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  • #24320
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    To the Prodigal:

    You may say, “Take me home. Take me to the place where I once belonged; the place where I laid my head down to rest; the place where I had food to eat; the place where I was a part of and loved.”

    But was it really a place where I was truly “at home” and loved with God’s unconditional love?

    But was it, that it appeared that I would be loved if I only measured up?

    Many were not reared up in a place that was a home, based on God’s love.

    It was a place where many were hurt deeply and deprived of the nurture and admonition of The LORD, and when they came of age, even immature in that, they left, seeking that which they were deprived in places they were never meant to go, but they were seeking to fill the void of God’s Love, and to medicate it, or to numb over that deep hurt of deprivation.

    Open up your heart and allow The LORD Jesus in. He has what you need.

    And to the spiritual mothers and fathers, open your hearts, to allow the Prodigal in with all their hurts and flaws, and allow the King of Glory to enter in, to heal and restore.

    The LORD’s Mission is to turn the hearts of The Fathers to the sons and to turn the hearts of the sons to the fathers.

    This is the day of restoration in the heart of God, even of the Bride to the Bridegroom. Many have the heart of the Prodigal, wounded and wayward, wandering from one home or house of God to another, looking and seeking that Love they never found, but are unable to receive, because of their fortress or prison they built around themselves, a hard heart.

    Be sensitive to the “hard cases,” for those are the ones God seeks to use in the last days. They are the ones He will heal and restore and use in mighty ways.

    Be healed, mighty warrior, for the battle is The LORD’s!



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