"I Am Breaking the Unholy Trinity: Entertainment Industry, Media and Government"

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    Ron McGatlin

    “I Am Breaking the Unholy Trinity: Entertainment Industry, Media and Government”
    Dr. Francis Myles, Phoenix, AZ

    The following prophetic word of the Lord was given on 10/20/2017

    Scriptural Foundation for the Word of the LORD: “He left Judea and departed again to Galilee. But He needed to go through Samaria. So He came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour. A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, ‘Give Me a drink.'” (John 4:3-7)

    A Word for Hollywood

    Hollywood is My Samaritan woman. She has been drinking from a polluted well that has polluted the minds of young and old; not only in this nation but around the world. Even as the Samaritan woman was spiritually bankrupt for drinking from a polluted well and for selling her soul and body to so many men, likewise, the soul of Hollywood is bankrupt and thirsty. She has foolishly given herself to the New Age, Scientology and Eastern Mysticism, hoping to find living water that only I can give. She has even taught many people to worship the stars, and some, to even worship what they do not know, instead of directing My people to worship the heavenly Father who is blessed forevermore.

    But even as it was in the days of old when I had a NEED to pass through Samaria, I have a NEED in this season to pass through Hollywood to claim My Bride and quench her thirsty soul. What I AM doing in Hollywood is much bigger than the exposure of Harvey Weinstein; for there are yet 7 more kingpins of the Hollywood entertainment ministry that are set to be exposed even within the next 9 months. For I AM gutting out that which has been rotten in the womb of Hollywood where satan sits.

    “My people, you must not focus on the scandals that are circulating through the news and even scandals that are yet to unfold, because I AM the Lord and I love mercy. I only judge so I can show mercy. For I AM, even now, sending a sweeping revival and move of the Holy Spirit in the Hollywood heartland. Many shall see this and be utterly dismayed! There will be those even among My own people who will question ME, even as My disciples did in the days of old. They will say, ‘Why is the Lord even talking to Hollywood?’

    “Hollywood is My Bride” says the Lord. “I love her with an everlasting love, even though for a season she has forgotten ME and slept with other strange gods. For I say unto you: look and see. Even now I AM creating a new highway of holiness within the entertainment industry. For I will even begin to place your sons and daughters on this highway. There will become a new breed of actors, stunt men, movie producers and directors. They will produce family-friendly and redemptive movies that are waiting to come from Heaven to earth. My Son, Jesus, and what He did on the Cross, will once again become center stage in movie theaters across the globe. My Spirit will guide many souls to ME through these faith-based movies.”

    I Am Breaking the Unholy Trinity

    And the Lord says, “For I AM even breaking the unholy trinity that has existed for a generation between the Entertainment Industry, the Media and the Government in Washington DC. I even began to break this unholy trinity when I placed, by My Spirit and by My own hand, a President they did not see coming.

    “Yes,” says the Lord, “He has wrecked the plans of those who said, ‘America is ours. We can do with her whatever we want.’ I AM sending, even now, the Spirit of truth into the Media Mountain for the spirit of lies and deception the Media has released over this nation has already been judged in the courts of Heaven. Even before the end of this year there will be a great shaking in the Media. I the Lord have spoken it!

    “There will be no place to hide. For there will even be a media outlet that will fold during this President’s term and many will say, ‘What happened? I cannot believe it.'”

    The Lord says, “Watch out for the tribunals in the days to come. For I AM even rooting out the spirit of corruption that has infected the Department of Justice. For I AM restoring the spirit of justice in the land and in all corridors of government. Many will blame this President and there will even be increased calls for his impeachment by those who are terrified of the skeletons they have buried under their feet. But who can impeach what I have installed,” saith the Lord?

    “Rejoice My people, for the hour of your deliverance has arrived. America shall once again send truck loads of her children as missionaries to distant lands to proclaim My glorious name!”

    Dr. Francis Myles
    Francis Myles International
    Email: Click Here
    Website: http://www.francismyles.com

    Dr. Francis Myles is the bestselling author of The Order of Melchizedek, Host of Kingdom Thinking Today Television Show on FaithUSA. He serves as the Senior Pastor of Lovefest Church International in Tempe, Arizona. He is the founder of Francis Myles International and he is happily married to Carmela Real Myles and they reside in the Phoenix-Metroplex in Arizona. He has been featured on “Its Supernatural with Sid Roth and on the Praise the Lord Show with TBN.


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    Clu Monroe

    Ooh! I love this word. I am in total agreement! Amen!!


    except for the part ‘Hollywood is My Bride’. How can it be when holly wood is what is used to makes witches’ wands. His Bride are those who are set apart in holiness unto Him. People in this industry may become part of the Bride after an encounter with the Spirit of Holiness but right now they are Babylonian in spirit and deed.


    Yes I agree – maybe “is” should be “will be”.

    Ron McGatlin

    Christine, I think he is speaking prophetically of what God who knows all and sees all is doing – a miraculous work of a whole new order in Hollywood.

    Quo Wright

    I’m grateful to Dad for the dream he gave me last night and for the Holy Ghost who gave me the understanding because in the dream Dad was addressing mixture. I read this yesterday and it didn’t sit right with my spirit so I didn’t eat it. Any of it. But I took it to Dad to see what he had to say, hence the dream.

    This is full of mixture. Some ate it wholeheartedly while others tried to fix it up (like putting ketchup on a umderseasoned piece of meat) so they could eat it. Not good.

    Hollywood is my bride is not the truth. How can it be when it is the birthplace of deception? And this is what I mean…it’s like the acting capital of America. Who are actors spiritually? People who pretend to be something or someone they’re not.

    I see the truth being twisted. What does Hollywood mean? Well Holly is a woman’s name but it also means holy. Wood is another word for wilderness. When putting this together with the bride it’s actually referring to the woman in Revelation 12. But Hollywood and all it represent is not the bride of Christ. She is the bride of Satan. She is symbolic of the harlot.

    Jesus said a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Half truth, little white lies or whatever you want to call them perverts and contaminates the truth and changes the nature of it altogether into a lie.

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