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  • #6802
    Yolanda Ballard


    A Message Of Restoration

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    The Lord is calling His bride to come by His side, to draw close, to rest in His intimate presence and love, to be still and know He is her God, that He will be with her through all that they go through, that they are not alone.

    Yes, many just need to come aside from all the hustle and the bustle and just rest with Him knowing that He alone is all that we need. Besides Him there is no God, no answer or solution. Only He can meet all our needs. He just wants us to draw close and rest in Him.

    Just bask in His presence, in His peace and love and allow Him to refresh and build you up for many have gone through hard times. If we don’t draw close to the Lord, then the enemy comes and brings the storms, the turmoil.

    All it takes is to just sacrifice the time away from all the busyness and the distractions demanding our time. We must take authority over the works of the enemy to pull us aside and say “no more!” to him.

    Be determined to come into our resting place in God. He gave us His son to give us an abundant life but it can be found only in Him. Rest, be still, and know that He is your God. The secret is in truly knowing Him and that takes intimacy.

    Be at peace, draw close, and be refreshed this very hour. Breathe in so He can fill you up. Relax knowing He has everything under control. He has your back and He has good in store for you no matter how things look, they are all working for your good.

    With God for you who can come against you and draw you away from Him? Only you if you allow it to happen. Cast off all the idols. Yes, all the electronics that binds you. Take authority over them. We possess them not the other way around.

    Yes, this is the hour to be determined to make Jesus our all in all, our only desire, and stir up that love for Him once again. You always have time for the One we truly love!

    It is not all about works but in being His bride and being close. Then everything else will take its rightful place. As we rest we begin to hear clearly. Just like a dance or a romance we must draw close. Allow the Lord to take the guard off of your heart. You can truly trust Him with your love.

    So many have been so greatly wounded they’ve built a wall around their heart like a prison. God is saying it is all right to allow it to come down. It is safe with Him. Do not run from that place of intimacy. Allow the Lord to heal your heart and to be one with Him once again.

    You cannot have that place of intimacy with God if you don’t truly trust Him. God is ready to take away all that binds you and keeps you from being by His side. Now is the hour He is pouring out His power to truly set us free to be the bride He called us to be.

    Without this restoration we cannot function! We are just going through the motion without the true emotion of love. God’s love cannot flow out if it cannot flow in.

    Father, I pray that this very hour will be a time of healing and Your bride being truly set free to be the one you called her to be in Jesus name.

    Bride, worship your King! Yes, one night with your King and you will never be the same. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

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