The man in the green pants was completely paralyzed, unable to move his arms or legs, and could not walk. His elderly mother had to care for him in every way. Every morning he was placed in a hole that had been dug in the bedroom of their house. His arms kept him in an upright position in the hole. The mother was so discouraged and felt hopeless.

Two years ago, Prepare the Way Evangelism Team led the mother to the Lord, and prayed over the son. They were picked up and taken to church on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Something was happening! Each time the man received prayer, he became stronger! During worship on Sunday morning, he was prayed for again. This time with the help of another person, he started to walk!

This miracle has changed the lives of this family! The mother proudly brings her son with her to worship night, services, and even walks in the village. You can see how excited he is about Jesus.

Jehovah is the God of miracles!

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