Over Half a Million Students across America to Bring Their Bibles to School Tomorrow, October 3rd

“I took my Bible and sat it in my desk all day. I had a few kids… ask me about my faith and it was a great conversation. But I think the best experience I had was when my favorite teacher and I had a very awesome in-depth conversation about faith that didn’t turn into an argument but it ended up something we both agreed on. I plan on carrying my Bible with me every day at school now…” -Savvy (17-year-old student)
News Staff : Oct 2, 2019  FocusOntheFamily.com

[FocusOnTheFamily.com] More than half a million students from across the United States will join the Bring Your Bible to School movement on Thursday, Oct. 3. The annual student-led event, now in its sixth year, provides a unique opportunity for young people to share about their faith by highlighting its source—the Bible. (Image credit: Unsplash-Ben White)

Throughout the day, children and teens will share their experiences via social media using the hashtag #BringYourBible

Partnership With Drew Brees

This year, NFL Saints quarterback Drew Brees partnered with Focus on the Family to promote Bring Your Bible to School Day. Brees filmed a short video encouraging kids to participate on October 3. In the video, Brees says, “One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:7. ‘For we live by faith and not by sight.’ So I want to encourage you to live out your faith on Bring Your Bible to School Day and share God’s love with friends. You’re not alone.”

After receiving criticism for partnering with Focus on the Family, the Christian quarterback responded by affirming that he obeys Scripture’s command to love everyone. Bree’s said that as a Christian, he is called to, “love all, respect all, and accept all. So that is actually how I live my life.”

In response to the attacks on Brees, Jim Daly said, “We appreciate Drew Brees’ ongoing support for Focus on the Family’s ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day. Like Scripture teaches and Drew Brees referenced, as Christians, we believe we’re called to love God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind—and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Stories of Courage

The controversy reminds us why it’s vital to empower the next generation with the understanding that they don’t have to hide their faith or compartmentalize it to the “private” sphere. The nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage protects their right to boldly, authentically and freely live out their faith—without fear of reprisal. That’s the heart and vision behind Bring Your Bible to School Day. On this day each year, hundreds of thousands of kids courageously engage with classmates about God’s truth and love as revealed in His Word. They are looking beyond temporary cultural debates and sharing something eternal—the light of God’s hope and love. By encouraging students to bring their Bibles to school, we hope to help our country turn back to embracing religious freedom and expression.

In the past, Bring Your Bible to School Day has emboldened students to share their faith, and prompted students to discuss their faith openly. One example comes from a student named Savvy:

“I took my Bible and sat it in my desk all day. I had a few kids… ask me about my faith and it was a great conversation. But I think the best experience I had was when my favorite teacher and I had a very awesome in-depth conversation about faith that didn’t turn into an argument but it ended up something we both agreed on. I plan on carrying my Bible with me every day at school now, even if one person asks I feel like that’s an opening for me to explain and share the great truth of Christ with them.” -Savvy, 17

The Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom is once again partnering with Focus on the Family to offer students free legal representation if their rights are violated at school.

This year, Bring Your Bible to School Day will also be promoted by Christian artist Francesca Battistellia and Newsboys.

Live Your Faith

For the first time this year, Focus on the Family will challenge Bring Your Bible to School Day participants to put into practice the “Live It” portion of the event’s “Bring It. Share It. Live It.” motto. Students and their families will be equipped with monthly challenges—specific, tangible actions they can take to live out their faith at school and in the community throughout the year.

Students and families who sign up to participate in Bring Your Bible to School Day will automatically be entered for a chance to win a trip for four to the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC

Students can find more information, including the official video and stories from students and parents, at BringYourBible.org, where they can also sign up to participate and get free, downloadable guides. Elementary, teen and pastor/parent versions are available.

Students can also follow “Bring Your Bible to School Day” on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The official hashtag is #BringYourBible.

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