“Ideology has invaded the human soul to rip it apart from God and from the dignity He bestowed on us,” Bolsonaro said. “And with these methods, ideology has always left a trail of death, ignorance, and misery wherever it went.” -President Jair Bolsonaro

Lianne Laurence : Sep 26, 2019  LifeSiteNews.com

(New York) — [LifeSiteNews.com] Brazil’s president slammed socialism as a death-dealing ideology and defended his country’s sovereignty over the Amazon rainforest in a hard-hitting address at the United Nations on Monday. (Screengrab image: via C-SPAN)

Jair Messias Bolsonaro, elected in October 2018 and inaugurated January 1, 2019, also exhorted the UN not to overstep its mandate and pointed to the Gospel as a guiding light.

To view Bolsonaro’s speech on C-SPAN click here.

“We are not here to erase nationalities and overrule sovereignty in the name of an abstract ‘global interest,'” Bolsonaro said during general debate at the 74th U.N. general assembly.

“This is not the Global Interest Organization! This is the United Nations organization. And so it must remain,” he said.

“When it comes to matters related to climate, democracy, human rights, to the equality of rights and duties between men and women and many others, all we need to do is contemplate the truth, following John 8:32,” Bolsonaro said. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Socialism an ideology that destroys families, culture

Bolsonaro told the assembly he represents a new Brazil, one prepared to take on international responsibilities, and gave a stinging critique of socialism.

“Over the past few decades, we let ourselves be seduced by ideologies that sought not truth, but absolute power” and “settled in the domains of culture, education, and communications, dominating the media, universities, and schools,” Bolsonaro said.

“Ideology has invaded our homes and tried to dismantle what is the celula mater of any healthy society: the family,” he said.

“It has also tried to destroy the innocence of our children in an attempt to corrupt even their most basic and elementary identity: the biological one.”

“Ideology has invaded the human soul to rip it apart from God and from the dignity He bestowed on us,” Bolsonaro said. “And with these methods, ideology has always left a trail of death, ignorance, and misery wherever it went.”

“I am living proof of this,” the president added. “I was cowardly knife-stabbed by a leftist militant and only survived by a miracle. Once again, I thank God for my life”…

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