Shawn Bolz gives a prophetic warning! We know a recession is coming, but God is going to use it to cause His people to transition. He has new opportunities for many, new relationships and new places to live for some. We will see a huge transfer of people moving from one city to another, from one church to another.

My warning is you have to obey God’s inner promptings in this season because it will affect the way that you are blessed in the next. God is requiring a surrender of what many of you thought your life would look like, would be like, but it is a divine set up. If you don’t listen, if He speaks to you and you don’t pivot you can find yourself outside of the blessing of God, outside the sphere of favor he has for you, outside the river of His presence on your gifts, talents, relationships, your very heart. Although his presence never leaves us it does pool in places of abundance that we are called to.

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