Can you see it? You may need to close your natural eyes, so that you may see more clearly with your spiritual eyes. Ask for your Spirit eyes and ears to be opened and see the rising of the “Bright and Morning Star.”

Can you feel it in the depth of your soul? Can you, in anticipation, feel the warmth of the new Day of the Lord’s arising across the land?

Darkness instantly evaporates in the light of the Lord. The promise of the Bethlehem Star is fulfilled: the intense light of the fire of His love fills the earth with peace on earth and good will toward men.

Every pain and sorrow of the past melts away in the presence of the light of the fire of His love. Pure holy love is arising in the depth of our Spirit and flooding our soul with the glowing fire of His love, overflowing into our bodies, flowing out to the world as the liquid fire of His love lights the world.

The pure holy fire of love goes viral as eyes meet and hands touch; all are filled to overflowing, all strife or ill will melts away. The goodness of His love swells within and flows to all around us.

No one is left unfilled; all have a pleasant sweet ache in their hearts. By the fire of the love of Christ Jesus, all of the world becomes radiant with the glory of the fire of love.

The animals including the beast of the fields respond to the love of God in man and are no longer fearful or harmful to man.

No one looks to another day for His coming, for every day is filled with His presence filling the hearts and lives with the glory of the love of God.

The desire for excessive recreation and games of competition are fading away. The real life of light and love in His presence fulfills our every longing. Hearts and lives are full and completely satisfied as we commune with Spirit God in the beauty of His holiness of love fulfilled in contentment and sheer excitement and joy in perfect peace.

Christ Jesus is closer with us than a natural brother. Wherever Christ is, we are there in the Spirit realm. Wherever we are in the natural realm, Christ is there.

Whatever we are given to be or do in this world is more productive and flows smoothly as God works in and with us. All things are possible to us through Christ in us by the Holy Spirit. All heaven and nature work in alignment with the will of God. Holy angels empower the humanly impossible feats of miracle action to complete the works of restoring earth as it is in heaven.

This is the reality of Spirit God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit become One with us transforming us into the holy fruitful Bride of God filling the earth with the offspring of God doing the work of God and fulfilling the plan of God on earth as it is in heaven.


All things are completed in Christ Jesus. All is prepared for those who love God. Abiding in the living love of God creates perfect faith. By love we know God in a depth of intimacy that creates perfect trust in Him and in all that He says or does.

The arising of the morning star is in the day we collectively lay our lives on His altar as our reasonable service in a love response to His endless love. Invite God in Christ by the Holy Spirit to become your whole life.

By love yield to the Holy Spirit to saturate and fill you with the life of Christ. Simply give all, all that you are and all that you have to the One who loves you without measure.

As the morning star arises in many hearts and lives, He arises into the world filling the world with the light of His glory.

Love, His love, removes the old fallen ways from the world and fills the world with the New Wine of the New Jerusalem in the manifested sons of God becoming the true Bride of His love on earth as it is in heaven. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19

“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” Revelation 22:16

Ron McGatlin     

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