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  • #10843
    Yolanda Ballard

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    I saw an article with pictures showing a mountain lion resting peacefully in a woman’s home on her couch after reading part of the article immediately I discerned that this was not of God and He would not even allow me to read all of it what that lady was saying. She was moving in witchcraft and accepting her methods is partaking of the occult and needs to be renounced and cast Satan out. This is so demonic.

    I just came off a fast and my flags went up! I am so grieved at how the church has lost discernment rubbing shoulders with the enemy and accepting his nasty tactics to snare the church. Just because you might see good come out of his methods of healing, etc., it is an open door to great oppression in one’s life resulting in apostasy falling away from God.

    I’ve seen people looking at their palms examining lifelines waiting in line to go get prayer! I’ve seen people say there is such a thing as holy yoga. You cannot mix light with darkness, the kingdom of God with Satan. People are justifying too many things especially with holidays overlooking the root and meaning of most of them saying since they are believers filled with the Holy Spirit it is OK. Right after I got born again and filled with His spirit the Lord showed me to not partake of Christmas any more and that was over forty years ago!

    Many have gone back doing the things God delivered them of because of sloppy grace messages begin drinking, living in sin, partying like the world and thinking they are now ok with God. But God will let you return to your vomit if that is what you choose. Many talk themselves to believe it is all right to commit adultery saying God is allowing it.

    Yes, He will allow you to sin if that is what you want to do! There are those who say it is all right to mix Christianity with Islam, and that all religions should join together even if they are idolatry religions. God, have mercy, wake up the church to truth and help them return to you before it is too late!

    As I looked back over the 40 years walking with God I have seen many times I fell into deception. There were times I was so intoxicated with what I thought was God’s spirit that I lost good judgment just like if you were on alcohol. I’ve experienced a great shift in the atmosphere that was pure demonic. I’ve seen many false signs and wonders appearing to be the glory of God. I’ve seen counterfeit glory conjured up by those leading conferences where at the time I thought it was true.

    I experienced what many called of God to open me up to what the Satanists use to have sexual encounters with their gods. Yes, and they say it is worship music that brings healing! I spoke out about this and was accused of blasphemy the Holy Spirit and coming against the anointed. I separated myself from a popular church leader that I used to post my writings through them.

    I’ve experienced a lot since I came to know the Lord that would blow your mind how easy people fall into deception and follow the leader into gross sin! Yes, even having sex with all the women in the church! God preserves His bride. I might have been the only one not snared in this, but I saw it and experienced part of it.

    The church is no longer a safe ground like when I first got saved I used to go feeling it was a refuge from the storm. I stayed alone but when I started getting close to the people I saw the backbiting, the gossip, the counterfeit acting one way for some and another in their true life, hypocrisy, religion. I never experienced any of that in the world. I learned how to gossip in the church.

    Yes, these are facts and there are a true bride, a remnant that has remained holy choosing God over their own flesh and are partaking of the fruit of His resurrection power. And there is also the counterfeit church leading many into the hands of the enemy and we must be discerning for these are evil days.

    I would not submit this post to many sites because many choose only to post what is acceptable or politically correct. Anything offensive to some would not be accepted. To speak the truth in love can only be accepted by a few for many are called but few are chosen to walk the narrow road, which brings the power and might and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I rather stay unpopular and have all that instead of being in the limelight lifted up like a god.

    I tell you right now to be ready for the worse persecution that will come from members of the church. There will be false and true prophets warring against each other and God will vindicate His! The war zone is in religion and it has crept into those who are even spirit filled believers. God said that even the elect would be deceived if He tarried His return too long!!!

    Cry out for great grace and mercy that we will stand strong in truth for truth is part of our armor!!! Truth is what separates us from the world and gives us the authority over the evil one!!! To have His authority we must be under His authority!


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