Every day someone comes up with a new reason for believing that Trump is finished.  However, the FBI found out that conspiring against the President backfires.  The media went for ratings by bashing Trump, only to lose ratings and credibility.

  • Mueller’s witch-hunt investigation has flamed out as a political disaster.  Americans saw the insanity of it.
  • Comey said his new book would do Trump in.  Instead, it was as effective as shooting spit balls at a battleship.
  • CBS believed it had the silver bullet that would end Trump.  Recall how they gleefully believed that a Sunday night interview with a porn star would be the end of Trump.  Monday came, and they joined a long list of disappointed Trump haters whose weapons did not prosper.
  • 400 newspapers declared war on Trump. Now many of them are up for sale and the survivors are fighting to stay in business.

I could go on and on.

You don’t need to worry about Donald Trump.   Let me give you seven reasons why all the attacks on Trump will fail.

1. The poll numbers are skewed against him. Scientists have shown that when people have a favorite candidate who is attacked by the press they go silent. They still support the person, they just won’t tell you.  Many, many more than we hear about still support Trump.

Even so, Democratic pundits are dismayed at the way Trump survives.  They were counting on a major drop in support after Trump’s impeachment. It just never happened. In fact, quite the opposite happened: his poll numbers climbed.

2. Americans have a deep sense of fair play.  They go for the underdog.  People see through the flagrant, wanton, partisan and disgraceful attacks on Trump by the media.  They are giving him a break for that.  They also understand his rookie mistakes; he is not a politician. We elected him because we didn’t want a politician, remember?

Uber-liberal director Rob Reiner denounced Robert De Niro and other celebrities for their rants against President Trump, saying it only helps the President. And Reiner is correct.

3. It’s the economy. Unemployment is at a 16-year low, and the consumer sentiment levels are at near record highs. When all the background noise settles, and the voter who now has a good paying job, prepares to pull the lever in 2020, the thought of returning to an Obama economy will horrify.

4. President Trump has plenty of time to win back those who have turned against him. Listen to Jake Novak senior editor at CNBC: “Both party establishments still need a vote-getting leader and President Trump already has the White House leadership role they covet. He has enormous executive power at his fingertips and the ability to win over some doubters with just the passage of time.”

5. The other side still looks so much worse. Elizabeth Warren is a shrill-throated hater of the white middle-class worker.  Bernie Sanders’ economy from Mars plays well only because pot is legal on campus.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made socialism so unpopular it has 18% approval. Maxine Waters is a VOTE FOR TRUMP machine.  Nancy Pelosi is, well, Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden is a creepy man.

6. Millions are praying for our nation. There is no way that the fervent prayer of millions will go unheeded in heaven. Sometimes, in the early stages of revival, things look as if they are getting worse before they get better.

I know Satan is writhing in agony right now.  He knows his time is short.  He knows what God is about to do.  He is in a futile rage against the inevitable answer.  He is spewing deception to make the anointed vessels of God think that no answer is coming.

7.This is the big one: Trump is here by divine appointment. Trump will survive.  Not because he’s perfect.  Not because his base is fiercely loyal.  He will survive even though he is hard for some Christians to take.  He is here by divine appointment.  Can you hear heads exploding?  Yes, you heard me right—he is here because God set him in the White House.

Today Maxine Waters said God has raised her up to bring Trump down.  Can you guess how that is going to turn out?

Donald Trump is here to wreck and dismantle. He is here to apply strong medicine to a self-destructive nation.

Nothing else explains why he is still standing after the cruelest and most unrelenting attack on any leader in American history since Abraham Lincoln.  More importantly, nothing else explains why none of this has broken his spirit.   Deal with it.  Someone way bigger than you and me wants him right where he is—doing just what he is doing.

Call him ruthless and impetuous, but President Trump is here until he fulfills his purpose.

Urgent final remarks:  To all the intercessors who cried out for a national miracle—you got it.  It’s just a much rougher package than you imagined.

He will put another conservative on the Supreme Court.  He is standing with Israel.  He is against abortion.  He is putting prayer back in schools. He is not only securing our borders, but also working to stop other nations from abusing and harming us.

Thoughtful believers see past the fog.  They see what I see.  They are praying for his protection, for wisdom and for God’s continued favor.

The big question is why is Trump here?  Here comes the chilling answer:  Trump is buying time for the sleeping church to wake up and do her job.  Trump is the divine stop-gap that has been brought to us by the mercy of God.

Nothing could be worse for us than to waste this miracle.  Nothing could be more grieving to God than for the American church to be ungrateful for a man—though a rough customer—who is taking the hits for standing for all the values that we cherish.

As I said before, he will not be removed from office.  And if the rising church continues at the current pace, the next four years, and more, are his.  Hate me, laugh at me, despise my writing…it does not matter, I know it’s true. And it is time for the church to rise up and be the church!

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