S. Carolina Passes Ban on Trans Mutilation Surgeries on Children

Monday, May 13, 2024

Image: Unsplash-Joshua Woroniecki
Raymond Wolfe (May 13, 2024)

South Carolina Republicans, backed by Gov. Henry McMaster, voted to ban ‘gender transitioning’ children, taxpayer funding for ‘sex changes,’ and secret ‘gender transitions’ at school.

(Columbia, SC) — [LifeSiteNews.com] South Carolina has become the latest US state to crack down on mutilating transgender surgeries and hormones for children and taxpayer funding for “gender transitions.” (Image: iStock-Dave Allen)

On Thursday, South Carolina’s Republican-led legislature approved House Bill 4624, which prohibits medical professionals from giving puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones to children under 18 years old or subjecting minors to “genital or nongenital gender reassignment surgery.”

“A physician, mental health provider, or other health care professional shall not knowingly provide gender transition procedures to a person under eighteen years of age,” the bill states.

Physicians who violate the bill would risk losing their licenses and would be “guilty of inflicting great bodily injury upon a child” if they commit transgender surgeries on children. A person subjected to a “gender transition” while still a child would have a three-year window to bring legal action against the medical professionals responsible for their mutilation.

South Carolina was one of the last Republican-led states not to have passed restrictions on transgender mutilation of children.

The bill cleared the state Senate 28-8 and the House 67-26, with the backing of only three Democrats.

READ: Republican states are cracking down on America’s horrific transgender mutilation crisis

The bill requires minors who began using puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones before August 1 this year to be weaned off of the sterilizing drugs by no later January 31, 2025. It also outlaws the use of public funds “directly or indirectly” for “gender transition” practices and bans Medicaid from reimbursing or covering the procedures…

Continue reading Here.

Stephen Green (May 13, 2024)

…The ties between UNRWA and Hamas seem to run deep. Before joining Barack Obama’s National Security Council, Bitar worked for UNRWA in Jerusalem. You can imagine my shocked face when I learned that a former SJP exec and UNRWA worker was appointed to the NSC by Obama … Biden brought Bitar back into the White House, serving as Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at the NSC…

[PJMedia.com] What do Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and Joe Biden’s National Security Council all have in common? (Screengrab image: Maher Bitar /via YouTube)

One man: Maher Bitar.

Bitar has an impressive CV, including Georgetown Law, a degree from Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, and a Master’s from Oxford. He’s just the kind of person you’d expect to do well in Washington—and he has. Before I get to that, you need a little background on SJP and UNRWA.

SJP is an explicitly anti-Israeli organization founded in 1993 and “committed to ending Israel’s occupation and colonization of all Arab lands,” from the river to the sea, as they say. Noor Dahri—executive director of the UK’s Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism (ITCT) think tank—describes SJP as “the most violent student organisation in the United States against Jews today.” …

UNRWA has long been accused of aiding Hamas, dating back at least to this 2007 report claiming “UNRWA workers are permitted to openly affiliate with terrorist groups,” and that “as long as UNRWA employees are members of Fatah, Hamas, or PFLP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine], they are going to pursue the interests of their party within the framework of their job.”

Israel also claims that four UNRWA staffers were involved in the Oct. 7 kidnappings, six UNRWA staffers infiltrated Israel, and that UNRWA acts under the authorization and supervision of Hamas. A Hamas tunnel was found under UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters. The evidence of Hamas/UNRWA is strong enough that more than a dozen countries and some of UNRWA’s largest donors all suspended funding after the Oct. 7 terror invasion… Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Read this article in its entirety, Here.

Billy Hallowell (May 13, 2024)

“We interviewed about 20 people. We have cut it down to 13 stories. … There’s stories of tragedy, there’s stories of heroism, there’s stories of people fighting back, there’s stories of survival, resilience.” -Phelim McAleer

[Faithwire.com] A journalist and filmmaker known for exploring tough issues through film, stage plays, books, and podcasts is on a mission to expose the true horrors of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack. (Screengrab image: via YouTube/ October7thePlay.com)

Phelim McAleer’s new play, “October 7,” is set to open May 13 in New York City.

It’s a stage show motivated by his quest to tell the real story behind the deadly attacks, the related hostage crisis, and Israel’s military response.

“We realized very quickly that journalists in the mainstream media— they want[ed] to talk about Oct. 8. They wanted to talk about Oct. 9,” McAleer said. “Nobody wanted to talk about Oct. 7. There was a story that wasn’t being told, and that’s what we specialize in: telling untold stories.”

The conservative journalist and filmmaker said people fail to understand there would be no Israeli response and no war in Gaza had Hamas not unleashed terror on Israel.

“We want to tell the truth,” McAleer said. “We wanted to bring the truth to people”… Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Continue reading, and watch McAleer’s video interview Here.

Billy Hallowell (May 13, 2024)

“Basically what happens is part of the sun actually lifts off the surface. So, this plasma, the charged particles, the magnetic field that makes up the sun part of it actually lifts off the sun and streams away into space.” -Ian Cohen at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

BCN Editor’s Note: King David writes in the first verse of Psalm 19: “The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork…” It perfectly describes the beautiful celestial display many of us saw this past weekend. Thank You Jesus! -Aimee Herd, Breaking Christian News

[CBN News] It was a celestial show in the heavens that many Americans thought they would never witness firsthand. (Screengrab image: via CBN News)

Millions across the country were treated to a green and purple glow in the sky this past weekend as far south as Texas in the US, as well as Chile, northern China, England, and northern Europe.

It was all thanks to a severe geomagnetic storm on the surface of the sun that produced a rare and powerful sequence of solar flares over several days.

Robert Steenburgh, a space scientist at NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center said, “The flares haven’t been particularly strong, but the fact that we had a sequence, a rapid-fire of all these CME’s, coronal mass ejections, aimed at Earth and arriving at Earth is what drove the geomagnetic field to such an agitated state.”

Ian Cohen at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory added, “Basically what happens is part of the sun actually lifts off the surface. So, this plasma, the charged particles, the magnetic field that makes up the sun part of it actually lifts off the sun and streams away into space.”

The light show also caused some minor problems with the power grid, high-frequency communications, and some GPS systems, causing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to issue a rare geomagnetic storm warning. (Image credit: Julie Smith)

Elon Musk said Saturday his Starlink satellite internet service was “under a lot of pressure, but holding up so far.”

An extreme geomagnetic storm in 2003 took out power in Sweden and damaged power transformers in South Africa.

Steenburgh said that’s because the power grid, GPS, and some communications systems are “not built to use this current, so it becomes a problem.”

But this time around, the solar event was about enjoying the wonder of God’s handiwork, the northern lights, seen by many for the first time. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Dale Hurd: Since joining CBN News, Dale has reported extensively from Western Europe, as well as China, Russia, and Central and South America.



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