God has sent us an awesome Helper. His Holy Spirit brings the Spirit of Christ Jesus to indwell us and lead us into the fullness of King Jesus in us and with us in the manifest presence of God. King Jesus, our Savior, Lord and King is with us to do the works of God within us and through us.

We are not the source of doing the great works that God desires of us. It is Christ Jesus by the HELPER the HOLY SPIRIT of God that does the work within us and through us. The Holy Spirit is the vehicle of the love of God that empowers all the works of God in and through us.

However, many Christians have not yet really been exposed to the real love of God in the Holy Spirit empowering them to do the works of God.

As Spirit-filled sons and daughters of God empowered with the pure holy love of God, we are to arise and impart the Spirit of God’s love into other believers.

Many believers may become discouraged as the level of relationship they have had with God is no longer working for them in the more difficult environment of world conditions. Thus, they may be prepared and ready to receive more from God by the Holy Spirit.


We that have already been broken and lost our lives to fall completely IN LOVE with GOD must impart the love of God into our brothers and sisters. They may know that God loves them but have not yet fallen in love with God.

Today many believers are feeling drawn toward a deeper life with God. In this season of history, God is revealing in our hearts and minds the mystery of entering into His manifest presence and falling in love with God to become one with Him in the most beautiful absolute fullness of pure righteousness, peace and joy.

This is a reality in this season of the marriage of the Lamb to His Bride. The love, power and wisdom of God consumes our lives and all things are possible to us and nothing of God is impossible.


The pathway for the believer to come into the greater glory of God is now revealed.

The past experiences of coming to know God in Christ as Savior and Lord are like the preparation of the land and the planting of the seed that is to grow and become fruitful. Also, it is like the birthing of a baby that is to grow up into the fullness of fruitful life.

The true Body and Bride of Christ Jesus is growing up and ready for marriage. As a child we have known God as Father and Christ Jesus as savior. Now in this season we are meeting King Jesus as our lover and potential husband. We have gone through years of preparation and growing up. The true Bride has made or is making herself ready.

Seeing our God in Christ with grown-up eyes we are greatly drawn to Him. Receiving His presence with us overwhelms us. Within our hearts we speak and sing out of our mouths PRAISE in pure passionate adoration. We fall totally in love with Him and become one with Him.

God inhabits His praise.

Worship is seeing and acknowledging WHO HE IS and WHAT HE IS TO US. Giving Him true thankfulness for all He has done and all He is, opens the gate into the manifest presence of God.

We enter the fullness of His courts of love with PRAISE!

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” Psalm 100:4.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!” Psalm 150:6.

Praise brings love. Love brings presence. His presence brings GLORY!

Our mission in life is to be His love to the people of the world. We are His MISSIONARIES OF HIS LOVE to this world.

Love never fails and,
His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

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