A few years ago, the Lord began to speak to me about ‘Hubs of Harvest and Transformation’ that were arising in the earth. These hubs were places birthed and fueled by prayer and praise; many were drawn to them as the glory of God was seen in these gatherings. The people were equipped and sent out to be agents of transformation in their regions and areas of influence. The raw and real transformational power of the Word, love and Spirit of God were displayed.

Recently, the Lord has expanded on this word and has changed the terminology of these hubs to ‘Homes of Habitation and Harvest’ to better show the way He is moving in these places – the focus of these hubs being ‘FAMILIES.’ The Lord is highlighting that the local gathering of Believers is to be like family. From the place of deep relationship, transformation will be seen in the lives of individuals, and also regions, as people walk in the fullness of the plans the Lord has for them.

Hubs are ‘Homes’

I heard the Lord say, “I am changing the phrasing so My people have a better understanding of the functioning of these hubs; for they are not only equipping and sending centers, but are homes where My people are nourished, equipped, counseled, loved and accepted. I am drawing people together as families. These homes will be places where My people encounter My heart, Word and ways as they journey together. I am drawing My people back to the importance of ‘many parts but one body.’ I am expressing this through the revelation of family. Each member has unique gifts and every family member is loved, appreciated and equipped to step into the fullness of the plans I have for them. There is no competition as each family member is a cheerleader for each other, supporting them on their journey and the path I have for them.”

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12, ESV)

“These homes will be marked by a sense of belonging as I draw together those who have the same heart and vision. These homes of harvest and habitation are beginning to arise in the earth and more and more will be raised up in the time ahead. These homes will function from five-fold leadership, where My five-fold ministers work together to equip My people and advance My Kingdom.” (Photo via Pixy)

“And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and the teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12, ESV)

“Mothers and fathers of faith will nurture and counsel others in these homes. They will carry My heart and will show others My heart. Those who display abundant fruit of the Spirit will show others the importance of character as many are drawn to the aroma of Christ that they carry. These ones will lead others in how to walk in My ways.”

Homes of Habitation and the Fire of God

“My fire will fall on these homes for they will be marked with My presence and power. These homes will be homes of habitation, for My people will seek and steward My presence. These homes will be places that embrace My refining fire, for their desire is to be continually transformed into ever-closer alignment with Me. My fire will consume everything not of Me and only that which is pure will remain. Those with clean hands and pure hearts will be the ones to carry My fire. My people, in these homes, will be My fire-carriers; they will carry My fire and presence to their regions and draw many to Me as they see the transformational impact of My truth, love and power at work.”

“Who, then, is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean – whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure.” (Psalm 24:3-4, TPT)

“My tangible presence will be felt in these places which will draw many to these homes. Many captives will be set free as they experience the transformational force of My love. Strongholds and chains will be broken as My people encounter My glory. Healing will be a key component of these homes. There are so many in My Body who need deep healing from wounds of the past. In these homes, the deep areas will be ministered to and a new level of freedom and joy will come.

“Not only is My fire falling on families, but I am coming to roar over families to see injustices overturned, strongholds broken and breakthroughs come. Vengeance is Mine and I’m coming to restore what has been stolen and bring course-corrections to that which the enemy has tried to derail.” (Photo via Wikimedia)

Transformational Focus

“These homes have a focus on transformation for they model My walk. I came to bring life and abundant life. I came to set captives free. I came to see people transformed. These homes will have a focus on being the light and salt in their region. They will have a desire to see transformation in the lives of individuals and in their region and nation. They will walk in John 13:35 for My love will be evident in their walk.”

“For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re My true followers.” (John 13:35, TPT)

Homes Built on God’s Direction

“These homes won’t be built to the ‘usual’ plan of the day or to the structure of man but will be built on My direction. They won’t function in the usual way but in the new way. These homes have yielded to My hand and have allowed Me to clean out what is not of Me. They have allowed Me to break down structures and ways of man so only My ways remain. They have been diligent to submit to the work of My Spirit. They have laid down that which glorifies man so only that which glorifies Me remains. From this place, I can build My Kingdom and advance My plans. They must be intentional to remain in this place of surrender and humility to allow My transformational work to continue in and through them.

Transition to ‘Family’

“I am transitioning My people to ‘family.’ I am changing their speech to talk about family and value family. I am shifting mindsets. I am raising up and highlighting Kingdom family. Much restoration, healing and liberty will come as My people embrace the Kingdom family I am leading them to and have positioned them in. Many will be drawn to these hubs that function as families as the embrace My heart and ways. A shift is upon My Body as I move My people to the true meaning of family. There are some that will also see Me transition and move them to these family hubs to position them for what I will bring forth through these hubs in the time to come.”

Katie Barker
Bring the Fire Ministries
Email: contact@katiebarker.com.au
Website: www.katiebarker.com.au

Katie Barker is the co-founder of Bring the Fire Ministries along with her husband Aaron. They live on the Tweed Coast of Australia with their four children. Bring the Fire Ministries is about bringing revival fire to the nations, and ministering to others through the power of the Word of God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Katie has a desire to see the people of God awakened to the hour and partner with the Lord by walking in their unique destinies, using their Kingdom authority and rising up to be agents of transformation in their spheres of influence. She carries the message of transformation and has a mandate to equip and mobilize God’s people as the Lord prepares His Bride for His return.

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