“Fear Not! Destruction and Loss Are Not the Bread of My Table”

Russ Walden, Green Valley, Arizona

Hidden in the Cleft of the Rock

The Father says today, “I am keeping you safe in the secret place of Most High. Regardless of what medical science says, or what the financial analyst says, keep your mind stayed on Me. As nations tremble and men shake and shudder, know that you are hidden in the cleft of the Rock, safe and secure under My mighty hand. As those around you see nothing but despair, I will show you My glory and make Myself known in the midst of the overthrow. Fear not, neither be dismayed for destruction and loss are not the bread of My table. (Photo via Unsplash)

“The winds of adversity may blow, and the people say to the rocks, ‘Fall on us,’ but that is not your portion,” says, God. “These are the days of My Kingdom being set up, even as the kingdoms of men are being consumed and broken into pieces. My Kingdom is in you and My Kingdom stands forever. Even so, you will be left standing when all the systems of the earth demonstrate their impotence and come to failure.

“I have formed you, and I have fashioned you,” says the Father. “I made you that you should be holy and without blame before Me in love before the foundations of the world were ever laid. Yes, I even made the wicked for the day of destruction, but that is not My plan for you.

Come Before Me, Expectantly

“These things have taken man by surprise, but nothing has taken Me by surprise. I am not pacing before the throne, wondering how I am going to get you through these problems intact and unaffected. Trust in My everlasting arms. There are no deficits in My Person, and there are no shortages. Because I will not fall short, you will not fall short. (Photo via Unsplash)

“You will go to the cupboard thinking to find it empty, and it will be full. You will look into your accounts, thinking there will be nothing, and there will be something that you hadn’t expected, and it will be what is needed to take care of the demands on your life. This is not a time of loss,” says the Father, “but a time of gain.

“I am in you to sustain and maintain every area of your life. When they ask you, ‘How are you going to make it?’ answer, ‘God!’ When they ask you, ‘How are you going to take care of your family?’ answer, ‘God!’ Gather your loved ones and come before Me, expectantly.

“Know that My arms are open to gather you to Myself and nurture you and comfort you in My presence when all around are gnashing their teeth for sorrow. Despair not,” says God, “for despair is not your portion. Fear not,” says God, “for I am meeting every demand and keeping you safe no matter what tomorrow holds.”

Russ Walden
Father’s Heart Ministry
Email: russellwalden@gmail.com
Website: www.fathersheartministry.net

Russ Walden is a prophet and marketplace minister with over 30 years of service in the Kingdom of God. Russ and Kitty founded Father’s Heart Ministry in 2007 and since then have prophesied to thousands in 78 countries and all seven continents. In the early 90’s he assisted in the oversight of a group of 400 churches before founding an IT business in the Mid-west. Russ and Kitty converted the business to a marketplace ministry model and out of that Father’s Heart Ministry was born.

Source: http://elijahlist.com/

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