The lion king is on the move

The Lord will FIGHT for His people.

While talking with the Lord tonight, I had a powerful vision of the United States. In the vision, I saw a giant, majestic and mighty lion place His right paw, with claws opened, upon the North East Coast of America. I then saw His left paw land on the North West Coast, with His back paws standing subsequently on the South East and South West Coasts. This mighty lion was standing on the four corners of the U.S, and not in a restful position either. He was evidently in attack mode, with his claws opened, and teeth bared back and snarling. He was standing guard over His territory from predators.

I then noticed, as His enormous shadow was cast over the entire 50 states, that a sound of shrieking could be heard. “He is here! He is here! He has arrived.” Is what I heard. A loud ruckus began to erupt, as those in the dark shadows began to emerge in sheer terror at the towering lion above them. Trying to escape, they ran in every direction. But the Lion then began to roar. A roar so loud and violent that it sent this shrieking demon horde to their knees. They had no choice but to bow down. I then saw those who have suffered immense injustice, emerge up and out of the dark shadows, freed from their bonds. Strangely, it was then that I noticed, this Lion had wings. He let down His wings and collected all of those who had been in suffering and gathered them to Himself, safe and secure. He roared again. Another round of demon hordes were again forced out from the hiding darkness, shrieking as they came into the light and exposed under His mighty shadow. He roared again… and just like before, the evil beings were exposed and rendered helpless, falling to their knees underneath Him. I saw another group of people emerge from the darkness that I could clearly see, like those before them, had suffered immense injustice.

This scenario took place four times. I was especially drawn to those who emerged from the clutches of darkness who had suffered injustice. As each group was scooped up by the wings of the lion, I noticed their tattered scars were almost instantly healed, and robes of royalty appeared upon them, with flames of fire appearing over them, completely changing their countenance. I heard the Holy Spirit speak, “these are the ones to watch in this next season… they are those that will roar with my justice, I have placed upon them an increase of my anointing to carry the flames of my gospel far and wide and to reclaim territory stolen.” Following this vision, I asked the Holy Spirit, ‘what is it you want me to pray right now?’ In my spirit I heard these words, “LET LOOSE THE LION.” He then led me to numerous verses found in Isaiah, the first from Isaiah 31:4-5 (TPT);

The Lord Will Fight For His People.

 This is what Yahweh said to me: 

“When a lion,” the great beast, growls over his prey, 

And when the shepherds band together against him,

The lion is neither terrified by their shouts

Nor disturbed by all the noise they make.

So will Yahweh, the Commander of Angel Armies,

Come down to fight for you on Mount Zion and on Zion’s hill!

Just as a bird hovers over its nest to protect its young,

So will Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, shield Jerusalem.

He will protect her, deliver her, spare her, and rescue her.”

What stands out to me in those verses, is not only will the Lord come and hover over, gather and protect His children, but He is not disturbed or terrified by the chaos of noise that surrounds the United States in particular right now. The disturbing racket we are hearing, does not threaten or diminish the Lion’s power in any way. As I meditated upon the vision and this verse, I began to wonder what the four groups of people, delivered from oppression, represented. I believe each group represents a principality that has held a stronghold over the United States. While I don’t have clarity on all four, I strongly believe one of those principalities is the spirit of Jezebel – whose worshippers sacrifice children to moloch. Interestingly, it has been a time of great revealing and exposure, with child sex-trafficking being brought to the light as never before and I believe we will continue to see more evils uncovered like this, as the Lion of Judah roars, exposing and revealing more of those things that have been hiding under the surface. A number of months ago, I saw a vision of waves of awakening on the horizon, but before they hit, a receding of waters took place, exposing all the filthy creatures that had been hiding under the surface. We are seeing this now. (You can listen to this word here)

I believe one of those people groups who I saw delivered in the vision, represent children who will play a pivotal role in carrying the gospel far and wide in this hour. I hear the Lord saying, “teach your children my ways, give them the freedom to encounter me in this hour, for what took you years to learn, I will teach them and raise them up in a moment.” The enemy has been long targeting children, both in the womb, and out, because He knows the power they will carry in these days. I believe children all across the Nation are going to play a key role in ushering in a specific and powerful move of the Spirit of God in these days. They will trample upon the works of darkness as they skip to the beat of the King. I also believe, that Black America plays a key role in this hour. I don’t say this lightly. I believe the injustices they have endured through the demonic spirit of racism, and even the way the enemy hijacked their movement of freedom in recent days, are all pointing to the fact that the enemy is terrified of what they carry. Instilled in their DNA, are warriors, and the Lion is redeeming them and the losses they have suffered. They will come out marching with a new song on their tongues, a song of righteous justice and victory. They too, play a pivotal and key role in this Great Awakening all across the United States of America and all over the earth.

I’m yet to know whether the Lord will reveal what the other two people groups are, or whether they have already been revealed and I don’t yet recognise them, but, the fact that there were four groups, tells me something. The number four in Hebrew represents ‘Authority,’ ‘Government’, ‘Rule,’ Dominion,’ and fullness of time. The Lion is unleashing His authority and governmental rule, His dominion in this hour.

The Holy Spirit finally led me to these verses in Isaiah 5:20-24 (TPT)

Perversion of Values

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,

Who replace darkness with light and light with darkness,

Who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.

Arrogant Conceit

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes

And see themselves as clever and shrewd.


Woe to the champion wine drinkers

Who are heroes in mixing strong drinks –

Judges and politicians who acquit the guilty for a bribe

And take away the rights of the innocent.

Isaiah’s Song of Judgment

Therefore, just as tongues of fire

Lick up the straw and dry grass,

They will be destroyed, just as a plant with decaying roots

And blossoms dry up like dust and is blown away in the wind.

For they said, “No!” to the teachings of Yahweh,

The Lord of Angel Armies,

And have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.”

As I read these words, my spirit burned within me. I could see the glare of the face of the Lion of the tribe of Judah staring intently through these words. Yes, He is a lamb, but He is also a Lion. We have known Him for many generations as the gentle Lamb, but I believe that in this season, we will know Him as the ferocious, roaring Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This may sound terrifying, but I assure you, only those who are siding with deep darkness in this hour have something to fear. God, in His mercy, will give them many opportunities to repent and turn aside, however, if they do not, He is coming to remove their reign of terror. I feel it strong in my spirit, that the Father is roaring over the destruction of sin upon the land, declaring, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”. Jesus is coming as a roaring lion to rescue His children and answer the prayers of His people. He is coming to rescue those who have been held in the clutches of darkness. This great exposure that is taking place, is all part of His divine plan. The Lord is exposing the wicked.

Where it says in Isaiah, “Woe to the champion wine drinkers, who are heroes in mixing strong drinks” it speaks to me of the mixture of truth the media is releasing in this hour. I believe the Lord is saying “Woe to the media, those who mix a little bit of truth with a whole lot of lies, woe to those who cover evil and call it good.” We have a world in confusion right now… thanks to the mixing of drinks, but be encouraged, the Lion is roaring in this moment.  I want to encourage you to pray and declare the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to roar over your cities and nations. Whether you are from the United States or not, God is moving in YOUR nation and He  is ROARING over injustice. May His thunderous roar be heard over the media, may His thunderous roar be heard over every injustice that has prevailed, over every demonic stronghold, over those calling evil good, and good evil. May His roar bring a clarity to those who are lost in the confusion of this all, may their eyes be opened to the evil under workings at hand.

Do not fear these times, we are living in days foretold, and we have the wonderful opportunity to release Him through our laid-down lives and prayers.

“And he said, “Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s.”

2 Chronicles 20:15

By Christy Johnston

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