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  • #2954
    William Evans

    There is something about saying yes every day to God, after all His mercy is new every morning. Something about saying I am going to go for it God, Your promises, what you say. Being open allowing God to see our weaknesses and our weak attempts at love, He loves that we bring this to HIM, because we are HIS children and when we are weak HE is strong, HE shows up. Stoke the fire of HIS love in your prayer closet, allow the Father to break up the hard ground of your heart, with HIs presence. I used to imagine JESUS operating a rototiller in my heart, pulling up stones, and roots and leaving a rich good soil for planting behind.
    Let’s pray. JESUS I want to be on fire, I want to do what YOU say, when YOU say it. I want to look and love like YOU. Help me to become LOVE, consume me Father. In the name of JESUS!

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