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The fires of God are igniting and intensifying. My ninety-year-old heart and brain are roaring with the Spirit-wind-blown fire of passionate love release, burning away, and clearing that which restrained. Yet my soul is at perfect peace and rest as deeper and greater pure truth appears as glorious brightly shining jewels from the ashes of the cleansing fire.

Passion is like the wind that turns the spark in our hearts into a roaring reality that is beyond anything we have ever known.

The passion of being in love with God moves us and everything around us into rapidly increased motivation to accomplish the magnificent works of God beyond any natural human capability.

Without thought or concern, burning passionate love simply moves us to bring forth the supernatural natural works of God on earth and all things become possible in the passionate in-love relationship with God.


Most people have some degree of well-founded fear of releasing their natural passions. Without the all-consuming in-love-with-God relationship, Christians and unbelievers alike may learn that their untamed natural desires can foster acts that are damaging and troubling.

We may be very wise to develop the practice of guarding against some natural human passionate desires.

However, it is not wise to guard against our God-given passions received from being completely in love with God.

His perfect love is always pure and holy.

God will never cause us to do or be anything that will be outside His perfect loving will or plan. His will and plans for us are always pure and holy. We are free in perfect love with Him to fully release the passionate love and desires that He places within us.

For example, we may be uncomfortable and restrain ourselves in group praise and worship, and in speaking out or praying boldly. These things unrestrained may release the power and work of God to bring about supernatural activity according to the will and purpose of God.


Natural boldness without being truly in love with God may be an undesirable or even despicable character quality.

However, boldness in love with God can be a key to releasing the supernatural works of God.

In love with God produces righteousness. Proverbs 28:1 says, “The righteous are bold as a lion.”

“There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18.


FEAR and PRIDE are like two sides of the same coin of SELF-life. Self-life is the natural life without being truly in love with God and is always a root of fear and pride.

Self-life is a life of dependency upon yourself for all your needs or wants. The seed that grows a self-life is the lack or absence of love or in a word “unlove.”

If no one loves us enough and is strong or capable enough to provide for us, we must do it ourselves. We strive alone to get those things we need or want in this life.

If things appear to be going well and we are getting that which we want or need, we will experience PRIDE. However, when we are not doing well and not getting what we want and need, we experience FEAR.

Being in love with God removes all fear and pride. We know that He loves us and that He has all power and all knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, we feel neither fear nor pride. Instead, we feel completely loved and are always thankful. We have that which we truly want and need and did not get it ourselves. So, there is no pride nor fear but sincere thanksgiving and praise to God.

In pure holy love, we desire to please Him and gladly serve Him. Above all else our heart desires to be or do all that He desires.

We each joyfully worship and praise Him with all our heart, soul, and body.

His presence in us and with us is the moment-by-moment reality of living and walking in the Spirit as true sons of God in the kingdom of God on earth.

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit now on earth. (Romans 14:17).


God’s passionate love within us is the greatest motivational force in this world. Joining together with one another in the passionate love of God forms an irresistible force to return this world to the Kingdom of God.


Many thousands at this time in America are falling in love with God and becoming passionately joined together in pure holy love with God and one another.

The key to falling in love with God is coming together in true worship and praise. The Spirit presence of God manifests with us as we passionately praise and worship Him in the beautiful harmony of oneness with Him.

Music from voices coming forth as one voice loving and praising God without any religion or agendas beyond loving God opens the way to falling in love with Him.

It is not singing good songs or hitting all the right notes. And certainly, it is not about getting something from God, nor impressing people to change them. It is not at all focused on our needs.

It begins with thanks unto God for all that He is and all He has done and is doing for us. We begin to feel like, “Oh, how He loves me to do all this for us and to be here with us saturating our being with His love and life!”

We enter HIS gates with THANKSGIVING and enter His courts with PRAISE.

Psalm 100:4, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”


He meets us in the courts and we fall desperately in love with Him. He invites us into His inner sanctum of perfect pure holy intimate love with Him. Never again can we be the same. We continually overflow with His never-ending love.

Anything outside of His will that tries to enter our minds or lives is quickly dealt with. We are free to go in and out of the gate, but His presence goes with us always. We are never alone again and always ready to reenter His gate and His courts into that special place of intimate love communion with Him.

His love in us opens the way we should go in this life and shuts off the way we are not to go. We truly love all people including our enemies but have a special intimate love for His people in whom He lives.


Whether we journey through placid seas with gentle breezes and warm sun or through great storms of mountainous waves, dark skies, and fierce howling winds, we are victorious in accomplishing His will and plan in His strength, wisdom, and supernatural peace and joy.

With our eyes, we may see the great darkness fall upon those who hate and resist God’s love. Thousands may fall around us but it will not come near us or our dwelling. Holy angels will protect us as we live in love with God always and forever.

“A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:7-11.

Our dwelling place, our home place of love, our refuge, and the source of our life and sustenance is the LORD the Most High. Our life now is lived from heaven. We are truly spirit beings in and with the Lord Jesus in heaven. At the same time, we are on earth bringing the will and way of God from heaven on earth to restore the earth fully as it is in heaven.

Truly, this mortal has now put on immortality.
IN CHRIST, we are in heaven now. CHRIST is IN us and is on this earth now. (1 Corinthians 15:53, Ephesians 2:6, Colossians 1:26-27).

These mysteries and others are, in this season, being revealed to the Sons of God, the joint heirs with Christ, those that have died to self but now live by the resurrected Spirit reality of Christ Jesus in us by the Holy Spirit.


If this all makes little or no sense to you do not be alarmed or upset. You are not alone. Probably all of us who are of some age have been trained in the best understanding that the Christian religion had at the time.

We live in a new time, a new season of the maturing of the sons of God on earth. Mysteries are being revealed and much of our past understanding is being upgraded to flow in the season of all things coming together and the Lord fully alive in us to return this world to the kingdom of God as it is in heaven.

All is being shaken spiritually and soon naturally in a time of extremes never seen on earth. This has only begun and will be the most devastating shaking but with a glorious outcome that you and I cannot even imagine.

Trust God and lean on Him to open all our hearts and minds to the new world that King Jesus is establishing in the years to come. You can love and trust God to be and do all that He has said even if we have miss interpreted much of His word in the past.

He will see us through and is ready to release all that is in Christ Jesus into this world now in and through His many sons (the term sons is not gender specific).

Remember we are Spirit beings in earthly bodies for the work of Jesus restoring planet Earth and all that is on it to the design and plans of God Almighty!

More to come on this, Stay tuned to that which God is saying and doing in this era of New Jerusalem coming down from heaven to earth.

Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10.

Ron McGatlin

THAT moment during worship at Passion 2024 | Agnus Dei | “Worthy is the Lamb” Watch this video!


(Note from Ron: For those who do not know Clay Sikes; Clay is a kingdom-prophetic man of God whose hour has come. Clay Sikes was made. “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS” You will be seeing more of the kingdom word from Him here.)

I was born on March 31st, 1948, into great danger – a veil (placenta) over my face causing me to turn blue for lack of oxygen. There was a medical concern for brain damage…yet the old black midwives who delivered me said it was a sign that the baby has something to do for the Lord, stating, “The devil tried to kill him at birth; he will survive and know God’s plan for his life.” My mother believed that until the day she died. I too had an intuitive awareness that I was created for much more than I have become.

Some years back I began to pray according to Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand.)”

Is there some purpose in life beyond just being a good Christian man? Does God have a plan or something specific for us to do? Could it be that He made us to fulfill a work that He prepared in advance for us to do?

I also pondered me doing something for God in contrast with God doing something through me; also, the idea of being fulfilled by God in contrast to fulfilling Him and His plan upon earth. It all seemed to point to “oneness.”

Returning to the question, could it be He made us to fulfill a work that He prepared in advance for us to do? I found this, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, WHICH HE PREPARED IN ADVANCE FOR US TO DO.” Ephesians 2:10.

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book BEFORE ONE OF THEM CAME TO BE.” Psalm 139:16.

Yes, God wrote down in a book the destiny and Kingdom purpose for each of our lives. “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13.

“For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined those He also called; whom He called, these He also justified, and whom He justified, these He also glorified.” Romans 8:29,30.

Five things Paul mentions here, 1) Foreknew, 2) Predestined, 3) Called, 4) Justified, and 5) Glorified. We were known to God before the foundation of the earth.


Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:9 that purpose and grace were given to them before time began. “Who saved us and called us…not because of anything we have done, but because of His own purpose and grace.

This grace was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME.” Think on this, you were known to God before the beginning of time. Once we realize we were known to God before the beginning of time, we begin to comprehend the idea that He has a plan for our life.

This means when we find our purpose, we will also discover ‘grace’ that has been apportioned to us for that purpose. What we realize is that in this “PURPOSED ACTIVITY”, THERE IS GRACE – A profound ability to do what we might consider impossible.


The two stages of “foreknowledge and predestination” all occurred before time began. They happened in the eternal realm of God, outside the time realm.

The next stage is the “called” stage – where we begin to get glimpses of what we were made for – we begin discovering what is written in the books of heaven about us.

What is the predestined plan of God for my life? What is written in my Book? “Sacrifices and offerings you do not desire; my ears you have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering you did not require. Then I said, behold I come: IN the scroll of THE BOOK it is written of me…I delight to do your will, O my God and your law is in my heart. Psalm 40:6-8.

“And your law is in my heart” – And so whatever is written in your book in heaven is also written in your heart. If you want to discover what is in your book, look at what is in your heart.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5.

Before I formed you, I knew you – that means that in eternity passed you had a meeting with God. One of the reasons He sent you down to creation, through a birthday, through a place in time, IS TO FULFILL AN ASSIGNMENT.


What prevents us from fulfilling His fullness in our lives? Scripture tells us “Many are called, yet few are chosen.”

The answer is an unbelieving heart, caused by the god of this world, the world we are living in now. It is important to understand, that this is not saying an “unbeliver,” but an unbelieving heart can snuff out a great plan by simply accepting a good plan.

Those that make the greatest slaves are those who don’t know they are! “The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4.

All who’ve accepted Christ have the gift of faith, yet many are denied God’s best by an unbelieving heart.

Understanding your calling is a journey. A part of that journey is separating us from the ways of the world, pointing us to the ways of God (the Kingdom).

My calling is His business, not my worry, stress, or freak out. Do not let His business become your business. He is responsible for that which He made us responsible.

My businesses are not my businesses, they are His. His responsibility, His concern, His to do with as He pleases. The instant we retake matters into our own hands, doing things our way, we banish ourselves from the Tree of Life, the ability to hear God. (Genesis 3:21-24).

When we take matters into our own hands, we enter our own works, strength, and dependency.

In the world, little is accomplished without toil. In the Kingdom, His burden is light.

Far more is accomplished with less effort.

When I leave peace, righteousness, and joy, I venture back into my own self…

My best is my worst before God. (Matthew 11:29).

If a work is producing toil, we have either left rest, or entered an ungodly work. We can leave the rest in a Godly work. When we leave God’s way, we begin to sow fig leaves.

When we are operating in the Kingdom, THINGS WORK FOR US.

When we are operating in the world, we must WORK FOR THINGS.

Clay Sikes
Clay on Facebook


Oh Lord, let us be in that company forever!

You have entered a year to remember – 2024! A time in which great change will come both individually and corporately: A new level of opportunity coupled with a new level of responsibility, all driving to new levels of accomplishment.

2024 will awaken us to His anointing, His engrafting us into His unlimited ability. It is as Paul said, “It is not I who live, but Christ (IN ME) the hope of glory.”

Being one with the Father is not only hearing and obeying, but acting upon the anointing within, creating a manifestation above our ability to ask, imagine, or think.

2024 is about oneness, a time of great intimacy with our Lord, as He reveals Himself to us in new and incredible ways. Rejoice! This New Year will be like no other in your entire life. BELIEVE and RECEIVE this special time that Heaven has assigned to Earth!

Clay Sikes
Clay on Facebook


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