The dad, Sergei, has lots of fun with the kids.

September 2024 – In the Ukrainian Foster System children are placed with families for a longer term (unlike the more common shorter placements in the USA). Foster families in Ukraine raise the kids as their own into adulthood. Mercy Projects connects sponsors with foster families to help them raise their kids. New sponsors for families like the Didenkos and others are needed today.

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The Didenko family are an amazing example of God’s love in action, each and everyday.

As we entered the apartment of Sergei and Viktoria Didenko, we were immediately hit with a wave of love. The many kids waited excitedly for us, yet their happy faces conflicted with the idea that their parents didn’t want them.

Sponsor A Family

With 11 children in their home, including two of their own biological kids, the Kyiv, Ukraine apartment buzzed with activity. The kids played and laughed, and we learned some come from broken homes and others have special needs. But here, in this 3rd floor apartment, it seemed like a miracle was taking place.

Olexsander contentedly rides a swing in the playroom.

It was both heart-breaking and inspiring.

The latest arrival to the family is two-year-old Olexsander. He has Down Syndrome and his mother gave him up at the maternity hospital. The Didenkos heard about it and immediately volunteered to take him.

One of the older boys, 15-year-old Vlad, is still in diapers as a result of his many medical conditions. He was taken into a family in America but after three years was sent back to Ukraine. He is now in the 8th grade and likes playing soccer, doing puzzles, drawing, and sculpting.

“I Thought Someone Else Could Take Her”

We sat down over coffee with Sergei and Viktoria to hear their remarkable story. Their unexpected journey began in 2007. Sergei worked at a children’s hospital and a young 7-year-old girl with diabetes had been abandoned by her parents.

“I thought someone else could take her.”

He felt compassion for her but at that point had no plan  take her into their family. They were already busy with their three children.

“I called my wife and asked if she knew anyone who can take her. She asked why don’t we pray about it? If God says it’s our girl, we will take her,” remembers Sergei.

“I thought someone else could take her. Between work and church I wasn’t home much. But God made a miracle happen! We took her that day, eventually adopted her, and now she is 23 years old and living in Poland,” Sergei told us.

Six months later they fostered a second child, 3-year-old Timothy. “We felt God told us to keep taking more children,” Viktoria said. “If God gave us this opportunity we should use it. So our next child after Timothy was a 14-year-old girl.

The girls draw pictures for us.

She is now married and living in America with our first grandchild!”

The war started and their son Daniel is on the frontlines

“Our adopted son Daniel is now a drone operator on the frontlines,” Viktoria shares. “When the war started we went to Poland, but returned last summer. It is difficult to be refugees with so many children.”

While we talk, the kids are busy with various activities. Some are on the computer, others are preparing dinner, while the younger ones draw. Viktoria tells us the most important thing is to raise the kids to have Godly values. “They all come to the church,” she said proudly.

Sponsors make miracles happen as 9 of the kids attended the MP summer camp

“It was like a miracle that Mercy Projects took us into their sponsorship program,” Viktoria said. “Before that, nobody had ever helped us. I knew that God is our main source of support, but we are thrilled.”

“We even brought 9 of our kids to the MP camp in Budapest. There were other foster families there too! It was the first time we could all go to camp together and have some rest. We are so grateful for your support,” she beamed.


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