“Things are about to become BRAND NEW! It’s a NEW DAY.”

When He spoke this, immediately I saw the “death process” that MANY have been walking through over the last few years (John 12:24). I saw many walking paths where they were feeling like they were watching their vision die; they were watching their hopes die; they were watching things that they had believed for die. I saw them looking at themselves, feeling like so much of who they were had died. The days got darker, and for many, even their secret place with the Lord had gone from overflowing abundance, revelation and deep refreshment to silence.

I saw many who were feeling like they had suddenly been thrust into a wilderness season. Faces bewildered, they were looking around, wondering what they had done wrong, wondering what had happened. They had gone from momentum and movement to a sudden stop. They had gone from a place of excitement for the vision God had spoken to a place of chaos, pressing and intense opposition that was hitting the very areas and vision God had given them.

I saw that many had been in this place for a long time. Their hearts would believe, “It’s going to get better; I am about to come out,” then, suddenly, it would get harder. The pressing would increase and the “death process” would just get more intense.

Accelerating into the New

This vision then began to speed up, like you would see when you fast forward a movie, and things were happening very quickly. As I asked the Lord what He was saying, I heard Him say again, “Things are about to become BRAND NEW! IT’S A NEW DAY.”

Even though this process has felt long, and like one of the hardest, darkest seasons they’ve ever had to walk through, the Lord is declaring that a NEW DAY has arrived which will see a sudden acceleration forward into His vision and plans. (Photo via Pxhere)

Where many have felt like the vision/visions have died, NOW there will be resurrection life. The Lord is not only bringing these visions He’s given them back to life, but they will see a mighty, unprecedented acceleration on the wings and winds of the Holy Spirit like never before.

An Invitation to Build and Increase

I then heard the Lord say, “The ‘death’ came and NOW COMES THE NEW! It is time for the BRAND NEW. You walked through the dying process, NOW I will bring you back to the drawing board to build the new with Me like never before. I am adding more; I am stretching out the tent pegs; I am making changes; I am shifting things; I am changing the shape of things to add MORE INCREASE! What you are building and being invited to build and pioneer with Me is now going to see you positioned to witness the greatest move of My Spirit that you have ever seen.”

“You thought it was over. You thought the vision was over and gone. You thought My words had fallen to the ground, but NO, I was making room for increase. I was making room for you to birth what you have never birthed before, and to move into unprecedented pathways of building with Me. You are now moving into places you have never moved in before. You are now walking with Me into paths that have not been traveled.

These Are the Days of Awe!

“My fire is falling upon you, right now, to revive you, to resuscitate you, to heal you, to deliver you, to fill you again, and to baptize you afresh in the fire of My love and the fire of My presence. I am speaking over you: GET UP ON YOUR FEET AGAIN. Guard the vision closely; guard the increased vision that I am releasing now. Go slow in building with Me and listen close to My specifications and building instructions, for it is completely different to how you have built with Me before. But O, the joy of seeing My presence, My abundance, overflow and favor. It is going to blow your mind. These are the days of awe!

“Be wise with whom you invite into the vision. Be led by My Spirit and watch how I will continue to draw your tribe and increase your tribe around you to run with the vision I have given you. There will be some that will not be able to go on the journey with you, but I am bringing others to run with you in these new places and new pathways.

Pioneering Pathways: Don’t Be Afraid to Build Outside of the Box

“Do not be afraid to build outside of the box, for that is exactly where I am leading you. You will have provision that is unprecedented. You will see a mighty wealth transfer take place to build My Kingdom and position you to pour out in generosity like never before. I am providing ALL you need for the ‘new’ I am building. I am providing MORE THAN ENOUGH for the out-of-the-box, pioneering and trailblazing assignment I have for you. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

“You will see land and multiple lands given to you. You will see the camels come, carrying abundance. You will see Me supernaturally provide to bring forth the vision that I am giving you for this hour.

“Rest and trust in Me, for I am bringing you into increase to see My plans, My purposes, and My vision flourish in the earth. Watch and see how I will draw in the harvest in unprecedented ways through these pioneering pathways I am leading you down.”

Your Children Are Coming with You

I also heard the Lord say, “Your children are coming with you.” I could sense strongly the move of God, right now, amongst the children. I could see their vital role in what God is doing, and His heart for family. It reminded me again of one of the things that the Lord spoke to me many years ago regarding this new era:

Watch the children, for there will be an unprecedented move of My Spirit through the children and youth in the new era.

“Things are about to become brand new! I am releasing My shalom into the places where chaos has come, I am releasing wholeness and healing into the broken places. I am completely transforming things.

It’s a new day! This is the time for you to step into the new things I am doing. And no longer will your heart grieve and mourn, but your heart will rejoice and exalt Me in awe and wonder of what I am doing and will do.”

Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Email: info@lanavawser.com
Website: lanavawser.com

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia with their family.

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