On 10/19/2020, the Lord brought me in the spirit and showed me what is coming to the world—especially to our nation. For those who have been serving Him and following Him, these changes that are coming very soon will be wonderful.

Almost daily since then, He has been talking to me about the many changes that are coming. Here are a few of the things He has said:

• He wants us to call the harvesters forth because there is going to be a great harvest.

• There will be much work to be done very soon. He needs us to come out of hiding, role up our sleeves and begin to disciple the new ones.

• He said that great promotions are coming for those who have served Him faithfully.

• He told me that this will be an hour of recompense, and also that grand celebrations for righteousness’ sake will break out.

I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to share with you this prophetic encounter and word for this time.

The Wave Frozen in Time

While walking in the spirit, on an ocean beach with Jesus, I was shocked at what appeared before us. As we walked and talked together, I thought of some of our other trips to the beach, and wondered if I would see some of the things I had encountered on our previous visits there. I thought this was just going to be another day of relaxing under the sky and soaking in the Father’s glory….But this was not what I encountered! High above us, and completely encompassing the shore ahead, was a monstrous ocean wave, which was frozen in time.

Jesus explained, “This is what is coming to your world and to your life. When it is released and does hit, all it touches will never be the same.”

Listening to Jesus and drawing very close to Him, while holding His hand, we walked under this massive, dark wave. It was so enormous and thick; no light could penetrate it. Darkness enveloped us and as we advanced, it became a large canopy hanging in the air above us. (Photo via Pixabay)


He explained, “Very soon this wave will appear for all to see and encounter. Encourage My children to stay close to Me while the changes this wave brings falls upon them. You have been asking Me why I haven’t shown you what is coming. Today I am opening your eyes to see this massive wave called ‘Change’! Some will embrace this change, as it will bring some people many blessings, while others will have their world destroyed by its impact.

“‘Change’ will be bringing justice and judgment when it arrives. Those who have walked in obedient fellowship with Us will only experience great good when ‘Change’ arrives. For those who denied Us, walked away from Our ways and followed the ways of the evil one, ‘Change’ will turn their world upside down.

“Things that were hidden before ‘Change’ hits will be exposed for all to see. Shame will displace pride and arrogance. Ill-gotten wealth will disappear and poverty will remain. The acceptance of those they deceived will come tumbling down, and they will only see the backs of those who leave them in disgust.

“A great wave of change is being released now. It will disrupt the common place and bring turmoil to the land; but for the sake of justice, ‘Change’ must be sent forth. This change is being sent in answer to the cries of My children for true justice. It will not just impact the noteworthy, but all inhabitants of the land will know ‘Change.’

All who listened to the warnings to draw close to Us and to turn in sincere repentance from their sins will experience great, wonderful transformation. Those who heard the cry to prepare for what is coming by getting to know Me, and refused, will wish they had listened, because the change that comes upon them will not be welcomed or considered good.”

While I walked beside Jesus under this massive, dark wave, I felt protected and great peace filled my being. I was not afraid, because I knew I would be safe and live blessed. Because of the size of this wave, I realized it would encompass the world—not just my nation.

It’s Not Too Late – We Have a Choice

As we continued walking under this ominous covering of water, held fast in its place above us, Jesus said, “Before ‘Change’ arrives, it is not too late for My children, who have ignored Our warnings to repent, to turn to Us and be forgiven. Then the change that comes to them will benefit their lives,” He explained.

Looking ahead, I saw that ‘Change’ went on for a very long distance. The further we walked, there appeared to be no end in sight. My Lord said, “This change that We are sending to Earth will be a long-lasting change and will impact the lives of My children for many years. Do not be afraid, because it will not affect you in a negative way – ever! For those who are truly Mine, ‘Change’ will bring them joy. Many will have the desires of their hearts fulfilled. Destinies will be accomplished easily, as well as long forgotten dreams realized.”

These Are the Days of Elijah

The following day I heard the Holy Spirit say, “These are the days of Elijah—days of great darkness and greater light. Yes, the light of My glory and goodness always snuffs out the darkness of evil. Jezebel knows her time has run out to rule over your land and is throwing a temper tantrum. Pay her no attention; just continue pressing forward in faith and in prayer. You will see her and her puppets soundly defeated. (Photo via Needpix)

“Just as Jehu took her out in Israel, My Jehu will conquer her again. She and her doctrines will be destroyed. Peace will be restored as righteous rule is established in your land. Don’t allow fear of the idle threats Jezebel is sending forth, through her ambassadors, to paralyze you or cause discouragement to back you down. This is part of the wave of change I told you is coming.”

“Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.” (Psalm 1:5-6)(See also 1 Kings 21; 2 Kings 9 and 10.)

When the Lord told me that Jehu would arise and conquer Jezebel, I knew He was referring to Donald Trump. Donald Trump will defeat the spirit of Jezebel that is manifesting through the liberal press and the Democrat party.

Great changes are coming to our land that will probably be messy for a while—like the mess that comes from a tsunami when it hits. As these disruptive changes occur, we need to stay steadfastly close to Jesus and continue praying for the lost to be saved and for His will to be done. He will keep in perfect peace those who keep their thoughts fixed on Him (see Isaiah 26:3).

Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries International

Email: hisheartinternational@yahoo.com
Website: www.donnarigney.org

Donna Rigney and her husband, Jack, are pastors of His Heart Ministries International, a non-denominational church in north central Florida. Donna is known for her passion for intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Her meetings are prophetic and directed towards salvation for the lost and healing and deliverance for the hurting. Jack and Donna are also members of Hastings Youth Academy Advisory Board, a youth detention facility for boys aged 13-18 in Hastings, Florida. Along with her evangelistic work in Florida, Donna started a missionary work in Croatia in 2001. An author, successful playwright and inspirational speaker, Donna has written Divine Encounters, a book that details her startling and vivid encounters with Jesus in both Heaven and Hell. Her book and story were highlighted on Sid Roth It’s Supernatural.

Source: https://elijahlist.com

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