A Plea From Christians in Syria to the US Christians: “Please Do Not Abandon Us” –“We thank President Trump and the US for all help given … [but] we ask you urgently as our brothers and sisters not to abandon us.” – Excerpt from an open letter to US Christians from Sanharib Barsoum, the head of the Syriac Union Party

Chris Mitchell : Dec 26, 2018 : CBN News

 (Syria) — [CBN News] In an open letter to Christians in the United States, the head of the Syriac Union Party pleaded that his people not be abandoned to Turkish forces if US troops pull out of Syria, a move announced recently by President Trump. Sanharib Barsoum, President of the Syriac Union Party said in the letter that the US has been indispensable in their battle against ISIS. (Photo Credit: CBN News)

“The US has been the one force that saved our people from ISIS. We are proud that we can say that we as Syriac-Assyrian Christians have fought side by side with the US. Our Syriac Military Council has been part of every battle against ISIS in North-East Syria. The reality is that we could not have won and protect our people without the US forces.”

Then he warned about the danger of Turkey. Earlier this year, Turkish troops – many of those Jihadists – overran the Syrian city of Afrin. Several thousand Christians fled for their lives. The head of the Syriac Union Party says it will be much worse.

“Now Turkey wants to destroy all of us. 100,000 Syriac and other Christians will be killed or driven away if Turkey invades. Turkish jihadists hunted down the Christians and Yazidi’s of Afrin in Northwest Syria. They will do the same again but at a much wider scale. The very same Turkish jihadists are standing ready and are waiting for the US to leave so that they can kill us and destroy our communities and Churches. This disaster against our people will happen while the US Army will be standing by in Iraq at a few hours driving distance. Basically, the US Army will be looking on at a very short distance while Turkish-backed jihadists commit exactly the same crimes as ISIS.”

Turkish President Reccep Erdogan accuses Syrian Kurds of being linked to Kurdish forces inside Turkey that he says are terrorists. While Barsoum agreed with President Trump that the US cannot remain in Syria forever, he pleaded for more time.

“All we ask for is to postpone the departure of US Forces until the security of the Syriac-Assyrian Christians and all other peoples has been secured. We thank President Trump and the US for all help given. By securing our security, this help will have a real long-term result. We ask you urgently as our brothers and sisters not to abandon us. We urge you to stand with us and ask President Trump to allow us just the time to find other reliable partners to secure our long-term security and avoid a Turkish jihadist invasion.”

He ended his appeal with a Christmas plea.

“Finally, we ask you to pray for us in these testing times. Together with you in spirit we will celebrate Christmas. The Christmas lights are already on in Qamishli in Northern Syria. We ask you to help us to save Christmas in North-East Syria.”

ISIS devastated the lives of thousands of Christians, Yazidis and other minority groups in Syria and Iraq. Christians in the US can play a key role in making sure one more tragedy does not befall their Middle East brothers and sisters.

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