“(N)othing alerts readers that Courier publications aren’t actually traditional hometown newspapers but political instruments designed to get them to vote for Democrats. And although the articles are made to resemble ordinary news, their purpose isn’t primarily to build a readership for the website: It’s for the pieces to travel individually through social media, amplifying their influence with persuadable voters.” -Bloomberg report

Paul Smeaton : Dec 2, 2019  LifeSiteNews.com

airlift[LifeSiteNews] A Democrat strategist and founder of a political activist organization has helped launch a new media company hosting digital “local newspapers” aimed at influencing key swing-state voters in the 2020 US presidential election, according to a Bloomberg report. (Image: via LifeSiteNews)

Tara McGowan, founder of “a nonprofit digital strategy group that organizes progressives online to vote and volunteer” is reportedly “raising $25 million from a host of wealthy liberals to establish a for-profit media company, Courier Newsroom, that has already started rolling out digital newspapers with local reporters and editors in six key swing states—Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.”

The report explains that the idea is to create digital news articles that appear as though they come from an ordinary local newspaper, when in fact that “newspaper” has been created with the primary intention to influence voters in elections…

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