Tyler O’Neil : Aug 26, 2019  PJMedia.com

(Rocklin, CA) — [PJMedia.com] Children as young as 8-years-old are being given untested experimental drugs to verify their gender identity. Activists argue that these drugs are essential for the health of kids who identify as transgender, and many in the medical establishment increasingly agree. Nevertheless, a dissenting endocrinologist explained to PJ Media that these drugs actually give children a disease that could cause heart and bone problems and stunt brain growth, and condemned the transgender “treatments” often carried out on children as “child abuse.” (Image: Unsplash-Sharon McCutcheon)

If a girl child identifies as a boy, she may be given so-called “puberty-blockers” to prevent her from going through the natural human process of development. In some cases, she would then be given testosterone in an attempt to make her become a man. The effects of these hormones are not fully known, but some negative side effects have been widely reported…

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