Dear in Christ,
Today is the 10th day of violent manifestations  in our province of North Kivu as  pressure  groups  are putting the UN’s peacemakers “MONUSCO” under pressure to leave the Democratic Republic of Congo.
There is no work, no school but pressure groups are allowing church meetings.
During these  days  we are moving with many risks.
Pressure groups are saying that there will be work in North Kivu province when MONUSCO will leave the country.
So it is no longer possible for providing for families and displaced people in Beni.
And killings with machettes started last Monday in Goma.
Beginning tomorrow we will be praying daily and equip God’s people  spiritually for 7 days in the 43 areas in which we are planting churches.
May you stand with us in your daily prayers as we are serving the Lord during these challenging circumstances.
Pastor Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste
Beni Democratic Republic of Congo
Central Africa

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