House Republicans Introduce Bill to Keep Non-Citizens from Voting

Friday, May 10, 2024

Image: Unsplash-ernie Journeys
Dan Hart (May 10, 2024)

“…But this isn’t a messaging bill. This is something that we believe ought to be law and ought to be law immediately. And we’re going to see whether Democrats are serious or not.” -Representative Chip Roy

[] As the crisis along America’s southern border continues, a large cohort of House Republicans are making it clear that non-citizens cannot be allowed to vote in federal elections with the introduction of a bill Wednesday that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote and would expunge non-citizens from existing voter rolls. (Screengrab image: via CBN)

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) led a group of 49 House GOP members in introducing the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a bill designed to “thwart Democrat[ic] efforts to cement one-party rule by upholding and strengthening current law that permits only US citizens to vote in Federal elections,” according to a press release from Roy’s office. “Radical progressive Democrats … are using open border policies while also attacking election integrity laws to fundamentally remake America,” Roy stated.

In comments endorsing the bill, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) remarked, “As we approach the 2024 elections, the American people must have absolute certainty in the integrity of our election system. This bill would fortify federal elections by ensuring that only American citizens vote in American elections.”

On Wednesday, Roy joined “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” to discuss why the SAVE Act is needed.

“[W]e’ve obviously had a massive assault on the rule of law and our well-being and safety and security in the United States,” he argued. “Deaths like Laken Riley’s, all of the damage in Texas [including] $13 billion [spent on illegal migrants]. But the real foundational problem with what’s going on is that we’re breaking down the rule of law. … We do have laws on the books today that require that you be a citizen to vote. The problem is that there are federal laws under the Motor Voter Act that prohibit states from being able to check that and to ensure that only citizens are registered. So this bill will clear that out and in fact, go one step further, which is to require states to provide documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.”

Roy continued, “We allow some carve outs and some things to be able to make it work for the secretaries of State to get it implemented, but largely, we’ve got to make sure that there are no ways for them to end run it. We need to make sure that only citizens vote—it’s an 87% issue [when Americans are polled], and it’s foundational to our faith in elections and faith in our Republican democracy in this country.”

Roy went on to point out that a number of jurisdictions around the country are already allowing non-citizens to vote in elections, which underscores the need for the SAVE Act.

“[Y]ou’ve got such a division because of existing federal law,” he explained. “Arizona, for example, has two systems, one for their state elections, where they require proof of citizenship, and then the federal system where they’re unable to provide the proof of citizenship requirement. Then you’ve got jurisdictions like DC, you’ve had some in California that have been encouraging non-citizens to register to vote and to vote in their local elections. Now, our bill wouldn’t prohibit that. But what we would say is, under the Constitution, Congress has the authority and the power and, frankly, the responsibility to go in and to say, ‘Look, we’re going to demand that you prove citizenship if you’re going to vote in federal elections.’ … [W]hat we know is going to happen [is] radical states … are going to undermine our presidential elections and our congressional elections by allowing non-citizens to vote.” (Screengrab image: via WSJ)

As reported by The Washington Stand’s Ben Johnson, an ongoing pattern has already emerged of non-citizens illegally voting in elections. In Georgia, Virginia, and North Carolina, thousands of non-citizens were found to be present on voter rolls, with non-citizens voting 7,474 times between 1988 and 2017 in Virginia alone. In Colorado, 31,000 non-citizens accidentally received postcards urging them to vote in the 2022 midterm elections. As election margins become increasingly narrow, and ties become increasingly common, every vote is becoming increasingly consequential.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s border policies have allowed non-citizens to enter the US at a record-setting rate, increasing the likelihood of more non-citizens attempting to and being allowed to vote.

But with a supermajority of Americans united in the view that only US citizens should be allowed to vote, Roy expressed confidence that the SAVE Act will eventually be enacted.

“The goal here is to get Republicans, obviously in a very thin majority, to get this through the House,” he noted. “Hopefully some Democrats will join us for common sense, send it over to the Senate, and we’ll see what happens. The more the Democrats can demonstrate how out of touch they really are with the vast majority of Americans, that’ll be clear in the election.”

“But this isn’t a messaging bill,” Roy emphasized. “This is something that we believe ought to be law and ought to be law immediately. And we’re going to see whether Democrats are serious or not.” Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.



Rebecca Downs (May 10, 2024)

[] While …Joe Biden and college administrations may be slow to act on the pro-Hamas protests going on at college campuses across the country, Republicans in Congress aren’t looking to wait around. As The Daily Caller reported on Wednesday, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced the Study Abroad Act, and was joined by Reps. Randy Weber (R-TX) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) as co-sponsors. The legislation notes that the “Secretary of State shall revoke the F, J, or M visa of any alien who has been arrested for rioting or unlawful protest or who has been arrested while establishing, participating in, or promoting an encampment on the campus of an institution of higher education on or since October 7, 2023.” In other words, terrorist sympathizers will be kicked out…  Click Here to read.

(Screengrab image: via WUSA 9)

Chris Mitchell (May 10, 2024)

“Hamas’ leaders and its last four battalions are holed up in Rafah. So Israel has to defeat Hamas in Rafah to win. Hamas wins if it survives in Rafah. And Joe Biden has threatened to withhold weapons from Israel for fighting in Rafah. Therefore, Joe Biden objectively favors a Hamas victory over Israel.” -Sen. Tom Cotton

(Jerusalem, Israel) — [CBN News] Israeli leaders responded to …Joe Biden’s announcement that the US will stop supplying certain ammunition for Israel’s operation to defeat Hamas in Rafah, marking a watershed moment in Israel’s history. (Screengrab image: via CBN News)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had already promised earlier this week that if Israel had to go it alone in its war against Hamas, it would do so. After …Joe Biden said he would withhold key weapons if Israel launched a major operation in Rafah, Netanyahu reiterated his pledge just before the nation’s Independence Day.

“In the War of Independence 76 years ago, we were few against many. We had no weapons, there was an arms embargo on Israel, but with the greatness of spirit, bravery and unity among us—we won.”

Netanyahu continued, “Today we are much stronger. We are stronger, we are determined, and we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek our souls. If we have to stand alone, we will stand alone. I have already said that if we have to—we will fight with our fingernails. But we have much more than fingernails. And with the same greatness of spirit, with God’s help, we will win together.”

Despite the partial weapons embargo, IDF’s Chief Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the military has what it needs.

“The army has munitions for the missions it has planned, and for the missions in Rafah too—we have what we need. I say this here in the context of everything that happened with the United States, and it is important to say it,” stated Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, IDF’s Chief Spokesman.

IDF Reserve Lt Colonel Eyal Dror told CBN News that Biden’s decision helps Hamas, explaining that Hamas is taking courage from this decision.

“The US is against Israel now so we can continue to not allow and release the kidnapped. It means that more people will probably be hit because Israel will have to use more force in order to make Hamas agree to these agreements,” Dror said.

Dror also stated that the Middle East is watching, letting the terrorists have the advantage.

“The Middle East is not just Israel and Hamas. It’s everything. I remind you that the Middle East is still remembering what happened with the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan. It was just two years ago and the US, in their opinion, betrayed the allies. Now it’s the same. It’s the same message.” (Screengrab image: via CBN News)

Biden also faced criticism in Washington from both Democrats and Republicans, with some conservatives telling the administration it is aiding Hamas.

Sen. Tom Cotton, (R) Arkansas said, “Hamas’ leaders and its last four battalions are holed up in Rafah. So Israel has to defeat Hamas in Rafah to win. Hamas wins if it survives in Rafah. And Joe Biden has threatened to withhold weapons from Israel for fighting in Rafah. Therefore, Joe Biden objectively favors a Hamas victory over Israel.”

Israel is looking ahead to what could be the next war—against Hezbollah. Defense Minister Gallant spoke to troops in northern Gaza, pledging to destroy Hezbollah.

“We have very significant, very heavy fire arrays and we will make sure to activate them if there is a need and reason. You have proven yourselves so far, I think in an impressive way, now you have to prepare for the upcoming [missions] and this summer could be a hot summer.”

But for now, the focus is on finishing off Hamas in Rafah, as Israeli forces are taking out terrorists and maintaining their offensive in Gaza.

Sean Feucht (May 10, 2024)

BCN Editor’s Note: Worship leader Sean Feucht and his Let Us Worship team has been helping to unite Christians and Jews against the blatant anti-Israel, anti-Semitism currently running rampant on many college campuses. Their latest United For Israel March took place on the campus of USC in California, where thousands joined in support of Israel. Following the event, Sean was interviewed on Fox News. Click on the link below to watch that interview. -Aimee Herd, Breaking Christian News

[Let Us Worship] If you’ve been following along, you know that we just held our second United for Israel march on the campus of USC. Thousands of Christians and Jews marched together in solidarity and unity. It was a POWERFUL scene, and the peace and hope that echoed among the crowd drowned out all the hateful rhetoric hurled at us.
(Screengrab image: via Fox News)

What you may not have seen was that following the march, I joined Fox News’ Trace Gallagher in-studio to discuss why we launched the United for Israel marches and what we witnessed at Columbia and USC. The Lord opened the door for thousands to attend the march, but TENS OF THOUSANDS to see the primetime interview! If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch the interview Here! (Screengrab image: via Fox News)

Wendell Husebø (May 10, 2024)

[] Hunter Biden failed to successfully appeal his gun charges on Thursday before the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Hunter’s trial remains set for June 3 in Delaware … “The defendant in this criminal case appealed three pretrial orders entered on April 12, 2024, denying his motions to dismiss the indictment,” the court wrote in a curiam order. “This appeal is DISMISSED because the defendant has not shown the District Court’s orders are appealable before final judgment”… Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to read.

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Calvin Freiburger (May 10, 2024)

Planned Parenthood Keystone’s Warminster abortion facility failed eight state health inspections since 2017 and failed to report perforating a woman’s uterus in a botched abortion.

(Warminster, PA) — [] Planned Parenthood announced this week the closure of a facility responsible for more than 800 abortions a year in Pennsylvania. But despite having shuttered almost half of their locations in the state since 2010, it appears to be compensating via expansion of abortion pill distribution and virtual appointments. (Image: Unsplash-Tim Mossholder)

The Pennsylvania Family Council reports that the nation’s largest abortion chain is closing its Warminster center, a site that failed eight health inspections since 2017, racking up offenses such as failure to report perforating a uterus in a botched abortion, failure to obtain informed consent, failure to record patients’ weights while administering anesthetics, and more. Planned Parenthood claimed the “reality of the post-Dobbs landscape” necessitated the decision.

Warminster marks the 17th Keystone State Planned Parenthood location to shut down over the past 15 years, leaving 21 locations remaining statewide (meanwhile, it opened a new location in Bensalem in 2021).

But while the news is welcome to Pennsylvania babies and pro-lifers, it by no means indicates that the state’s abortion industry is on its last legs. In its closure announcement, Planned Parenthood Keystone revealed that it commits 70 percent of its abortions chemically rather than surgically, hailing “telemedicine” visits as a means of continuing the practice without the need for physical locations…
Continue reading Here.

Elizabeth Morton-Commentary (May 10, 2024)

In truth, we are failing women by telling them that abortion is their only option—or that it is empowering. Women deserve to know that abortion doesn’t fulfill the promises of going back to what you were before, nor does it solve life’s problems.

[] At just 11 years old, I watched as a midwife cared for my mother and delivered my baby sister. A spark burst into a flame inside of me, and I knew from that moment on that I wanted to be a part of the beauty and wonder of birth and be a mother myself one day. (Image: Unsplash-Andrae Ricketts)

One of the most rewarding aspects of my now almost 40-year career as a nurse and a midwife has been seeing women tap into their truest potential as they become mothers.

Unfortunately, many women today are being misled by the false notion that motherhood is too much for them to handle and that abortion is their pathway to empowerment.

Even the centuries-old practice of midwifery has fallen prey to this misguided notion.

Leading medical organizations such as the American College of Nurse-Midwives and the International Confederation of Midwives, which this past Sunday celebrated the International Day of the Midwife, have abandoned the historical focus of midwives walking beside women in pregnancy and birth in favor of abortion politics.

The American College of Nurse-Midwives, for example, no longer focuses on the physiological process of birth for women. Instead, the refrain “abortion is necessary care” resounds as the association has made the shift away from things that used to matter toward the idea that abortion is health care, and that midwives should be providers of that care.

In truth, we are failing women by telling them that abortion is their only option—or that it is empowering. Women deserve to know that abortion doesn’t fulfill the promises of going back to what you were before, nor does it solve life’s problems.

We limit women’s true power and potential by pushing the notion that power can only come externally and that ending the life inside of them can help them find it.

This Mother’s Day, we should recommit to encouraging women to work with their bodies, instead of against them, by offering them holistic medical care instead of the one-size-fits-all “solution” of abortion.

Thankfully, there are programs out there that can help women discover the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation of motherhood.

Backed by 45 years of evidence-based research, the Nurse-Family Partnership program is a national effort supporting vulnerable first-time moms for the first 1,000 days of their children’s lives. The program’s goals are a healthier pregnancy, a full-term delivery, supporting mom/baby attachment, and helping moms work toward wholeness in their lives.

We support new moms both physically and emotionally by offering education and resources as they journey through pregnancy and birth, and into the new world of parenthood. Through home visits, we establish trust and support moms as they work toward achieving the future goals they have always dreamed about. (Image: Pixabay)

Listening to women is essential to midwifery, and that’s something I have carried to my visits with moms in my current role as director of Tennessee’s Erlanger Nurse-Family Partnership program. I’ve had the privilege of creating deep bonds with women during the months of pregnancy, through birth, and into parenthood. I’ve heard women tell their stories, share their joys and fears, and the excitement that new life brings for them.

Simply listening to and encouraging women to trust their bodies can reset their whole outlook about what’s ahead for them.

As we know, moms who are healthy in mind, body, and soul have a better chance of delivering healthy babies. At the end of the day, mothers need to feel seen, safe, confident, and capable, not only in pregnancy, but also in the transition to motherhood.

I’ve had the privilege in my roles as a nurse and a midwife, and especially as a mother, to experience key times in life where a women’s natural power and strength is showcased; namely, during pregnancy and birth.

For this Mother’s Day, let’s celebrate the true strength and empowerment that motherhood brings, and commit to supporting mothers through pregnancy and birth, and in the wonders and challenges of bringing new life into the world.

Elizabeth Morton, RN, CNM, has been on the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ board as head of the midwifery subsection since 2019. She first started working as a volunteer at a pregnancy resource center as a teen.



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