In February of this year, (2024) I was invited to speak at a Lutheran Church in Brooklyn Center, MN a suburb of Minneapolis and the weekend went so well, and there were so many miracles and salvations that the leadership invited me to return in late April leading into May for an eight day revival including speaking at their city’s annual prayer breakfast.

The prayer breakfast was on Saturday April 27 and included the city’s Mayor, Police Chief, Fire Chief and other dignitaries plus guests and friends from the surrounding area. I shared about my ministry with political leaders, along with some miraculous answers to prayer and gave those in attendance an opportunity to connect with Jesus and 90 of those in attendance accepted that offer.

The actual revival was from Sunday April 28 to Sunday May 5 and included multiple services and I was able to share and preach 14 times. There were some incredible healings that would simply take too much space and time to share the testimonies here, but I am just praising the Lord for such healings as neuropathy, seizures, amazing improvement with stage four cancer, significant pain issues, several people with metal in their bodies receiving healing, eye problems, arthritis and so many more. God was definitely moving in the house each night.

And then there were the affirming and powerful words of knowledge and prophetic words shared, that God downloaded to me. Here is just one example. This congregation has many Liberians that attend, and I told one lady from Liberia that God was about to open her life up to those with significant educational degrees, political positions and other people with great influence. Two days after I shared that word with her, the President of Liberia contacted her and stating he was coming to the United States in a couple of weeks and wanted a personal meeting with her regarding the work that she is involved in. Is this not an awesome and incredible confirmation by the Lord?! The lady in the white blouse is the one who received this invitation.

The man leaning into me is the one of those who was healed of major pain related to metal in his body that was placed there after he was run over by a car two times. The picture of the two men with me includes the man healed of Neuropathy on the right and the man being healed of cancer on the middle. That cancer patient began to eat large meals all through the week, and sleeping much longer each night, and we saw his energy levels return, plus his color in his face returned to normal as well. Praise the Lord!


The biggest miracle during the week was the nearly 250 people who responded to either recommitting to Jesus or inviting Him into their heart for the first time. On Sunday Morning May 5, I preached one of the most anointed and inspirational messages of my life and 80 people responded to the invitation to meet Jesus at the first service which was very traditional and high church with the pastors wearing robes and leading liturgy and another 60 at the second service which was very contemporary. I have never in my entire life had the honor of leading that many people at once, and then praying with them to receive Jesus. The senior pastor was crying as he watched so many of his people come to the altar to get right with God.. It was one of the best moments of the entire revival. Thank you Lord for your mercy, and kindness that leads people to repentance.

Finally below is a fun picture after the city prayer breakfast with two of the comfort dogs with the fire department. Notice that the dogs and I have the same coat on.

Thanks for reading my blog today. If you have a prayer request please leave it in the comments area so I can pray for you too. If you want to get in touch with me you may contact me at Please consider forwarding this blog on to your friends and also signing up to receive them, sent directly to your email when they are published. There is an option to do this in the left hand margin.

Sincerely and Warmly,
Jay W. West
Revival and Motivational Speaker
Author of Five Books
United States National Prayer Council