Kingdom Springing Forth

Kingdom of God Spring on Earth as it is In Heaven

Garden of Eden Restored from Heaven
On Earth As It Is In Heaven

In The Home and The Worship Gathering
Worshiping in His Presence Changes Us

Kingdom Glory

A New Morning of His Glory is Dawning
CfaN Christ for all Nations –
Ministry of Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda


Kingdom Transformation – From Religion To Relationship

In God’s presence we are changed by His love.

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians  1:27).

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33).

For the kingdom of God is
not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17).


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A weekly email free publication of Newsdigest-thumnail & Views of what God is doing worldwide and Kingdom Prophetic Articles written and selected to give you the heart of what God is doing and saying.

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By Ron McGatlin and OTHERS


“The Atmosphere Is Changing” – Jane Hamon

“The Atmosphere Is Changing” – Jane Hamon

What I saw in the spirit was that this dust was like the toxic spiritual atmosphere over America at this time. I saw the dust choking out the breath of God from the Ekklesia. It was making it difficult to breathe and release life or declare what God was saying, additionally causing fatigue and disengagement. The toxic dust was filling the ears, keeping people from hearing the word of the Lord. It was burning the eyes, keeping people from being able to see clearly what is ahead. Praise, Pray, and Prophesy!…

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“God Is Flipping the Script! From Sifting to Shifting” – Jenn Nestler

“God Is Flipping the Script! From Sifting to Shifting” – Jenn Nestler

I hear the sound of thunder as God’s wild lovers rise. I see the earth quaking open at the sound of their praise. I hear the violent roar of freedom exploding from deep within these wild lovers. I see the sword of truth propelling out of their mouths, delivering a death blow to cycles of dysfunction and generational bondages. I hear ecstatic praise rising from those who have had their mouths clamped shut by the enemy! I see the scepter of the Lord passing over, like a winnowing fork, sifting hearts and motives. God is unraveling generational chords of dysfunction that have wrapped around your purpose like a noose. He is “rewiring” your thinking patterns to truth and cutting off the life source of lies. He’s exposing and…

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GOD IS LOVE! Love invading hearts and lives in the deep darkness of culture is a burning light igniting explosions of love, destroying the darkness of death with the glorious light of love. Christ Jesus, Son of Love, is exploding into the world in the hearts of this generation of change! True life in love with God is replacing the darkened culture with the culture of heaven. The past culture is smoke and ashes, and ahead is a living garden. The sons of God, supernaturally empowered by love, righteousness, peace, and joy, are more than conquerors dissolving the darkness of death with the Light of Life…

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“A Soon and Coming Revolt of the Sheep” – Wanda Alger

“A Soon and Coming Revolt of the Sheep” – Wanda Alger

As a collective we’ve been fed news that is false. We’ve been told stories that are fabricated. We’ve been led to believe lies and half-truths about our national condition, and yet many still follow the prescribed narrative. But it can change for those with the courage to break free. Through a parable in the night, an invitation is being given to those who dare rise up in faith and open their eyes to see beyond the natural order.

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We have been redesigned as a “new creation” to function Spiritually beyond the partition that Christ’s sacrifice “rent in twain” We are being remade into Christ’s image, “conformed” so that we interact with God “as He is” in order to experience the “so are we” which eventually will become “face to face” Our redesign as a “new creation” enables us to actually participate with God: functioning in, by and through His very own Spirit…

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Former Trans Kids Warn Others – ‘Don’t Do It!’

Former Trans Kids Warn Others – ‘Don’t Do It!’

“They were told that the reason that they didn’t feel comfortable at school, the reason they didn’t have a lot of friends, the reason that they didn’t feel special is because they weren’t in the right body. And that if they got into this right body that all of their problems would disappear, and they would feel happy and content and fulfilled. And of course, this is a lie,” Olohan told CBN News.

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The world’s people are confused by conflicting worldviews and mindsets of opposing political and religious power groups seeking to rule the nations and the world. Nations, cities, and families are deeply divided by the words and thoughts of twisted, inflamed rhetoric inspired by demonic powers in fallen mankind without God. WHERE IS GOD IN THIS? God is not on either side of this current World War of “left” and “right” – God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment…

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“Trials That Transform” Elaine Tavolacci

“Trials That Transform” Elaine Tavolacci

Many of you have proven yourselves faithful through very difficult times, and have learned how to triumph over every obstacle in your path. You have allowed the Lord to strengthen you, and you have persevered through horrendous storms; but now it seems as if the enemy has returned with a vengeance and is waging a relentless battle to discredit your testimony.

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“A Nehemiah Anointing & a Great Acceleration” Andrew Towe

“A Nehemiah Anointing & a Great Acceleration” Andrew Towe

I heard the Lord declare, “I am restoring lost time to you.”

His words reminded me of a flight I caught recently. After an exhausting weekend of ministry, I hurried through the airport to the gate of departure. Just as I sat down, the gate agent announced a delay. I took the opportunity to grab a snack, preparing for what I thought would not be a long wait. However, to my surprise, another announcement came, extending the delay yet again. Frustration began to mount among the passengers, myself included. Then, a third announcement confirmed that our flight was still delayed, and people started crowding the gate agents, inquiring about new departure times and their connecting flights.

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Experiencing Kingdom
Selected Books and Articles



Wow! This is one of those times! When I asked God what he wanted to say to His people in this article, He first gave me the title only. To put it mildly, I was astonished. He did not elaborate further at that time. I was not ready to ask Him for more because it seemed too big and too awesome to hear suddenly. I felt that I needed some time and space just to be ready to hear. I know if I hear, I must move with it as he leads and that can have major repercussions in my life and relationships. He said THE SPARK, and not “a spark” and He said ignite THE WORLD not a part or portion…

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Can there be truly spiritual family love experiences of gatherings with Christ Jesus as Head in this world today? The restoration of apostles and apostolic kingdom networks and gatherings are important areas of concern that are in the process of being understood. The natural minds of most people immediately erroneously consider networks to imply structure and organization. The term apostolic is erroneously construed as an office of authority within the church system. Major restructuring of the order of God on earth from heaven…

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What does the big shift look like? God’s goal for the ministry of the church. The love of Christ flowing from a pure heart is the most powerful world-changing force. The primary goal is not a bigger group, more activities or better services, it is not even benevolent acts, nor greater prosperity, and not even more and better evangelism, neither is it healing or emotional healing and deliverance. All of these and more are the results of the goal of the “ekklesia” (assembly of called out ones). The goal is Christ formed by the Holy Spirit in a people becoming His character and His nature in the world producing the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

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In this current season, God is revealing more about Himself, His heaven, and creation. The deeper revealing of Spirit reality is correcting and expanding man’s view of what the Bible is really saying about the “end times.” God’s universal laws, regarding the workings of Spirit and natural or physical creation, never change. However, our view of the things of God continues to be adjusted, especially in this latter portion of the “end of the age” and in the beginning portion of the next age.

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God’s Big Story VIDEO – Joseph Mattera

God’s Big Story VIDEO – Joseph Mattera This is one of the most precise and accurately scriptural overview presentations of the real kingdom of God that I have every viewed. If you desire some clarification of the biblical reality of the kingdom of God in your life and the world...

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The Message of the Kingdom – By Wade E Taylor

Jesus began His ministry with these words: “…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent you, and believe the Gospel.” Mark 1:15 His next words were to two fishermen, while they were working at their trade. “And Jesus said to them, Come you after...

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The Sound of Transformation – Ron McGatlin

In the 90's, I spent over a year alone in my log cabin in the piney woods area of East Texas. The Lord was with me in a very personal way and was my only constant companion. About sunrise most mornings I walked the short distance from my cabin to what I called my...

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Church In The Kingdom Age – By Ron McGatlin

The greatest and most glorious expression of church is the soon coming Bride of Christ, New Jerusalem, kingdom age church. The major shift from the "church or man emphasis age church" to the "kingdom or God emphasis age church" is perhaps the most exciting event since...

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"Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Mtt 6:10 The Scriptures promise a golden era of human history. An era when the kingdom comes to earth - when all men will live in peace and justice. Despite the marring of sin, man (male and female),...

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Heaven’s Deepest River – Ron McGatlin Written in 2002

We have entered the time of transition to the kingdom of God. God is sending forth His sons empowered from heaven to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Many are having supernatural encounters with God today! - Encounters for empowerment to establish...

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One high school student leads 895 to Christ at his school

Abraham Aguilar was a backslidden pothead when he attended the Potter’s House Church in Palmdale, California, and felt God impress on his heart: It’s either now or never. As a result of Abraham’s simple decision to receive Jesus at the altar, he has turned into an evangelizing machine…

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Former Trans Kids Warn Others – ‘Don’t Do It!’

“They were told that the reason that they didn’t feel comfortable at school, the reason they didn’t have a lot of friends, the reason that they didn’t feel special is because they weren’t in the right body. And that if they got into this right body that all of their problems would disappear, and they would feel happy and content and fulfilled. And of course, this is a lie,” Olohan told CBN News.

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Iran’s Jesus Revolution: Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ

Amid talk of a broader war in the Middle East, there is also news that a Jesus Revolution may be underway. An unprecedented number of Muslims are choosing to follow Christ, especially in Iran as people search for a better life. Iranians are growing tired of the ayatollahs and a nation led by the empty promises of their Islamic theocracy. An anonymous internal poll found that 80% now prefer a democratic government, and many are leaving Islam.

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Terrorists kill 200 in Burkina Faso; students flee to Christian school

Burkina Faso (MNN) — On Saturday in central Burkina Faso, an al Qaeda terrorist branch called the Group for Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM) attacked and killed 200 people. Civilians and a local militia group fought back against the coordinated attack but were overrun. Reports indicate most of those killed were civilians, including some women and children. Attacks by JNIM are part of the Muslim extremist push to exert control in Burkina Faso and West Africa. With growing instability in the region, jihadists have been siphoning into Burkina Faso from both the north and east.

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Summer of Hope ends, but new lives are just beginning

USA (MNN) — The girl told Amy, “She lost 12 people in less than a year, half of them to suicide, and she saw them all die. Her grandmother and her brother are all she has left,” “Her brother is suicidal. She said if he commits suicide, she will too.” she gave her life to Jesus that night.”

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Election unrest continues in Venezuela

Venezuela (MNN) — Venezuela’s disputed presidential election has made daily travel dangerous as demonstrators take the streets. Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner on July 28 for his third six-year term. Then, the opposition party called foul.

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5 days ago
Ron McGatlin

Any action outside of love is out of order, and the whole creation is affected by it to some degree. ... See MoreSee Less

5 days ago
Ron McGatlin

All things from God, whether seen or unseen, were created in perfect order to work together in the harmony of love. ... See MoreSee Less

1 month ago
Ron McGatlin


Aug 9, 2024 | Archived Articles, Articles, Recent Articles
AWIS Brown

August 3 2024


I was reading the book of Isaiah 64:1 where the prophet Isaiah cried out to The Lord in desperation, saying, “Oh that thou would rend the heavens and come down.” The Passion translation says in Isaiah 64:1-2 TPT “Oh, if only you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would tremble at your presence. Then the mountains would quake and the hills would melt before you.”

As I was reading this I heard The Holy Spirit say, “I am about to visit My People once again. Their cries have been heard and they are about to experience the Open Heavens that they’ve longed for. I am about to release My Glory across this Nation and around the world. Many will begin to experience extraordinary encounters in their personal lives and ministries.

Some of you may be thinking, but in the natural there are wars and rumors of wars. Yes, darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.” It’s imperative that you keep your focus on Jesus at all times. Don’t be moved by evil reports. Be led by the Holy Spirit in these trying times. Come up to a higher place above the turbulence and turmoil.

Even though circumstances in the natural world seem to be against you, remain steadfast and stand on the promises of the Word of God. A spiritual awakening is underway, and many of you are discerning the intense battle raging in the heavenly realm. This is not just your imagination. It’s a real confrontation between the forces of darkness and the forces of light.

Some of you will begin to receive visitations and revelations such as Paul experienced when he said that he didn’t know if he was in his body or out of his body.”

He said in 2 Corinthians 12:1 TPT, “I must boast, but it doesn’t do me any good. Let me tell you about the visions I’ve had and the revelations I’ve received from the Lord.”

Then The Lord brought me to the story when Jesus was water baptized by John. You could find it in all four gospels.

Matthew 3:16-17

When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Everywhere that Jesus went after the Holy Spirit came upon Him, He experienced an Open Heaven. He touched and fed multitudes supernaturally, healed the sick and raised the dead. He has given us the same Authority, Power and Anointing to walk and live under an Open Heaven. The same Holy Spirit has come upon us.

That word “opened” is anoigō which is the same word that was used when Jesus died and the temple veil was torn in two. It is the same word that was used in Acts 16:26 when the prison doors were opened and Paul and Silas were set free. It’s the same word in John 9:17 where the blind mans eyes were opened. There is an open heaven available to you, but you have to contend for it. The forces of hell don’t want you to discover it.

The Lord is showing me that some of you are looking back to mighty revivals of the past and asking Him to resurrect them, but The Holy Spirit is saying that He is no longer there — but He’s coming with something new! When Jesus was raised from the dead, the Angel went to the woman at the tomb and said, “He’s not here, He is risen.”

In the same way, we need to seek the risen Jesus who is going to send a fresh revival which may be unfamiliar to us, and appear different from the past revivals. He’s raising up a new generation who knows how to touch Heaven and create portals to access the heavenly realms. He’s raising up new generals and a new body of believers whom the gates of hell will not prevail against. They will overcome and annihilate every evil assault that comes against them.

Many will begin to have angelic encounters as they seek the living Jesus from among the dead. It is time to raise your vision higher. Jesus is looking for those who will demonstrate His Kingdom on this earth as it is in heaven with Miracles, Signs and Wonders following. He is calling us to a higher level of fasting, praying and seeking His face in the Secret Place. This is the place where He will equip and empower us.

Some of you have grown weary from the journey. But the Lord will meet you where you are, and ignite all the sacrifice’s that you’ve made to Him. He will rekindle your faith once again and you will find the strength to pursue the vision that He’s given to you. You will run with the horses once again, and finish the race that is set before you, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith.

Mark 1:9-11

“One day, Jesus came from the Galilean village of Nazareth and had John immerse him in the Jordan River. The moment Jesus rose up out of the water, John saw the heavenly realm split open, and The Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove. At the same time, a voice spoke from heaven, saying: “You are my Son, my cherished one, and my greatest delight is in you!”

Elaine Tavolacci
PO Box 60414
Staten Island New York 10306
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5 months ago
Ron McGatlin


In God’s design, we are all created as individuals different from all others for specific purposes.

Each of us is unique by design and was never meant to all think or believe exactly alike. Though we may agree in Spirit, when examined to the core there are distinct differences in each of our hearts. This is God’s order of design to carry out our purpose or part in His kingdom in this life.

“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.” 1 Corinthians 12: 4-8.

“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many.” 1 Corinthians 12:12-14.

God has provided for all needs of mankind and all things in His creation on Planet Earth. He also provides in mankind the ability to administer and care for all things as His agents for oversight or dominion.

God is concerned for all parts of mankind’s life on earth, whether spirit, soul, or body. The same Holy Spirit Guides us in all fields of service and supply to meet the needs of mankind and the world around us.

Father God by the Holy Spirit uses different languages, melodies, rhythms, tones, and terms of speech to communicate truth with different empathies to speak to the unique purpose or calling of the individual.


All the thinking of natural unredeemed mankind is without the Holy Spirit and void of spiritual understanding and must interpret everything heard or seen only intellectually or with the influence of spirits of darkness.

“These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:13-14.

The mind of man without the Holy Spirit tends to think and believe that their interpretation is always right. If they knew it was not right and something else was right then they would change and believe that, and then they are again right in their own limited thinking.

Similarly, all religious systems and denominations believe they are right, and if you believe differently, they believe you need to be taught. Religious systems that are not truly led by the Holy Spirit will also lean toward the human mind’s intellectual interpretations, along with the influence of spirits of darkness. (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

This all leads to great division, separation, turmoil, and confusion. There is no natural human solution to this morbid condition of the world. The greatest natural minds and the most powerful artificial intelligence can never fix the world’s situation. All human efforts to fix it will only worsen it. It is like the old saying of putting the fox in charge of the hen house.


The greatest news ever is before us today. Over two thousand years the solution to the world’s issues was provided in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, Messiah, Lord, Savior, and King of the world.

For the past two millennia, Father God has been working on mankind to establish a people in Christ and Christ in them to release the full power and wisdom of Father God’s unchallenged rule of LOVE on earth as it is in heaven.

In this season there is for the first time a strong and increasing remnant of seed people abandoning the traditions of lukewarm religious systems and truly falling in love with God and seeking His kingdom now in this life. The kingdom of God is within His people affecting the world around them. The manifested presence of God is stirring the love of God in and around them changing the atmosphere to be as in heaven on earth.

Through the in-love relationship with God, wisdom enables the people of His kingdom to discern that which is really of God and that which is not. His guidance through the Holy Spirit provides specific strategies to navigate the situations of life in the world.


Many systems of life generated by mankind without the guidance of the Holy Spirit are unsound at the core and are not repairable. These must be reduced to ashes and new systems and ways of life from God raised up to bring forth the order of God as it is in heaven on earth.

Every person involved in life as it has been now at this time still has the opportunity to turn away from the past way of ungodly life without the Love and Wisdom of God. Even those who are called by His name but are yet entrapped in the old systems can now turn from the old ways to the pure love and guidance of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

Many will turn as they see the love life of God manifested in and with the remnant who are overcome and transformed by the all-consuming fire of the love of God. This is the great harvest.

Those who are truly saved but not willing to make the change will be taken to heaven prematurely.

No one will remain alive on earth who opposes the love and rule of God in and with His people. Nothing that man has built that is not of God will remain.


Spirit Jesus is discerning and dividing the sheep and the goats. The sheep are those who have been in love with God and served Him by serving His people in whom Jesus lives. The true body of Christ Jesus on earth now.

The goats are the nations of people who are not in love with God and did not serve Jesus by serving His people.

The sheep enter the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven and the goats are sent to perdition. (Matthew 25:31-46).

The new world is the kingdom of God on earth, the Garden of Eden lifestyle and order. The manifested Spirit Christ and Spirit Father God dwelling with mankind without the hindrances or damages of sin and death.

Natural mankind will be as one with God. There will no longer be a great transition or separation between the Spirit realm and the natural realm.

It is becoming as it was with Adam and Eve in the original Garden of Eden. They walked and spoke with God with no separation and no special preparation for entering the Spirit realm. The Spirit and the natural realms were one to them.

However, when sin entered, they were afraid of God and hid themselves. Then subsequently they were put out of the Garden and separated from the Spirit realm to abide only in the natural realm.

Now after two millennia of the provision for the restoration of the two realms as one, this is being revealed and believed by the remnant seed that are becoming one in love with God in Spirit and Truth.

Mankind is now entering the reality of walking in the Spirit realm with God as we are beginning to grasp the reality of “LIVE IN THE SPIRIT AND WALK IN THE SPIRIT.”

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25.

Ron McGatlin
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In God’s design, we are all created as individuals different from all others for specific purposes.

Each of us is unique by design and was never meant to all think or believe exactly alike. Though we may agree in Spirit, when examined to the core there are distinct differences in each of our hearts. This is God’s order of design to carry out our purpose or part in His kingdom in this life.

“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.” 1 Corinthians 12: 4-8.

“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many.” 1 Corinthians 12:12-14.

God has provided for all needs of mankind and all things in His creation on Planet Earth. He also provides in mankind the ability to administer and care for all things as His agents for oversight or dominion.

God is concerned for all parts of mankind’s life on earth, whether spirit, soul, or body. The same Holy Spirit Guides us in all fields of service and supply to meet the needs of mankind and the world around us.   

Father God by the Holy Spirit uses different languages, melodies, rhythms, tones, and terms of speech to communicate truth with different empathies to speak to the unique purpose or calling of the individual.


All the thinking of natural unredeemed mankind is without the Holy Spirit and void of spiritual understanding and must interpret everything heard or seen only intellectually or with the influence of spirits of darkness.

“These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:13-14.

The mind of man without the Holy Spirit tends to think and believe that their interpretation is always right. If they knew it was not right and something else was right then they would change and believe that, and then they are again right in their own limited thinking.

Similarly, all religious systems and denominations believe they are right, and if you believe differently, they believe you need to be taught. Religious systems that are not truly led by the Holy Spirit will also lean toward the human mind’s intellectual interpretations, along with the influence of spirits of darkness. (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

This all leads to great division, separation, turmoil, and confusion. There is no natural human solution to this morbid condition of the world. The greatest natural minds and the most powerful artificial intelligence can never fix the world’s situation. All human efforts to fix it will only worsen it. It is like the old saying of putting the fox in charge of the hen house.


The greatest news ever is before us today. Over two thousand years the solution to the world’s issues was provided in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, Messiah, Lord, Savior, and King of the world.

For the past two millennia, Father God has been working on mankind to establish a people in Christ and Christ in them to release the full power and wisdom of Father God’s unchallenged rule of LOVE on earth as it is in heaven.

In this season there is for the first time a strong and increasing remnant of seed people abandoning the traditions of lukewarm religious systems and truly falling in love with God and seeking His kingdom now in this life. The kingdom of God is within His people affecting the world around them. The manifested presence of God is stirring the love of God in and around them changing the atmosphere to be as in heaven on earth.

Through the in-love relationship with God, wisdom enables the people of His kingdom to discern that which is really of God and that which is not. His guidance through the Holy Spirit provides specific strategies to navigate the situations of life in the world.


Many systems of life generated by mankind without the guidance of the Holy Spirit are unsound at the core and are not repairable. These must be reduced to ashes and new systems and ways of life from God raised up to bring forth the order of God as it is in heaven on earth.

Every person involved in life as it has been now at this time still has the opportunity to turn away from the past way of ungodly life without the Love and Wisdom of God. Even those who are called by His name but are yet entrapped in the old systems can now turn from the old ways to the pure love and guidance of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

Many will turn as they see the love life of God manifested in and with the remnant who are overcome and transformed by the all-consuming fire of the love of God. This is the great harvest.

Those who are truly saved but not willing to make the change will be taken to heaven prematurely.

No one will remain alive on earth who opposes the love and rule of God in and with His people. Nothing that man has built that is not of God will remain.


Spirit Jesus is discerning and dividing the sheep and the goats. The sheep are those who have been in love with God and served Him by serving His people in whom Jesus lives. The true body of Christ Jesus on earth now.

The goats are the nations of people who are not in love with God and did not serve Jesus by serving His people.

The sheep enter the fullness of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven and the goats are sent to perdition. (Matthew 25:31-46).

The new world is the kingdom of God on earth, the Garden of Eden lifestyle and order. The manifested Spirit Christ and Spirit Father God dwelling with mankind without the hindrances or damages of sin and death.

Natural mankind will be as one with God. There will no longer be a great transition or separation between the Spirit realm and the natural realm.

It is becoming as it was with Adam and Eve in the original Garden of Eden. They walked and spoke with God with no separation and no special preparation for entering the Spirit realm. The Spirit and the natural realms were one to them.

However, when sin entered, they were afraid of God and hid themselves. Then subsequently they were put out of the Garden and separated from the Spirit realm to abide only in the natural realm.

Now after two millennia of the provision for the restoration of the two realms as one, this is being revealed and believed by the remnant seed that are becoming one in love with God in Spirit and Truth.

Mankind is now entering the reality of walking in the Spirit realm with God as we are beginning to grasp the reality of “LIVE IN THE SPIRIT AND WALK IN THE SPIRIT.”

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25.

Ron McGatlin
9 months ago
Ron McGatlin

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