Experience the Toronto Holy Spirit Love Revival!

Experience the Toronto Holy Spirit Revival!
Our desire as a ministry is to continue to go into all the world to proclaim the good news of Jesus, and to pray for lives to be healed, delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit.  “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10
We would like to share a short video of the amazing outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we experienced at the revival in Toronto, Canada.  To watch this powerful video simply click here:
Please keep us in your prayers as we are currently planning events in India, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Brazil, USA, Nigeria, Italy, Mexico, and the Philippines.  It is exciting to think about all the lives that will be saved and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit during these events!
We are only able to continue to minister around the world because of the love and support of our partners.  If you are not a partner with the ministry yet, and you would like more information on how you can support this mission, you may simply click here:
Thank you for loving us and sending us to the harvest fields.  We believe that this year we will be able to see the greatest number of lives saved and filled with the Holy Spirit that we have ever seen!  Jesus said, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” Jesus gave His life because He so loved this world, and our motivation to reach this world with the gospel should always be our love for Him!
Never forget that you are deeply and eternally loved by the Lord!
In the service of the King,
Andres, Giannina, Elijah, Anabella and James Bisonni


Holy Spirit Outpouring Love in Orlando, Florida

The love outpouring and manifest presence of God in the United States of America!

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