Intercession: A Love That Prays!

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    “God appreciates people who pray fervently for other people facing trials. Why does God command intercessory prayer, and how does He want us to do it?” – Mike Bennett

    Intercession: A Love That Prays:

    God gives us instructions to pray for others in several places in the Bible. The apostle James tells us to “pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16).

    The apostle Paul encourages us to intercede for Church members and ministers, “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—and for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains” (Ephesians 6:18-20).

    To pray for someone’s need is to me the greatest honor given to you by that person and the Lord. First, it means that God trust you to pray for someone Second, a precious child of God trusts you to pray for them.

    One of the fruits of pure holy love is to be able bear one another’s burdens. God’s love has at its essence the mutual love and care for each other. Jesus said, “no greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

    I Am Not My Own: The Price Of Intercession:

    Intercessory prayers are one way of truly laying your life down for the Lord and those who ask for prayer. Intercessors realize they are not their own, but their house (spiritual life) has become a house of prayer for the nations.

    Intercession involves identification with the pure love of God with the pure true need of man. It is critical to seek the Lord until he births his love in us for those we pray for and lead us in prayer. When the Spirit of Jesus leads intercession, it works perfectly and answered prayers come forth speedily.

    Too often we pray for others by our eye sight and human judgments and standards and by our natural senses of what we see. This makes our prayers powerless and we get nothing from God. If we are truly the Lord’s, we give up the right to our life to Him, and we trust Him to make us broken bread and poured out wine as Oswald Chambers writes.

    True intercession is birthed from the deep love of the Holy Spirit. He is the only one that knows what the true needs of people are.When we don’t know what to pray Romans 8 tells us the Spirit himself will pray through us with groaning and utterances that are unspeakable. For He is the only one that can search the deep things of man and the deep things of God.

    The Holy Spirit is given to us to pray through us and help us to pray correctly and get the answers the person needs now. He connects us to Jesus our High Priest who is ever living to make intercession for us.

    Jesus Our Faithful High Priest:

    Since our high priest Jesus was tempted in every point as we were he has the power to draw us to him and release the answer that person needs through us. Because he took on a human dirt body he can pray to the Father and release to us exactly what we need to overcome and win as he did. The Holy Spirit is the go between us and Jesus communicating the heavenly prayer need of man to the presence of the Father.

    Intercession releases the dialogue of heaven in us on earth as it is in heaven. True intercession touches God’s heart to provide the answer to the one in need. Intercession looses on earth that which is loosed in heaven. True intercessors love to pray. They are never frightened away by the size or scope of a person needs, a family need, a city or nation need. Why, because the pure holy love of God is in them for those in need.

    Intercession is an honor from God to join with him in His love for those who need answers from God.

    Why Does God Want Us To Pray For Others:

    Today, there is lie in the body of Christ, that we can’t ask anyone to pray for us, and we need to just go to God ourselves. That is spiritual nonsense! The word of God tells us to pray for others.

    Paul exhorts us “that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2:1-2, emphasis added throughout).

    Jesus Christ even commanded, “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44, emphasis added).

    Why does God want us to pray for others? Because intercessory prayer reflects God’s own character of outgoing love and mercy to those in need. God wants us to think like He does, and praying for others helps us to think beyond ourselves and to grow in the spirit to have true compassion for others.

    When we refuse to pray for someone who comes to us for prayer are we truly walking in the love of God?

    Beware Of Being Isolated:

    Beloved, we are now in a moment when God is arranging the body parts to connect with others and that can be messy. Do we really love God as much as we say we do, if prayer becomes a burden to us? Do we really love God as much as we say we do, when we won’t bear each other’s burdens in prayer?

    Being alone with God is wonderful and necessity, but there are some pitfalls we must watch as God desires the body parts to come together. He desires each part supplying what the other needs.

    Thing about this, what does the Bible say Jesus is doing right now? Hebrews 7:25 says, “And he is, by virtue of this fact, himself the living guarantee of a “better” agreement. Human High Priests have always been changing, for death made a permanent appointment impossible.

    But Christ, because he lives forever, possesses a priesthood that needs no successor. This means that he can save fully and completely those who approach God through him, for he is always living to intercede on their behalf.”

    God compares intercessory prayer with sweet-smelling incense that pleases Him (Revelation 5:8). Being alone with the Lord has wonderful benefits but it can also produce a hidden pride of “well I know Jesus” and all you have to do is get to Jesus himself and he will do everything for you.

    There is truth to that, but not the whole truth. God is building a spiritual house, a house of living stones interconnected in love each supplying what the other needs. Intercession help us to become knitted together in love in ways nothing else ever could. Intercession filled with holy love is the power of God manifested in his people to change the earth.

    Peter writes we are living stones for a reason. Because stones are placed right next to each other and top of each other to build a house of prayer for the Lord. “If my house, my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. 2nd Chronicles 7:14

    I am afraid because some have been alone with the Lord for so long that they may have forgotten his love we are to have for each part of the body. The Lord desires to demonstrate that love through you in intercession for each person’s prayer needs. Love is Intercession and intercession is love.

    By The Love You Have One For The Other:

    Jesus said, the world is going to know we are his disciples, “not by how much alone time we spent with God, not on how much victory we have,” but by one thing. THE LOVE WE HAVE FOR EACH OTHER! Jesus said, “no greater love than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.”John 15:13

    That is why intercession is a divine honor from the Lord. Jesus now has the honor as our Faithful High Priest to help us and release to us on earth what we need from heaven. When a person saved or unsaved comes to us for prayer, how do we see them?

    Can Jesus work in us to see that person as he does, or are we repelled by that person’s needs? Do we look at them through human eyes or the Lord’s who is right now praying for them? Jesus is looking for someone He can pray through to release that answer from the Father that person needs.

    What a joy to see the Lord work through you in answering a prayer from someone truly in need.

    Testimony 1: A Healing Miracle

    The other day I got a call from a sister that her 99-year-old mom fell and broke her arm. She was going to need surgery to have pins and plates put in. They had a choice to do nothing and leave it like that, but her bone would be not mend straight, and she would lose use of her arm, or do surgery, which at her age was very dangerous.

    So three of us began to worship the Lord to seek his will and soon the presence of the Lord came and God gave me a word to speak to the daughter. The Lord said, “declare tomorrow over her the Lord’s will. The Lord says, “the doctors will say they won’t have to use anesthesia, but will be able to numb it.”

    The Lord says, she is not going to feel the pain of the surgery at all and will be back to normal speedily. The Lord said, “declare over her she will have full use of her arm.” That morning the daughter went into to pray over her mom and spoke those words.

    What did our God do? They did not give her anesthesia! The surgery was a success and she will have full use of her arm, and she felt no pain from the surgery or after. Praise the name of JESUS!!!

    Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

    That is what it means to bear one another burdens? That is what it means to stand in the gap as an intercessor and why praying for others is an honor.

    I could have said, well, tell your mom to have faith and get to God, He will meet her needs. i could have left saying “if they really knew God, they would not have to ask me for prayer.” That is the heart the Pharisee’s had and not the heart of God.

    When Cain was confronted by the Lord where Abel was, He said to the Lord, “Am I brother’s keeper?” In other words. “What does his welfare have to do with me? Beloved the answer to Cain was “Yes, you are your brother’s keeper, you are his family.“

    Yet, for some, praying for others is taken as a lack of their faith, or they find hidden motives of why someone asks for prayer. Yet Jesus said, “we are to pray without ceasing!” Pure Holy Love doesn’t turn a blind eye to someone’s need.

    The Good Samaritan is such an example of what the fruit of love does. The religious walked past the man in his trouble. The Good Samaritan not only helped but went the extra mile as if that man was his own family. Which one of the three who saw this man needs will be justified before the Lord? Just one, The Samaritan.

    Beloved intercessory prayer is the power of the Good Samaritan doing what He did for that bruised man in the Spirit. Intercessors don’t just pray for a minute. They don’t walk by people in need and say, God will help you seek him yourself. No, beloved the true Holy Spirit of Intercession does something. It prays for that person until God releases the answer.

    The intercessors themselves may be become part of that answer even in the natural to help as God leads, but they don’t quit asking, seeking and knocking until the door is opened and that answer is completed on earth.

    Who do you want praying for you? Someone who says, I’ll pray for you and says a flair prayer for you. Would you want someone to tell you that you don’t have enough faith and trust in God, and you should just trust God on your own?

    Or would you want someone filled with Jesus pure holy love that says, we will unite with you in prayer. We will stand with you and will pray until God answers? Most people would want someone to pray for them who knows God, how to reach Him, and loves them enough to pray until victory is won!

    What if the one who asks for prayer has a wrong motive, doesn’t God know? Can’t he speak to the intercessor on what to do and how to pray in spite of that? Is He not God Almighty?

    Jesus told us to love our enemies, pray for those who spitefully use you. Shouldn’t we love enough to pray for our brothers and sisters? Intercession and prayer for others is one major way God works His love through us for each other!

    Testimony 2: South Africa

    I have taught on prayer all over the country in large and small churches. I noticed that If a church has a guest speaker or special event 90 percent of the church will come, but when it comes to have a prayer meeting only 5% will come.

    God called us to go and minister in Johannesburg South Africa. The Pastor invited us to do meeting there. When we got there a very strange thing happened. He brought us to his office, talked to us and watched soccer on TV!

    I said, “Lord why are we here?” He said, wait upon me, I am working in this. A few hours later a man came in great need of finances he didn’t have a job. The Pastor just pointed to us to have us pray for him and then return to would watch soccer.

    That man who needed prayer dropped on his knees and said to me, “Man of God” please pray for me. So I dropped to my knees with him. I waited and listened for Jesus my high priest to interceded through me. After a few minutes, the Lord had me pray and speak and the man was in tears, it was God ministering to him. In two days he had a job. Praise God!

    Beloved, 10 minutes later someone else came, and we prayed and God met their need. They kept coming and coming all day while the Pastor watched soccer. This Pastor was quite wise, He knew why God sent us 13,000 miles. We saw miracle after miracle. Each person came and knelt before us and said, “man of God pray for us.”

    After two long days of people coming to have us pray for them, the Pastor called a prayer meeting at 9 am, 1 pm and 7 pm. He had about 200 people in the church. Beloved, how many people do you think came? 10-20?

    NO, 190 for each prayer time. Again, our team was so humbled by the Lord. They came to us for hours and said, Man of God, Woman of God pray for us. God healed bodies, he delivered people from evil spirits, but even greater the Holy Spirit fell and the Lord showed us to have them truly start praying for each other by waiting and listening to the Lord.

    God was there, we were all in tears. We saw miracle money be provided to the Pastor. We saw God give gum as an offering and the Pastor blessed it like a million dollars. The woman who gave the gum need a home. Within 5 days she had one! Another man need a job and he brought a case of soda as an offering. The Pastor blessed the offering and in the next day the man got a job.

    An Island Or A Living Sacrifice?

    Why does God want us to pray for others? Because intercessory prayer reflects God’s own character of outgoing love and mercy. God wants us to think like He does, and praying for others helps us to think beyond ourselves and to grow in compassion for others. We become living sacrifices for the Lord and poured out as drink offering for the people.

    The Bible gives many examples of people praying for others, and we can learn a lot by studying and meditating on these examples. Here are just a few:

    Abraham interceded for the people of Sodom for the sake of his nephew Lot (Genesis 18:23-33).

    Moses pleaded for God’s mercy for the sinning people of Israel (Exodus 32:9-14; Numbers 14:11-20).

    Daniel made supplication to God for his people (Daniel 9:3-19).</div>

    The apostle Peter prayed for Dorcas (Acts 9:36-41).</div>

    The apostle Paul prayed for the people he served (Romans 1:9-10; 10:1; Ephesians 1:15-19; Philippians 1:3-11; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13)

    Beloved, I pray tonight that God would raise up the true intercessors who will understand this great honor and great responsibility he has given us.

    Lord we have enough saints offering up flare prayers. A flare prayer is someone saying, I’ll pray for you brother, and then spend 2-5 minutes asking God to help that person. That is not true intercession, that is making a petition request to God in prayer.

    Intercession Is Hard Work and Sacrifice:

    Intercession requires hard work sometimes and long hours depending on the severity of the need. Intercessors will stay seeking and obeying the Lord until they get a release in the spirit that the answer is released no matter how long it takes.

    If we are not careful it may be easier for people to become hyper spiritual by staying alone and getting revelation from God but not useful for His kingdom purposes. It is possible to get great revelations about God, but never see His true needs in God’s people or be vessels God wants to flow through.

    When we can truly identify with the needs of God we will see the true needs of others who need prayer. We won’t miss his heart and love for others. That love in us will cause us to stand in the gap to pray for others as Jesus would.

    If my nearness to God takes me away from nearness and love for my brother as Jesus would, what have I gained. NOTHING! Would I be any better than the Pharisees who Jesus said “you search the scriptures diligently, yet you don’t me.” Jesus said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of these you have done on to me.” Matthew 25:40 Are not those with genuine prayer needs like the least of these?

    What do we do, tell them to be warm and fed, and then go into our prayer closet to worship our relationship with God? God forbid! Faith without works is dead. Intercession is the work of the Holy Spirit to transform people’s lives and the earth.

    Most people may be afraid to intercede because of what God may speak to them to do. Yes, true intercession involves not only your time but your life. You see, God may want to use you as part of the answer.

    God may speak to our heart to help be part of the answer. I teach this about intercession where ever I go, and you should see people’s faces! God truly can reveal the true motives of people’s heart through intercession.

    If you truly say you belong to the Lord fully, then is your life, your things, are your possessions really you own? To many people use “getting to God yourself” as an excuse to “keep their stuff!”

    I have seen it over and over again. They believe that those who ask for prayer may want “their stuff” and feel why should I help them? Jesus said, “no greater love then this, that a man lay his life down for his friend.”God is not asking us to be a “social service organization.”

    He is asking us to be His Ambassadors of love. Intercession is a true ambassador’s work where God has sent them. We just need to be open fully to the Lord to pray, intercede, and be ready to be part of the answer.

    In the world there is a saying I learned in management. You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution! When a need is presented to us we can be part of the problem by “human wisdom” and discern wrongly about someone and not pray for them, or we can be part of the solution by allowing God to use us as intercessors to be part of the solution in “Holy Spirit wisdom!”

    Beloved, not everyone who asks for prayer have pure motives. They may really ask for prayer and want you to help. SO WHAT! Should we throw the baby out with the bathwater? What would the Lord have us to do?

    True intercession on their behalf will allow God to show us what to do and how to pray for their real need as He sees it. It may not be what they want, but it will be what God wants and through God it can transform their lives and meet their genuine need.

    Most people who ask us for payer do “need help” or a family member, that is why they have to come to us and ask to pray to the Lord for them? Intercession is the anointing to present “their need for help” before the Lord by the Spirit.

    The Spirit of God then knows exactly how to pray for them in spite of their “humanity” or “there wanting us to do something and help.” When the blind and sick came to to Jesus didn’t they say. Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me? Who did they want to give them mercy? Jesus, the Son of David!

    If we continue to close our down to those who truly need help from God because of their situations either they caused themselves or the enemy how will they ever get the true help they need? Do any of us have the right to judge them from our “human wisdom?”

    The Woman Caught In The Act of Adultery: The Power of Intercession!

    In John 8:1-11, we have the story of a woman caught in the very act of adultery. The leaders of Israel caught her red handed and brought her before Jesus to test him. The Law of Moses demanded she be stoned to death. What does Jesus do?

    He sits down and bends over and intercedes for her quietly as He writes in the sand. When He gets the answer from the Father, He releases the answer to this woman’s true need.

    He says to her accusers, “Those of you without sin, cast the first stone.” One by one, each of them dropped their stones until there was on one left to accuse her. Now Beloved of the Lord, the answer to her true spiritual condition was given to her.

    Jesus her savior, and intercessor asked the Father for the answer and here it is. “Woman where are you accusers? She replies, “There are none.” Jesus replies, “neither do I accuse you, sin no more.”  Praise our GOD who loves this much!

    One act of intercession for this woman out of the pure holy love of God who truly knew her great sin that she brought upon herself produced from the Father, His love, forgiveness, mercy to flow through Jesus her intercessor.

    “BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE TO RECEIVE MERCY IN YOUR TIME OF NEED! Hebrews 4:16. That throne of Grace stood on the earth right in front of her meet her true spiritual and physical need. Bless the Lord!

    Beloved that access was not given yet to us because Jesus had not yet given up his life and die on the cross for us. So He Himself went before the Father, “in the gap through intercession” to get the answer from the Father to meet this woman’s need. The answer, “Woman, neither do I accuse you sin no more.”

    There is an old saying, “Don’t judge a book by it cover.” When it comes to prayer we often look at a person through the eyes of “natural man’s wisdom.” What would make us misjudge God’s intention for sending them to us?

    Is it not the heart of God to come and destroy the works of the devil through Jesus Christ? Is not his intention to use his body to do that very work specially through intercession? Why are so many  eyes so blinded?

    The truth, as much as me may believe we have given everything to the Lord, as much as we say the Lord is guiding our step, when we can’t see the heart of God of intercession and our true ministry as a Priest of the Most High God we may be deceiving ourselves.

    Hebrews 5: The Priesthood of Jesus our Melchizedek:

    1 For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed [to act] on behalf of men in things relating to God, so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.

    2 He is able to deal gently with the spiritually ignorant and misguided, since he is also subject to human weakness; 3 and because of this [human weakness] he is required to offer sacrifices for sins, for himself as well as for the people.

    4 And besides, one does not appropriate for himself the honor [of being high priest], but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.</div>

    5 So too Christ did not glorify Himself so as to be made a high priest, but He [was exalted and appointed by the One] who said to Him,“You are My Son, Today I have begotten (fathered) You [declared Your authority and rule over the nations]”;

    6 just as He also says in another place,“You are a priest [appointed] forever According to the order of [a]Melchizedek.”

    Hebrews 7:22-23 22 And so [because of the oath’s greater strength and force] Jesus has become the certain guarantee of a better covenant [a more excellent and more advantageous agreement; one that will never be replaced or annulled]. 23 The [former successive line of] priests, on the one hand, existed in greater numbers because they were each prevented by death from continuing [perpetually in office]; 24 but, on the other hand, Jesus holds His priesthood permanently and without change, because He lives on forever.

    25 Therefore He is able also to save forever (completely, perfectly, for eternity) those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede and intervene on their behalf [with God].

    Jesus our Melchizedek High Priest, desires to work in us that very priesthood by INTERCEDING AND INTERVENING, BY INTERCEDING AND INTERVENING ON OUR BEHALF WITH GOD!

    If God has someone approach you and wants you to pray for them though with that request they may be looking to you to help, don’t push them away. PRAY! They are not just coming to you, they are coming to Jesus our High Priest in you as well.

    True Royal priesthood intercession: The ministry of helps!

    Beloved, perhaps Jesus sent this one to you in need because He wants you to INTERCEDE and INTERVENE and help them naturally as well as spiritually!

    Can’t God speak through that person and their need to your heart to help them as part of Jesus Royal Priesthood? Why does that offend so many in the Body of Christ when God may have allowed that person true needs to be presented to them to INTERCEDE AND INTERVENE?

    It is almost like we see people and their need the way the world does and judge them. If we are not careful we could sin against the God we love and present ourselves as the “moral authority” to determine a persons future as the Pharisees and lawyer did when they caught the woman in the act of adultery.

    Beloved, It is not our choice to determine by human reason what a true and genuine need is or not, and whether people have the right to ask for help and prayer or not if we truly embrace our Royal Priesthood Ministry.<

    That heart attitude of “human wisdom of moral superiority” is not the heart of Jesus our High Priest. It does not represent His intercessory ministry, It does not have any part in His royal Priesthood! Honestly, that heart is wicked before the Lord because it is heart of Cain that says, “am I my brother’s keeper?

    Beloved, God may not want you to do anything physically do anything to help, but he may just desire you to pray for them until God answers them according to His will. Let God at least have the chance to help them according to His will through your intercession! What is wrong with that?

    Have we become so spiritually minded that we have become no earthly good in God using us in prayer on behalf of others as He chooses and not from our “human understanding?

    Yes Beloved, there is also the other side of the coin. The side that God may tell you to help and do something and be part of the answer to that person in need. This is where the rubber hits the road, are you willing to intercede and let God use you to be part of the answer?

    Testimony 3: The School In Colorado

    Last testimony. A few years back I was teaching a school of ministry in Colorado when this precious older sister in Christ picked me up in her car to bring me to the hotel.Her car was a clunker, and it barely could make it up the hill.

    She kept telling me how sorry she was. I said, sister don’t be upset. I am fine in your care and I am riding with you because you need a car.

    I said, can I intercede with you right now for your new car. So I prayed for her and I waited on the Lord. He began to speak through me about releasing her car to her. While I am praying I have a $100 bill in my wallet. That is all I had to go home 1500 miles away to drive when our school days were over. The Lord said, put the $100 you have as a faith seed to release her car. I have learned over 30 years as an intercessor why few truly will do it. It is costly!

    So, I sowed the seed of all I had and had to trust God.Why didn’t he ask someone else to do it that had money? I only had money to go home. But he chose me to be his hand for her. So, I prayed with her over that seed and said it is done.

    I went back home to Arizona where I used to live. While I was home I stood in the gap for her and waited on the Lord to show me how to pray. One day in prayer for her the Lord told me to tell the woman, “next time I come up we are going to get that car.

    The following week when I arrived, I told her Saturday we are going to look for her car. I knew one Christian dealer and decided we would start there. On Saturday morning, I proceed to go the one dealer when the Lord said, “turn your head to the right, and there was a car dealership.

    When we went there, the Lord had me speak to the salesman. “Sir, this woman is a woman of God and a missionary and needs a car.

    As we went to test drive the car, I told him what God gave me as I was praying, ” We need a car at this price, this payment range, and extra warranty and a finished approved bank loan and not just a pre-approval to take the car loan only to not get and have to bring it back. That will not work.

    The salesman says to me, “Pastor Henry, I am a Christian, and I just had two deals fall through. A half an hour ago I prayed, “Lord, please send me someone who has the ability to buy the car and their loan to go through. You both are an answer to my prayer. PRAISE OUR GOD!

    Needless to say, that day God got her the new car she needed came forth, and God did several miracles to make it happen. How involved must you be in intercession? Nothing less than laying your life down for the one you pray for.

    Love will take the time necessary to pray and stand in the gap for their need. Love is willing to be part of the answer if God chooses to use you that way.

    The High Calling And Honor Of Intercession:

    It is an honor when people ask me to pray. I don’t care the size of their need, or the difficulty of it, for my God is bigger than their need. God sent them to me as a blessing not a curse or a burden. His prayer assignments are what he uses for us to be knitted together in true holy love and to be our brother’s keeper.

    Please don’t get secluded so much that you lose the love and compassion to be used as He wills not as you will when it comes to intercession. James writes to us:

    James 2:8 “If, however, you are [really] fulfilling the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself [that is, if you have an unselfish concern for others and do things for their benefit]” you are doing well.”

    James 2:14-18 What is the benefit, my fellow believers, if someone claims to have faith but has no [good] works [as evidence]? Can that [kind of] faith save him? [No, a mere claim of faith is not sufficient—genuine faith produces good works.]

    15 If a brother or sister is without [adequate] clothing and lacks [enough] food for each day, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace [with my blessing], [keep] warm and feed yourselves,” but he does not give them the necessities for the body, what good does that do? 17 So too, faith, if it does not have works [to back it up], is by itself dead [inoperative and ineffective].

    18 But someone may say, “You [claim to] have faith and I have [good] works; show me your [alleged] faith without the works [if you can], and I will show you my faith by my works [that is, by what I do].”

    19 You believe that God is one; you do well [to believe that]. The demons also believe [that], and shudder and bristle [in awe-filled terror—they have seen His wrath]! 20 But are you willing to recognize, you foolish [spiritually shallow] person, that faith without [good] works is useless?

    Why does God want us to pray for others? Because intercessory prayer reflects God’s own character of outgoing love and mercy. God wants us to think like He does, and praying for others helps us to think beyond ourselves and to grow in compassion for others.


    Henry Falcone

    Flame of Fire Ministry

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