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  • #11008
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

     You are coming up to a new dimension in warfare, and I want you to be ready to exercise your authority like never before. Yes, I want you to take a stand for the land, and decree the promises that I have made to you. You need to rise up in faith, and accept nothing less than the best that I have for you.

    No more are you to go about like a chicken scratching in the dirt, but you are to rise up to be the eagle I called you to be, soaring high above the powers and principalities, and using your own storms and trials of life to lift you up.

    Yes, you are seated with Me at the right hand of My Father, the place of power, strength and authority, and I have given you all the weapons of warfare that you need to be able to take the land and to excel in the calling that I have placed upon you.

    This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and the enemy is going about like a lion devouring all that is a threat to him. So you need to be ready, covered with My armor of light, watching unless you are devoured. Yes, the enemy is no respecter of persons. Young or old, rich or poor, he is ready to take them all captive and yes, many are already captive and don’t even know it.

    So do not become comfortable in My righteousness feeling that it is all it takes to make it in for it takes a lot more. It takes watching, and praying, and fasting, and keeping yourself pure. Gather together with the saints, and worship Me, and feast upon My word. Get rid of all forms of pride, hypocrisy, and compromise, and humble yourself like a small child and trust Me.

    Yes, draw close to My side, and just listen to what I have to say. Be attentive to My truth for there is a famine in the land. Do not take it lightly the freedom that you have. Guard what you have, or the enemy will rob you. Yes, do not take it for granted that you have a place to gather together and that you have those who cover you and love you. Yes, they have given their life for your care in My word. They are your overseers.

    I have raised up pastors, teachers, prophets, apostles, and all the rest to equip you with your own ministry, but you must submit, and take advantage of the gifts they have to offer. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and you must be ready.

    Wake up, you slacker; rise up from your sleep, for the day is at hand. Do not waste your time. Use it wisely to prepare in My presence. Do not take it for granted the freedom that you have. Hide My word deep in your heart so that it can take root and grow into a giant oak tree that no one can tear down.

    Yes, this is the time and the hour to rise up to prepare yourself in My power. Make yourself ready for I am calling My troops together to be one in unity, having one mind, and in one accord. No more are you to bicker over petty differences, and taking your sword against one another.

     Stand behind your shield of faith, and use your sword against the enemy, and love one another. Be understanding, and kind hearted, and cover over a multitude of sins. Cast down vain imaginings against one another, and always believe the best.

    Remember that love is your greatest weapon against the enemy and can repel all forms of evil. So wake up, and be set free, and rejoice, for this is the day of victory for you!!


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