Date: Sunday, February 25, 2018 2:01 AM
By Lana Vawser
I know this is a longer word, and I encourage you to take the time to read it as it’s a word that came out of a very powerful dream I had a few weeks ago.
In this dream there was a powerful prophetic word being released. Again, the word being released was about the “Garden of intimacy” and unprecedented levels of encounter with Jesus that are taking place in this season.
There was also a decree made regarding unprecedented levels of growth and fruitfulness. What I noticed in the dream was in the middle of the “Garden of intimacy” was incense rising up to the Lord and the sense was so strong in the dream of being taken “into the holy of holies”. There is no longer a veil, the veil has been torn and we enter in by the Blood of the Lamb. The song “Take me into the holy of holies” was booming within me. (To listen to this song, this version by Catherine Mullins Robbins is powerful
The atmosphere was pregnant with unprecedented encounters with Jesus and seeing His Glory unlike we have seen before. There was such a reverence, such a holiness, such an awe, the weighty fear of God that filled this place. It was an invitation into deeper encounters like that of Isaiah 6:1:
“It was in the year that King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne and the train of His robe filled the temple.”
I wept and wept in this dream as the electric sense of being branded in a new and fresh way by throne room encounters surrounded me. I prophesy to you today in the name of Jesus unprecedented encounters in the throne room of God are upon you. These encounters will change everything. These encounters with the Lord are going to shift your perspective, impart His heart to you, purify you, place the decree of God upon your lips and catapult you into a place where you will be left speechless by the Majesty and Glory of God that you will see. You will be filled with fresh hope, fresh vision, and greater manifestations of freedom, but most of all a greater place of UNDIVIDED DEVOTION, and AFFECTION FOR JESUS! An impartation of FIRE, the fire of the Holy Spirit to ignite greater passion, hunger and love for Jesus Christ. The flames of the first love! These encounters will be so profound, so life-changing, it will be like meeting Jesus again for the first time all over again.
I decree in the name of Jesus, for many of you, your relationship with the Lord is about to be completely changed. In this season He is moving you into a whole new realm of intimacy with Himself, and taking you into encounters in the throne room, sharing His heart, revealing His secrets to you, His heavenly strategies and showing you heavenly encounters with angelic hosts and deep biblical revelation unlike what you have ever experienced.
I have been releasing a lot of words in this season about new eyes and new vision and the Lord is definitely releasing an increase of vision and sight, but the Lord showed me that also in these encounters with His holiness and Glory I saw EARS on fire and I saw the Holy Spirit recalibrating “HEARING”. Where God’s people have perceived or “heard” things not in the heart of God or the way God intended, He is bringing a recalibration to HEAR clearer than ever. To HEAR the rhythm of His roar and to HEAR the new sound He is releasing. To HEAR the sound of His heart beating releasing the SOUNDWAVES OF LOVE AND TRUTH.
I decree that the people of God are going to HEAR in a whole new and fresh way from these encounters in Jesus name.
The Lord showed me a divine recalibration that the Holy Spirit is doing in hearts, in priorities, in lives that is bringing His people into greater alignment of seeking His heart, seeking His face. The Lord is going to shift some things, He is going to move some things, He is going to pause some things, He is going to rearrange some things, the Holy Spirit is bringing conviction upon priorities and focus, but do not fear it, do not allow condemnation to come in, even if you don’t understand the ‘rearranging’ – trust Him and REJOICE! For the divine recalibration of the Lord is so you can SEE HIM like you have never seen Him before. The recalibration is so you can be taken into a level of encounter with Jesus and the heavenly realms unlike you have experienced. The recalibration is an invitation into MORE. It’s an invitation into receiving more than you have ever carried. It’s an invitation into greater positioning to see Ezekiel 43:1-2:
“After this, the man brought me back around to the East Gateway. Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the East. The sound of His coming was like the roar of rushing waters and the whole landscape shone with His Glory.”
There is an invitation from the Lord upon many right now to partner with His RE-CALIBRATION of POSITIONING, making more room for Him, that is going to see His Glory like never before. Face to Face with the Almighty! Many will be so overtaken by the Glory of God in this season their whole countenance will change. So much will change in “SEEING” the Lord in His Glory. Breakthrough, branded, marked, totally transformed! Prioritise your place beside the brook, beside the stream with Him. He is “changing the chase”. Bringing a realignment of heart in any way the “chase” has been after anything but Him to bring His people into a greater place of chasing after Him.
The Lord showed me in the partnering with Him in this season to allow Him to recalibrate, to shift, to move, and our response to “make room for Him” in every way, these encounters with Jesus, these unprecedented levels of throne room encounters, heavenly visitations all grounded in the Word, will catapult the people of God into the deepest wells of worship they have ever experienced.
The deep level of worship I saw reminded me of Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4:8, the deep cry and worship of God that shakes the heavens and the earth:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! The whole earth is filled with His Glory.”
The revelation of His holiness and His Glory is going to burst open a new sound of worship from within His people that will see sudden miracles, shifts and deliverance take place in the earth. A new depth of worship to Jesus is being birthed in the people of God as they see Him in His Glory and holiness that is going to shift things suddenly, change, transform and send the enemy screaming.
The Lord showed me in these radical throne room encounters of seeing the Glory of God like never before I heard James 1:7-8 swirling all around:
“When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition?” – (The Passion Translation) (Passion Translation notes for verses 7-8 also note the words “restless” or “disengaged”)
Seeing the Lord high and lifted up and the impartation of the fire of His love is going to so move upon and within your heart it is going to bubble forth a DEEP repentance within many of any “half-heartedness”, any “double-mindedness” or being “disengaged” and a FRESH YES, a FRESH COMMITMENT and SURRENDER to Jesus will explode again. The place again of “I give my life wholeheartedly to You again no strings attached.”
I heard the Holy Spirit say “Don’t fear the new place” . I saw a temptation upon many in these radical encounters with Jesus that are beginning to run away in fear, because it is not what they have experienced before. It’s so new, it’s so foreign, it’s so “out of the box”, I saw a temptation upon many to shut down, run and hide. I saw many in fear of “How can I make sure that what I am experiencing is God?”
I was instantly taken back to my dream and the “Garden Place of Intimacy” and the “Holy of holies” and the incense that was burning in the centre of the Garden and the Lord spoke to me.. “I want to show you something” and suddenly a vision opened up before my eyes and I saw in the centre of the Garden where the incense rose, was a Menorah burning and the Word of God was open beside the Menorah. The Holy Spirit spoke to me:
“The radical encounters, the throne room encounters with Me, the heavenly visitations, the unprecedented levels of intimacy and vision I have been releasing but am about to release in significant increase will be CENTRED and GROUNDED in My Word. These encounters will be SO rooted in who I am and the revelation of My Word a PURE FLOW of My Spirit will flow from My people in increased momentum. I am cleansing and purifying My Bride. I am calling many out of the Laeodicean place (Revelation 3:16) into the place of BURNING HOT for Me and My Gospel. Oh the beautiful wave of repentance that is beginning to flow from many as I realign My people with Me as their first love, all consumed by My love and the revelation of the Gospel. Where hearts have found other affections in things but Me, where there has been idolatry of the heart, how the flames of My love and seeing My kindness and goodness is leading many within My Church to repentance.”
The fire of the revelation of His holiness will see SO much changed in the body of Christ and the revelation of our righteousness in Christ is bringing radical transformation and will see an explosion the fruit of HOLINESS in the Church, bursting forth from these deep encounters with the Lord. The fire of holiness will burn from within the Church like never before. A people, an army of holiness rising up with the fire of revelation of what Christ has paid for us, our righteousness and His love burning within our eyes and hearts. Marching in unity, compromise, competition, complacency left behind, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder moving forward decreeing together “We are ALL IN! We are FAMILY!” An army of no compromise, radical boldness and faith extending the Kingdom of God upon the earth.
What is happening right now in the Spirit is significant! What God is doing is so weighty! He is moving, He is brooding, He is hovering. He is looking for those who are patterning with Him in His divine recalibration and alignment, positioning His people to see His Glory like never before. What we are about to see will leave us without words, but in TOTAL AWE of His Majesty and Holiness.
Can you hear His coming? Can you hear the ROAR of rushing waters? Here He comes!
“The sound of His coming was like the ROAR of rushing waters….” – (Ezekiel 43:2)