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  • #21623
    Yolanda Ballard


    May 25, 2021

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    “Determine in your heart this day whom you will serve!

    Will it be the desires of your own heart, or will you seek My Face to see what I have for you to do?

    Many go off without ever asking Me if it is My Will to do what they plan on doing. It is important that you break that habit of independent life style and seek My Face and wait upon Me.

    I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The only way to The Father and Salvation is through Me, but if you continue to go forward on your own, you will miss My Perfect Will for your life.

    You will go through trials needlessly, because I allow them to get you to seek Me and to humble yourself before Me.

    This is the day of the great falling away, because many deceive themselves thinking they are following Me and they aren’t.

    You either follow after Me, or you follow the enemy’s devices and schemes to sidetrack you.

    Many are engaged in things they shouldn’t be. They might look innocent but they are dangerous just because they eat up your time that you should be spending with Me.

    Examine your heart why you have lost desire to seek My Face, to commune with Me, and to wait upon Me.

    I long to have you back in My Arms where you love My Presence. Return to your first love when you were excited to say My Name, and to meet with Me, and to see what I will do through you.

    Love Me with all your mind, soul, and spirit and love others as you love yourself. Many do not even have love for themselves. How can they love others?

    Wait upon Me and I will do that deeper work that you desperately need. All hindrances will be dissolved; all obstacles will be taken away when your heart is set upon Me.”


    Steven Bliss

    I choose you, my Father and protector.

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