August 2018
Christian Federation Australia

As you may be aware, Christian Federation has had some changes during the last year. Our founder, Peter Kentley, retired and Jamie Pryor has taken the position of leadership of Christian Federation with the purpose of further connecting, encouraging and empowering over 300 Australian Christian organisations in the marketplace, business and church. Click here for Jamie’s personal message to our readers.

Christian Federation is a coalition of Kingdom Partners encompassing individuals, churches, organisations and leaders in the community who are actively living the principles of the Kingdom of God. We celebrate, support and encourage those who have evangelistic, apostolic, pastoring hearts who see their workplace as their place of ministry to individuals and also for the good of society. Likewise, we honour the courage and conviction that Christian people have to be Christ in their daily lives and our work is to intended to benefit these people of God by introducing them to like minded peers which strengthens relationships across all disciplines and specialties in society. Through this netweaving believers with a heart for the Kingdom of God are linked to each other where strong bonds of mutual honour are formed and the work of the Lord on earth is increased and furthered.

We have met many people who are living a sincere life before the Lord but are grieved in spirit having so many ideological issues being forced on them that run counter-culture to Christian values. This vast army of precious Christians are the salt of the earth and while they may not be a leader in a domain, they have their own effective prayer life, a valuable circle of influence, and a longing to see Godliness on earth. We now have a 7-Step Action Plan. This ‘How-To’ is designed to support each and every person, leader or not, become informed and responsive to our social concerns in a Christlike way. This 7-Step Action Plan links websites, resources and ministries in a broad sweep across all the current issues. It aims to help people to identify the issue of importance to them and become educated and actively engaged to make a difference without becoming overwhelmed.

If you know of a ministry or resource that you would like promoted through our 7-Step Action Plan, please contact us here at Christian Federation.

Please note that we can advertise relevant upcoming meetings right across Australia. If you have an event coming up we’d be pleased to put it into our regular newsletter.

But right now we need some financial help to continue our function over the next year. Would you prayerfully consider if you are meant to assist. If what we have shared resonates with you, and you are in a financial position to be able to support us, we invite you to support Christian Federation with a one-off donation and/or a monthly pledge for a financial year. Here’s a link to our donation page, and any gift is received with thanks.

Finally, we invite you to share this newsletter with friends and family. If you have received this email from a friend, you can register your name and areas of interest here at no cost and receive our regular newsletter.

With kindest regards,



John Lockwood


Christian Federation Australia

We thank Kingdom Investors (KI) for their generous support of Christian Federation. Kingdom Investors is a marketplace ministry with a vision to establish the world’s first Sheep Nation (Matt 25) in Australia as a benchmark for other nations. This national strategy has united Christians in the marketplace from scores of denominations. Tens of thousands of Christian business people have been taught the principles and the mechanisms to achieve this goal. Christian businesses are multiplying their revenues to fund their local churches and thereafter fund their individual or corporate assignments. Non-business people are growing their influence and their affluence. Students and young adults are channelling their gifts and passions into this vision. Collectively we are making an impact on the social distress and human misery that emulates from poor trading practices in the secular marketplace.

KI is a world leader in this concept with its founder, Dave Hodgson, lecturing all over the world at universities, economic summits, media, churches, conferences, and at the regular chapters of KI across Australia. Please join the membership site to be a part of creating a benchmark Sheep Nation so that we can eliminate human misery together and create a better world for all.


UPCOMING EVENTS – Click here for complete details about the following events


NATIONWIDE – Australian Family Association (AFA) presents:

Dr Quentin Van Meter
Paediatric Endocrinologist
‘The Transgender Movement: Its Origins & How Social Theory is Trumping Science’


Patrick Byrne’s ‘Transgender: The Implications for Law, Man & Woman, Schools, Sport, Politics & Democracy’

Thursday 16 – Friday 17 August, 2018

Click for further details

SOUTH AUSTRALIA – Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) Update on Religious Freedom

Thursday 16 August, 2018 at 7:30pm, PASADENA

Click for further details

VICTORIA – Drug Advisory Council of Australia (DACA)

Public Drug Forum

21 August, 2018 at 7.30pm, ORMOND

Click for further details

NATIONWIDE – Australian Prayer Network (APN) presents:


August to November 2018

New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia

Click for further details

NATIONWIDE – Stan Goodenough Tour

August and September 2018

Click for further details

VICTORIA – Central Shule Chabad, Shabbat Service

24 August 2018, 6pm


Click for further details

VICTORIA – Australian Care Alliance invites you to Film Screening

‘FATAL FLAWS – Legalizing Assisted Death’

Tuesday 28 August, 2018 at 7:00pm | $35 includes wine and cheese | BALWYN

Click for further details

VICTORIA – Kingdom Investors

Thursday 30 August 2018, at 6.30pm, CREMORNE

Join us for a great night of free food, networking and inspirational marketplace teaching! Our keynote speaker will be the Founder of Kingdom Investors, Dave Hodgson, CEO of Paladin Corporation which has ownership of 31 companies bordering on a value of 1 billion dollars. This affluence has come as a result of the Biblical principles he has applied over the past 17 years. You do not need to be a business person to attend this event, as these principles apply in every sphere of life! Please invite your friends, spouses, and partners. We would love to see you there!

If you are coming please register at no charge through this link so that we can cater for you.


WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) State Conference

Saturday 1 September, 2018 at 8:30am – 3pm, PERTH

Click for further details

VICTORIA – City Changers’ Dialogue with Alan Platt

Wednesday, 5 September, 2018 from 6:30 – 9:30pm, RINGWOOD

Click for further details

QUEENSLAND – Homecoming

Indigenous & South Pacific Gathering

11-13 September 2018, CAIRNS

Click for further details

VICTORIA – Awakening

Friday 16 – Sunday 18 November, 2018

(Marvel) Etihad Stadium, DOCKLANDS

Click for further details

NATIONWIDE – Graham Tour February, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

9–24 February, 2019 Graham Tour 2018.

Click for further details


Places to Go,

Petitions to Sign,

Books & Journals to Read…


Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) invites you to sign the following petition:

Parents have a right to decide what is best for their children. They have a right to object to their kids being taught their gender is fluid and not based on biology. [T]hey have a right to affirm their child’s biological sex. We urge you to reject the proposed changes to your national platform that would seek to criminalise parents for wanting to affirm their child’s biological sex.

Click here to sign the petition on ACL website.

Bernard Gaynor invites you to sign the following petition:

Click here to sign the Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB) petition

Thank you to the more than 5,000 Australians who have signed the petition calling on the NSW Attorney General to hold the Anti-Discrimination Board (ADB) to account.

Click for further details

BOOK ‘How Political Correctness is Destroying Australia’, Dr Kevin Donnelly

Click for further details

NEWSWEEKLY – independent opinion for independent minds

Click for further details

Christian Federation ABN: 24 699 016 115
PO Box 2818 Rowville VIC 3178 AUSTRALIA Ph: 0401433843

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