The Lord spoke to me through the book of Jude several years ago concerning those who would come in unawares, ancient spirits who were before of old. Turning God’s grace into lasciviousness unbridled lust, excess, shameless, insolent, lewd, unrestrained. Powerful spirits that can only be overcome by and through Christ.

He is calling out in this hour to His true prophets and intercessors. Not self-proclaimed but full of the Spirit led by a still small voice with His mark upon their head. (Ezekiel 9:4).

Many are called but few are chosen, chosen for this moment to rise up and bring for judgment through the spirit in righteousness. The Lord comes in ten thousand of His saints to execute judgment upon all that are ungodly and all their ungodly deeds. (Jude 14,15).

It is your time; can you hear it?

What has slowly been being released over time has escalated rapidly. Daniel 10:20 reveals that the messenger would return then (now) to fight the prince of Persia. And the prince of Javan is now ABOUT to come. In the now he has been coming. The ABOUT is NOW here.


A king of Greece, Antiochas, who was not to be king, but seized the throne declaring himself king and successfully railed support among the Greek ruling. He spent money on things unnecessary and gave to the commoners in order to garnish their support. And raised taxes to pay for it all.

The spirit of Javan and its band of demonic spirits are moving about the globe enticing weak men who otherwise would not succeed except for those who are also weak gathering with them under the power of the father of lies through the spirit of Javan. Consider those currently in power in the USA, Xi Jinping, Justin Trudeau to name but a few, most notable Klaus Schwab.

Javan speaks of intoxication as we see many who are intoxicated with a violent and lustful spirit, they are those who dwell in the earth and in the sea. Have been made drunk with the wine of her (whore of Babylon) fornication. (Revelation 12:11,12).

More abominations will be made known as prophet and intercessor arise. Ezekiel 22 holds much insight concerning this judgment. These will be proclaimed guilty for the blood they shed and their defilement with idols. They lightly esteemed father and mother, oppressing the stranger and ill-treating the orphan and widow. They are slanderers, eating in high places. They have despised His holy things and profaned His sabbath, uncovering the nakedness of their father and humbled women in their uncleanness.

Double sin was and is now committed by way of that which is forbidden. Guilty of the most abominable incest and unnatural lust. Unholy and unnatural they do not abstain from these crimes. The spirits of Javan are many and they are powerful ancient spirits moving rapidly throughout the earth seeking who they might destroy.

But the word of the Lord spoken through hearts that are in Christ is more powerful than any two-edged sword.


Jeremiah 22:7, speaks of these prophets and intercessors that are chosen and set apart as destroyers, each moving with his weapon will cut down the choice cedars (firm, strong places) which holds strong because of its deep tenacious roots. These are strong evil spirits persistent and SELF motivated.

Oh Lord a cry has gone out to the true prophets and intercessors, may they rise up in the power of your most holy spirit and speak forth righteous judgment, standing strong in battle against the principalities and powers of the air. Let us not become weak but increased in spirit mind body and soul. Our light cannot dwell beneath the table. The time has come to unite a city of light upon the hill. Says the Lord.

David Kloefkorn

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