by | Apr 7, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries

We have gone from extreme adversity to extreme blessing in Phoenix!

There is almost too much good news about Phoenix! Now we know why Satan fought so hard. The streets of Phoenix are truly ripe for salvation and healing!

It is a divine collision between the power of God and deep darkness. The river of God is now flowing where before only a river of fentanyl was flowing.

Think of it! While some are prayed for to be saved, others come up and ask to be saved. Many hard cases are being delivered. Phoenix is under a holy siege.

Now we know why Satan fought so hard.

Look at this photograph. Until our workers saw this woman move, they saw what looked like a pile of rolled up discarded tarps. She wept when God rescued her!

The stories of miracles keep rolling in. Bodies healed instantly. Drug habits broken mightily.

The streets of Phoenix are fulfilling prophecy. Isaiah 9:2, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death,
upon them a light has shined.”

Who ever heard of this? A homeless camp organized a gathering so we could witness to them and pray for each person. Do you know how many of them gathered for us? 500 homeless people. Who ever heard of such a thing! But there is more.

The stories of miracles keep rolling in. Bodies healed instantly. Drug habits broken mightily.

Frank Saldana who leads Inner City Action and our volunteer army told me something breathtaking. He told me that in all the street outreaches we have done—he has never seen anything like this one.

But there is even more amazing news. Remember our desperate appeal for volunteers? Well, it truly was desperate. We have never had such a critical shortage this close to the opening day of a crusade.

But people have answered the call from everywhere. The number of volunteers doubled virtually overnight! And the numbers keep growing. What a miracle!

On top of all of this, a spirit of cooperation has broken out among the churches. The churches are pouring out food, clothing, and supplies. They are taking to social media to declare revival over Phoenix.

The number of volunteers doubled virtually overnight!

This is a shining hour for the Body of Christ in Phoenix. We wrestled with brutal principalities and powers and God tore them down!

If this is what God is doing now, what will the tent crusade be like!

Stay tuned! Things are about to get incredible in Phoenix! Praise God!

THERE IS STILL TIME FOR YOU TO VOLUNTEER!  https://mariomurillo.org/arizona2024


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