In This Issue
2. Kingdom Marketplace Ambassador Report – By Clay Sikes
3. News Headlines
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The great move of God bringing great change to the world does not originate and is not empowered by the works and ways of the natural realm. It originates and is empowered by the Spirit realm. The reality of the Spirit realm is unseen and unknown to the natural man. (1 Corinthians 2:13-16).

We are born with keen awareness of natural existence through our five natural senses and with little or no awareness of the spiritual realm. There may be some inherent awareness of spiritual sensitivity in babies and small children. They may see or otherwise sense some presence of spiritual activity. However, it will be taught out of them as natural human thinking is trained into them. (Matthew 23:15).

Our natural human perspective sees the natural realm as far more real and important than the spiritual realm. (Matthew 6:31-33).


The next great move of God on earth is the awakening to the reality that Spirit is supreme and of far greater importance than the natural realm. It will be a breakthrough of the light and truth that GOD REALLY IS SPIRIT and that MAN WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF SPIRIT GOD. (John 4:24) (Genesis 1:26-28)

SPIRIT GOD CREATED AND CONTINUES TO SUSTAIN ALL THAT IS CREATED. All things seen and unseen are created by SPIRIT GOD ALMIGHTY. (Hebrews 11:3) (Colossians 1:15-18).

MANKIND WAS CREATED A SPIRIT BEING in a natural or earthly body with both earthly natural senses and spiritual senses. The breath of Spirit God was breathed into the lifeless body of Adam, and man became a living Spirit being. (Genesis 2:7).

As a Spirit-being in an earthly body, Adam, and subsequently all mankind, was created with the unique ability to fully function in the Spirit realm and in the natural realm. Adam communed with Spirit God face to face in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden before the fall. (Genesis 2:19-20a) (Genesis 3).

Mankind was created with the unique ability to receive from God in heaven and bring the will of God from the spirit realm into the created natural realm. Man was created to have dominion and bring forth the will and ways of God from heaven to planet earth. This is how the kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven is being established on earth.


The beginning of the work of Spirit God is awakening mankind to the Spirit dominance as supreme over the natural realm. This opens the way into the fullness of God’s kingdom reality ruling and reigning in and through the mature Sons of God on earth as it is in heaven. It is through the Holy Spirit that Christ Jesus reigns on earth in and through mankind. It is Christ in us that is the hope, positive expectation, of the glory of the kingdom of God on earth. (Colossians 1, 26-27) (John 17:20-26).

Mankind is now beginning to perceive the predominance of the Spirit realm over the natural or earthly realm. The light of the glory of the kingdom is beginning to flow from heaven to earth in and through the maturing Sons of God. (Romans 8:19-22).


Perhaps the most significant personal question one can ask his or her self is, “Who are you?” To attempt to look into one’s self and ask this question may smack of being “beside yourself,” which is an old term for being crazy. Perhaps a more helpful question to ask is, “Who or what does God say that I am?”

This is not to become an introspective word but really and enlightening awakening of one of the most important fundamental concepts of our lives as human beings.

The Psalmist David asked God, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” David goes on to speak of man having dominance over the works of God’s hands on earth from a position a little lower than Deity. Psalm 8:3-8: “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than “Elohim,” and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, All sheep and oxen— Even the beasts of the field, The birds of the air and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.”


Most people have individually come to know themselves as a natural human being that is predominantly a living body and soul who has a spirit. In other words, natural man concerns himself primarily with the things of natural life that relate to body and soul needs for natural life. (Matthew 6:31-33).

Jesus opened and prepared the way for mankind to be redeemed and returned to who and what God made us to be before the fall of Adam. God made us to be Spirit Beings who abide in a body and have a soul. Redeemed man is a living Spirit Being by the breath of God ruling and reigning on Planet Earth with Christ Jesus the one Head of His corporate Body. (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Collectively we are the Body of Spirit Christ on earth. As mankind is fully redeemed, Christ Jesus is fully enthroned as the Head of His Body. The false head of humanism and intellectualism along with its laws of political correctness, manmade religious correctness, and other ungodly philosophies are replaced by the one true Head. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) (Ephesians 4:13-15).

The false headship that reigned among men for ages ignored the Spirit life of God and eventually led to evil rule of darkness on earth. The loving but severe judgments of God will destroy the evil strongholds of the enemy releasing the people who will to come under the true headship of King Jesus. Thus the kingdom of God will rule and reign on earth as it is in heaven.

Praise God! The time of consummation is before us, and we can be a part of it.

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.

Ron McGatlin

In building anything of spiritual significance, we must always ask ‘why,’ ‘how,’ and ‘what.’ In forging ahead with the question of ‘WHY’ our businesses, Coastal Solar and Ag Solar Solutions exist, we find answers from deep within – we know we were created to attend to ‘works’ prepared beforehand for us to attend (Ephesians 2:10). Now is the time for monumental shift and change in the marketplace – the old systems are dying – the civilization of maximum ‘me’ mindsets, maximum material consumption, bigger is better, and special-interest ‘group decision’ has led us into a state of organized irresponsibility, collectively creating results nobody wants. There MUST BE something better. ‘WHY’ do we exist? There must be something better, and God has provided a superior way – The Kingdom.

This change is not about exchanging simply one mindset for another, but rather tapping much deeper into God and who and what we really want to be as the body of Christ. It is a future that we can sense, feel, and actualize by shifting the inner place from which we operate, the old wine skin, to something entirely new – The Kingdom. It is a future, in moments of divine thought, begins to PRESENCE itself in us and eventually through us…The whole creation is groaning for us to manifest. The emerging ‘NEW’ was projected by Daniel in Daniel 2:44,45, and John in Revelation 11:15.

The shift taking place now is the shift from an ego-system awareness that cares about the well-being of oneself exclusively, to an eco-system awareness that cares about the well-being of all, including oneself. When operating with the ego-system awareness, we are driven by concerns and intentions of our small ego self. When operating with eco-system awareness, we are driven by the concerns of the well-being of the whole – those within the current model, and those who will come later.

The prefix of eco – goes back to the Greek word ‘oikos’ and concerns the “whole house.” The word economy can be traced back to the same root. Transforming our current ego-system economy into an emerging eco-system economy means reconnecting economic thinking with its real root, which is the well-being of the ‘whole house’ rather than money-making or well-being of just a few of its inhabitants. But while the whole house was for Greeks something very local, today it also concerns the well-being of our global communities and planetary eco-systems. This shift in awareness from ego-system to eco-system is something that we are approaching and living through not only as groups and organizations, but also a global community. The whole creation is groaning for us to appear. Pioneering the principles and personal practices that help us to perform this shift may well be one of the most important undertakings of our time. To be chosen to be part of this is humbling!

In creating building blocks for the future economically, the functions should extend far beyond making money – sustainability in every area should always be the goal; recognizing we are many members but one body. Sustainability goals should always rest on what is best for all of us, as a body. The more people that benefit in what you are doing, the greater the sustainability model. For example, when solar customers see that their investment benefits far more than just themselves, they are far more apt to invest in the future.

Bridging the gap between ego-system reality and eco-system awareness is the main challenge of leadership today. Decision-makers across the institutions of a system have to go on a journey from seeing only their own viewpoint (ego-awareness) to experiencing the system from the perspective of the other players, particularly those who are most marginalized – The goal must be to co-sense, co-conspire, and co-create an emerging future for their system that values the well-being of all rather than just a few.

THE ONE MAN SHOW IS OVER. A crippling fact in moving from ego to eco are stout traditions that stakes all decisions on what is best for me, not on what is best for us. To make this journey we must 1) Put others first. 2) Relate better to the whole system of putting others first. 3) Recognize we are shifting systems; to one that pays great dividends in many of life’s arenas. Letting go of the past (methods) is key to letting the new arrive. KEY: The ‘ME FIRST’ pursuit of wealth as a simple measure of worth destroys community, environment, economic, and ultimately, moral value. One who pursues money will never see the Kingdom of God; in fact, those who do are called “pagans” by Jesus (Matthew 6:32).

Once we realize and build a right economic model, one that benefits the most people, one that locates and places people in their highest gifting (insuring their ability to shine), one that promotes proprietorial involvement and participation in company earnings, the more sustainable that company becomes. Interestingly, we begin to see the origins of a living functioning cells as the entity becomes an organism of life, self-sustaining by its very nature. As more called men step forth into this model the covenant of Deuteronomy 8:18 emerges – wealth creation flows and wealth transfer begins. The systems of men are handed over to the saints of the most High God, as Kingdom organisms (A part of the living Body of Christ) replace the organizations of men (Daniel 7:27).

Wealth creation comes by the many-membered body sharing in wealth creation by virtue of their faithfulness to their calling, and commensurate with their leadership contribution. Wealth disparity, so prevalent today, is diminished, the new wine skin is inclusive of others as the whole house is blessed as the organism is blessed.



He is building a functioning body, one that actually does something significant in the earth. Beyond the obvious joy of salvation, comes the obvious joy of fulfilling the purpose for which we were made (Ephesians 2:10); attending to the works God prepared beforehand for us TO DO. Major to the arena of individual purpose, is today’s significant move of corporate purpose – a functioning body.

What should we look for?

Connections, plain and simple: God has called us to connect. This is not connection for the sake of connection, but rather connecting ‘the parts’ that are ‘called’ to be connected. Connection is the first sign of genuine purpose coming into view. Our ultimate purpose is to be part of a functioning body – doing, being, and talking (witnessing) AS ONE: One with each other and one with Him.

Clay Sikes
Lighthouse Prophecy
Kingdom Marketplace Ambassadors

3. News Headlines

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Native America: the forgotten mission field Jun 26, 2019
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