gen 1:26). Mankind was placed in a perfect environment of a living natural Garden of Eden to tend it and oversee it. (Gen 2:8-15).

A Perfect Natural Presentation of Spirit Reality

4k-tropical-fritEverything was alive with the perfect order of God’s love. All grew and prospered continuously renewing and restoring and replacing itself with everlasting life. Every living thing had its seed within itself and every system of life functioned perfectly in its place in harmony with and in support of every other part of the living world. Love brought perfect balance and order in the Garden of Eden. All things moved together in perfect harmony of obedience by love.

The perfect picture was lost when the attendant overseer of the created world broke the perfect order of oneness of Spirit God reality. Everlasting became temporal as death entered. The way of man into Spirit reality was blocked. (Gen 3: 1-26) (Gen 3:24).

All life and natural elements suffered in the tension between life and death, light and darkness throughout the natural world. Contention entered the world. Perfect balance of all things that was maintained in the perfect order of love in oneness with God was lost when mankind partook of the forbidden fruit of deciding good and evil for himself apart from God. (Gen 3:17-19).

When the fullness of time came, God sent forth His only begotten Son to suffer and die to reopen the way for mankind to again enter into oneness with God and His perfect order. (Gal 4:4-7). The Son of God came to redeem and restore the perfect natural reality of the world.

All Contention melts in Love. Perfect balance is achieved in perfect love.

When the crucified Son of God was resurrected, all of the everlasting life of every living thing and every system of order was potentially resurrected from the curse of death to the fullness of perfect life and order of Spirit reality. It was and is potential only in the sense that it required the agreement of mankind, who was and is the God-given overseer with legal rights to the order of life on the planet.

The fullness of this completed resurrection and restoration of all things is at hand.

It has waited only for the attendant overseers of the created world, mankind, to step through the now thinned spiritual membrane into Spirit reality and become the matured Sons of God. Mankind will again fully represent Spirit God and order the world in full accordance with the perfect plan, purpose, and design of Almighty God.

The battle is fierce, only because the people of God have been asleep to whom and what dwells in them and thereby who they really are.

Pull out all the stops and proclaim the Spirit reality of the kingdom of God that is within you. Let perfect Love have His way in and through you. He has overcome the world. (Rom 8:16-17). In Christ we are children of God, Spirit Sons of God, and joint heirs with Christ Jesus to all of the God-given love, power, and authority needed to bring forth the perfect plan and will of God in this world.

Allow the flame of God to set your soul on fire with love for God! Do whatever you have to do to be in His presence and to hear clearly His voice loving you and drawing you to come fully to Him. Make friends and spend time with loving Spirit-filled people. Select close friends who are on fire with the love of God. Do not become close with the religious naysayers or those pretending to be believers with no real evidence of Spirit God in their lives.

Seek God with your whole heart. Make your life all about God. Read the Bible, pray, seek to be filled with the Spirit of God. Read books about the fullness of the Spirit and the miraculous works of God.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength,’ Mark 12:30.

Seek the kingdom of God with your whole heart. Truly make God number one priority in your life.

Don’t believe the lie of the devil that says you do not have time for feasting on God and His word.


If we fill our hearts with God, the things of this life that once consumed our time and affection will fade away and will not be missed in the light of the glory of God filing our lives.

Multitudes of us moving in full obedience and empowerment of God can release myriads of powerful angels to work with us to turn the world around in a very short amount of time. The Garden of Eden is before us and a charred wasteland behind us. There will be nothing to turn back to, and Spirit reality is before us.

Lift up your eyes to the high places from whence your help comes. (Psalm 121:1). Set your affection on things above and not on things on the earth. (Col 3:1-2). It is from the Spirit God of heaven that we receive the strength, power, and authority to become the New Jerusalem, Garden of Eden of Spirit God within us and with us.

Father God, in the name of Jesus, we call upon you to let your fire fall upon us and within us to fill us with your burning love that consumes us. Take my spirit, soul, and body for your dwelling place on earth.

Father, let the passion of your love fill my life with your life. Open the flood gates of your love and power to restore your way of life to the world in and through me.

God, I am yours alone. There is nothing or no one in my life before you; do with me as you please. I will praise you as long as there is breath in me. Only I ask, please God, may your presence never pass from me.

My heart breaks for you – tears of your love flood my soul. My Father, let your majesty and glory be fully known and seen in this world of Spirit reality. Thank you, Jesus. We worship you now and forevermore. Amen!

Ron McGatlin


2. Christianity in Crisis: A Personal Journey

by David Orton  October 17, 2016


(Note from Ron: This is only an excerpt from the introduction and the conclusion of a very insightful and informative article written by David Orton. It brings an “on the ground” firsthand view of the moves of God and the men that were used to bring them over the past half century. It is very enlightening of the current condition of Christianity and its journey to this point, as well as wise observations regarding the future. FULL ARTICLE: Christianity in Crisis.)


2. Christianity in Crisis: A Personal Journey

Every good business does a stocktake towards the end of the financial year to ascertain their position. We have been doing the same, except our stock is not physical product—it’s the spiritual riches that God has entrusted to us.

After more than 45 years of Christian experience and service we find ourselves reviewing and evaluating, not only our personal journey, but also the condition of the larger church and Christian movement of the West in these early stages of the 21st century.

And so, in this process our two-fold question has been: (1) What has God deposited in us through the journey, and (2) how might it be relevant to the contemporary crisis of the Western church and culture?

To address the questions. Over the journey we have had the amazing privilege of being grounded in and influenced by some key movements and servants of God that have been formative for our development and highly influential in the larger Christian movement of this generation.

I will first give an overview of those men and movements and then assess their contribution to us and their relevance to the current crisis of the Western church and culture…..


It is almost passé to say that Western Christianity and culture is in crisis, nonetheless, this is the reality as we negotiate our way into the 21st century.

The 20th century witnessed an unprecedented activity of the Holy Spirit in renewal and revivals, some with an extensive and global reach. Be-that-as-it-may we are still in crisis. Why? Because, in my view, of an underlying violation of the balanced tension between Word and Spirit.

At the creation the Spirit of God brooded over the turbulent chaos of matter, awaiting the Word—”Let there be…!” Only then was chaos transformed into cosmos. And so too, grounded in this seed principle, the New Creation in this climax of history awaits a declared Word through the corporate Christ, the church. Despite the great outpourings of the 20th century we remain in ecclesial and cultural chaos. But what, you may ask, is the nature and content of the Word that we await?

The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). God’s government does not come to the earth except by the Spirit. Nevertheless, God’s government – like every earthly government – has a Constitution by which it operates. This is the missing Word for which we await. It is the Law-Word of the King. The moral governor of the universe – the Lord Jesus Christ – seated at the right hand of the Father is that incarnate Word. And that Word is the Covenant that the triune-God has made with humankind. Incarnated in Christ and enscripturated in the Bible, the Covenant is the constitution of the kingdom—of God’s government of righteousness and peace to transform our chaos into his cosmos.

In closing, my appeal is for a return to the covenant God—to covenant fidelity through the power of the Gospel, to what Paul called “the obedience of faith”. This demands a rediscovery of a covenant theology in all its far-reaching implications for church and society, not as an abstraction, but as the concrete solution to the life and death struggle for the planet—for the kingdom of God to fully come. In summary, Jesus gave us the ethical conditions of the Covenant that will bring his government of righteousness and peace to the earth: “You shall love the Lord your God… and …your neighbour as yourself”.

Print friendly pdf: Christianity in Crisis: A Personal Journey

About David Orton
David has served as a teacher and ministry leader for over 40 years. He teaches with a measure of prophetic gravitas and as the founder of Lifemessenger carries a word of reformation, particularly for the Western church and culture.


3. Fragrance of His Presence
By Nancy Taylor Warner

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

I am so thankful for the enabling power and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, that “always” causes us to triumph in Christ, bringing a procession of victories into our lives! As we face the circumstances of our lives, we are not alone! We are in step with a mighty army who has lived victoriously in this life, who now move in triumphant procession in eternity. There is a people today who are rising up in faith and victory! We are a part of that people!

As we move from victory to victory, a working of the Lord takes place within our lives, changing us experientially, to be like Him. Amazing to me, though we are yet growing in our walk and our faith, God can still use us, making Himself known to those around us! As one translation says, “Now He uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume.” (2 Corinthians 2:14 NLT)

Acts 1:8 tells us that after the Holy Ghost has come upon us, we are empowered to be a witness unto Him, everywhere we go! Our lives have become as “a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God.” (2 Corinthians 2:15 NLT) Some will love us for that; some will hate us! But our testimony remains.

What a calling! To live a life that reflects Christ, as His presence is made known to others through us.

“Christ in you, the hope of glory!” (Colossians 1:27) From glory to glory, I am being changed that more of Him might be seen, and less of me. I am a living epistle, written by the Spirit of God, read by all men. (2 Corinthians 3:3, 18)

Hattie Hammond used to say, “None of us are perfect yet. If we were, God would have taken us home!” God is not finished with us yet! He is still working in us. In each of our lives, He is well able to perfect that which He has begun. (Philippians 1:6) Meanwhile, there is a testimony, a witness, as we continue to yield to the Lord and draw on His strength.

My prayer is that we might draw on His strength today and live by His power as never before. May the perfume of His presence be made known everywhere we go, as He continues to work deep within us, bringing us from victory to victory!

Our website
, www.wadetaylor.org is a teaching website available to you for a present word that ministers spirit and life. Each message has been prayerfully submitted, that you might be spiritually edified and receive an impartation of our Lord’s presence as you prayerfully read the words. As you browse our site, why not ask the Lord to lead you to the right article at the right time!

The Prayer Chapel:If you would like to visit, please contact me for more details and also to confirm, in case there are schedule changes!

Parousia Gatherings will be at the Prayer Chapel in 2017! Special guests include: Julie Grove on April 8; Richard and Joan Forde on May 13; Jay Francis on August 12; Steve Porter on November 11.For more information, please look at our website, www.wadetaylor.org. There is a motel discount for advance reservations only; if you plan to come, please make sure you reserve before the deadline!

Tea, Coffee & Prayer: On months when there is not a Parousia Gathering with a scheduled speaker, we will continue to gather for Tea, Coffee & Prayer- times marked by worship, prayer, and fellowship. This schedule enables us to “almost always” meet the 2nd Saturday of the month, right here at the Parousia Prayer Chapel! More information is on our website. Feel free to contact me as well. Please, always confirm if you plan to come, in case there are schedule changes!

Wade Taylor Publications
: www.wadetaylorpublications.org is a separate part of my dad’s ministry that was close to his heart. On this website, you can buy Books, CDs and DVDs by Wade Taylor. Also a prayer ministry, they can be contacted by calling 800-349-0340, or by emailing joanne@wadetaylorpublications.org. Contact information is also on their website!

May I again speak the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ over your life. May He bless you, as He continues to draw you ever closer to Himself. May you increasingly prosper, both spiritually and in your life circumstances, beyond all that you have experienced in the past, and may you be blessed in life, in health, and in all that is before you.

Prayerfully yours,

Nancy Taylor Warner


4. News Headlines

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda direct from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, Final Night. – 12/7/2016
I preached on the power in the blood of Jesus and there was an overwhelming response to the invitation for salvation. Wonderful miracles took place as we broke the power of every spirit of infirmity and witchcraft curse! A man deaf in both ears for 12 years was healed! A woman’s painful breast cancer was healed, the hard mass vanished. Two men blind eyes opened tonight….
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5 Hot Spots for Global Revival: China, India, Brazil, Nigeria, and Indonesia – 12/7/2016
A different reality is expanding rapidly on the earth: the reality of the Kingdom of God. As I witness what is happening in these five “hot spots” for revival, I am continuing to contend for an invasion of Heaven on earth in the United States as well. I am expectant that this wave of Revival will result in reformation and transformation like nothing we’ve ever seen before…
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Muslim immigrant to UK led 600 Iranians to Jesus – 12/7/2016
He was uncertain and purposeless when he immigrated to the UK from Iran as a Muslim. But eight years later, God is using Shapoor among the refugee population. “When I was a Muslim I didn’t believe God could talk to ordinary people and have relationship or use ordinary people,” Shapoor read the Scripture and it changed his life. “I found out God has a heart for everybody.”
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Spirit-Filled Pastor Granted Role in Trump Transition Team – 12/7/2016
“People call me an Uncle Tom; they question my motives. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I believe Donald Trump is what’s best for the black community. I have met him, he is authentic.” President-elect Donald Trump selected Spirit-filled Pastor Darrell Scott as a member of the Republican’s transition team. Scott is the pastor of New Spirit Revival Center in Ohio,
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“In God We Trust” Will STAY on U.S. Currency, Thanks to Court Victory – 12/7/2016
A lawsuit filed by a group of atheist humanists sought to have it removed from all currency, insisting that it violated the “Establishment Clause” of the First Amendment. “In God We Trust,” our nation’s official motto, was adopted in 1956, but it had been used on coins since 1864. The National Motto, “In God We Trust,”is a fitting and solemnizing motto for this nation.
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President-elect Trump “Thrilled” to Nominate Former Campaign Rival, Dr. Ben Carson as HUD Secretary – 12/7/2016
Trump called Carson a “distinguished national leader who overcame his troubled youth in the inner city of Detroit to become a renowned neurosurgeon.” He has chosen Ben Carson as secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Retired General James Mattis to be Trump’s secretary of defense. Mattis is known by nicknames ‘Mad Dog’ and ‘Warrior Monk.’
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“This Targeting of Christians Needs to Stop!” Congressmen Come Out in Support of Chip & Joanna Gaines – 12/7/2016
Rep. Bill Flores, R-TX, and Rep. Warren Davidson, R-OH have expressed their support of HGTV stars Chip and Joanna Gaines after a Buzzfeed hit piece on their church questioned whether the couple believes in man-woman marriage. Flores said “intolerant” people are attacking the Christian faith. Davidson called it the targeting of Christians for their beliefs…
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Explosive Reveal: Trump Mulls Release of Details of Iranian Nuclear Deal the Obama administration kept hidden from the public – 12/7/2016
Donald Trump may release details of the Iranian nuclear deal. Though not classified, the documents were stored with top-secret information in the Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facilities (SCIFs) complex on Capitol Hill. The documents include details on “secret” exemptions given to Iran by a commission appointed to oversee implementation of the nuclear deal.
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Benham Brothers Call For Pushback against Radical Gay Agenda: “Enough is Enough. Stand Up and Be a Voice” – 12/7/2016
“We’re pushing back for little guys—the bakers, florists, photographers and all the others who’ve been bullied into submission by the thought mafia.” Last week, we went to bat on “The Kelly File” for HGTV’s “Fixer Upper” stars, Chip and Joanna Gaines, after Buzzfeed did a hit piece on them for attending a church that believes in Biblical marriage.
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Three Christian Men Imprisoned in Iran Are Miraculously Set Free – 12/7/2016
Three Christians who spent months in one of the worst prisons in the world are now free. “The circumstances in the prison were very difficult so to stop it from affecting me emotionally and physically, I started praying, even singing aloud and the guards didn’t stop me!” Earlier this year, Iranian authorities arrested the men for allegedly conducting missionary activity.
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