
“I Want to Find Jesus.” – From Tragedy to Eternal Transformation

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Shawn Ercoli, COO of Iris Global, shares a powerful testimony of how one local man and his family came to find Jesus after cyclone Kenneth devastated his village and then extremist violence made them flee. We are grateful for your prayers and support as we continue bringing the practical love of Jesus to communities in need, especially now as another cyclone has barreled through central Mozambique. Cyclone Eloise is the strongest storm so far in the 2020-21 season and while it was not as devastating as Cyclone Idai, there is still a lot of relief work to be done. Our ministry team based in Dondo, Mozambique has mobilized with a goal to repair damaged churches, rebuild homes, and distribute food, seeds, and basic supplies — and as with all of our relief efforts, we always share the light and truth of the Gospel! Learn more about how you can help with reliefs efforts at www.irisglobal.org Musicbed SyncID: MB01A7WROFFDGEA

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