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  • #19927
    Yolanda Ballard

    The Taste of His Presence — A Call To Draw Near

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    October 31, 2020

    “Taste and see that The LORD is good.  Blessed is the man that trusts in Him and makes his abode in Him,”   Psalm 34:8.

    “The one and only thing that can make a man truly alive is to have Me live My life through him.

    My Will being done through a life brings the greatest fulfillment and satisfaction.

    Once a person comes to that place of total dependence upon The LORD, they come to the place of total protection and power over their life.

    I give them the Power and Authority to bind the enemy’s plans from happening and to loose the plan of The LORD.

    The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come to bring an abundance of life, health and happiness.  You are to prosper and have success and fulfillment in every area of your life.

    Yes, taste and see that I AM good.  You can only do this if you spend time with Me.  The more time you spend the more of My Presence you shall have.

    It will come to the place where you will walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day.  Those who dwell in The Secret Place of The Most High, shall abide under My shadow.  That shows how close you can be.

    You are hidden in Me from the enemy if you draw close to Me as a way of life, not only when there are hardships, but to where it is a delight to you to dwell and worship Me in My Holy Presence.

    See you need to delight in who I AM.  I AM a Holy God and those who draw near to My Holy Presence will die out to that which is not of Me.

    You will lose interest to those things of the world.  Your fulfillment will be in putting My Plans and Purposes first to promote My Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.

    So if you want the greatest fulfillment in your life, draw close and taste of Me, for I AM good and I have the greatest of blessings to pour out upon you over every area of your life.”





    Clu Monroe

    Lovely. Thank you Yolanda.

    Steven Bliss

    Yes…. thanks for sharing this.

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