Peace flows from the beauty of holiness.

Purity flows from the well of pure love.

All of the problems of the world, including in your life and mine, are dissolved by love.

Love is the one universal spiritual solvent that dissolves all evil and melts our hearts. Even the hardest heart can become soft and moldable when submerged and saturated in pure holy love. God is love. (1 John 4:8)

God is taking us into the beauty of His holiness and saturating our hearts with His pure love that dissolves all that is not from Him and fills us with the perfect peace of holiness. Peace beyond understanding with joy inexpressible and full of glory is life in the everlasting presence of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. (Phil 4:7) (1 Peter 1:8).

People with worldly understanding see clearly that there is great urgency involved in the world today. However, people of God also know beyond doubt that the light of God is shining more brightly than ever before. There are more people in this world who have moved past religion and all of the ideologies of the world into personally and intimately knowing, loving, and worshiping God with their whole hearts.

All the knowledge and wisdom of mankind without God is as foolishness that leads to erosion of strength and vitality of the potential for Spirit-empowered life in Christ now in this world. “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” 1 Cor 1:25.

The great urgency of this season of history is for the people of this world to truly come to KNOW and LOVE God with their whole hearts. Only intimately knowing and loving God enables us to connect into the ultimate supernatural Spirit LOVE and POWER in Father God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. (Mat 7:23) (1 Cor 2:9).

Will the people of God respond in time to save their failing nations?

The wellbeing and continuation of life for the nations urgently depends on the people falling in LOVE with the one true God of all creation who LOVES every person in the world so much that He spared not His only begotten Son to redeem His entire world including us. (John 3:16). There is no other hope for this world or our nations apart from really knowing and loving the one true God.

It seems as if many of the nations of the world have lost all sanity and are rushing toward a great cliff to fall off into a deep valley of vile darkness and depravity.

How can we walk in peace when such extreme urgency exists in the world?

In our natural minds it is probably impossible, in the light of what is happening to the people of the world and subsequently our nations, to walk in peace. True peace does not come from the world. Peace from the fallen world is temporal and always has a hook in it that attempts to entrap and control our lives. True peace is from God and is based in the reality of the love and power of God in Christ Jesus. True peace is a gift from God that is implemented through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27.

Christ Jesus gives us peace now in this life so that we need not be troubled or afraid.

When Jesus was on earth in His human body He walked with His disciples daily. While Jesus was with them, they were not afraid or troubled because they had come to know His supernatural power and His great love for them. It was not easy for the disciples to understand His words when He spoke to them about going away and coming back to them. At that point, their only experience was Jesus with them in His human body.

Jesus understood their lack of reference for fully understanding at that time. He told them that the Holy Spirit would come to be in them and help them understand what He was saying. (John 16:12-15). It was later made clear that Spirit Jesus came to be with them and dwell in them when Christ returned in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

The indwelling Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ in us.

Paul and other disciples had understanding of the great mystery of the ages that was now revealed and manifested within them by the Holy Spirit. “The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Col 1:26-27.

The Holy Spirit did not come to be a substitute for Jesus until He bodily returned to them. He did not return to them in an earthly body, rather He returned to dwell in them, His earthly body. Jesus caused them to become His body for Him to dwell in, to carry out the work of redeeming and restoring the earth to God the Father. (1 Cor 12:27) (Col 1:24).

When Jesus returned in the Spirit to dwell in them, they were no longer afraid and with the boldness and faith of Christ Jesus in them did the same supernatural works of Jesus through Christ in them by the Holy Spirit. (Mark 16:20) (Acts 2).

The disciples in whom Christ Jesus dwelled were not afraid or troubled though greatly persecuted. They walked closer with Jesus everyday than when He walked with them in His earthly body. They walked as Christ with the love, power, and wisdom of Christ flowing through their lives. They enjoyed the same intimate connection with Father God at the throne in heaven in Christ. At the same time they walked in the supernatural life of Christ by the Holy Spirit of Christ in them on earth.

This same life in Christ and Christ in us is for you and me today!

God did not remove the supernatural life and power of Christ in them. It was man in the next generations who turned away and left the walk of Christ in them by the Spirit through the introduction of religious teachings and rituals. Men left the reality of life in Christ and Christ in them and turned to religiously studying about God and His word “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” (2 Tim 3:5).  Religious form without the fullness of the real life of Spirit Christ Jesus abiding within the people developed into religious systems and denominations.

Deceiving religious spirits infiltrated the church and devised doctrines of unbelief that caused the people to lose the awareness of Christ and His supernatural life in them by the Spirit. The religious church became orphaned without the fullness of Christ in them by the Holy Spirit connecting them to their Father and to the fullness of the love and power of God that the first century disciples walked in daily. This opened the door for darkness to shroud the hearts and minds of people.

1 Tim 4:1: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.”

The orphaned people are fearful and greatly troubled believing that they must wait until Christ Jesus returns someday in His earthly body to cleanse and restore the world to the kingdom of God on earth. Their orphaned spirits make them feel that their own human strength is all they have to live this life. Through deception man has allowed the devil to usurp power on earth that was originally given to man in Adam and reclaimed and restored in Christ Jesus. Deceived mankind has chosen to believe the devil’s lies.


In the recent generations a portion of the people who are called by His name have received the restored “lightning flash” of the revelation of Christ in His people restoring the Kingdoms of this world to the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. (Luke 17:24).



In a sense, from man’s perspective, this is a great coming of Christ Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah for which man has longed for centuries. For those sitting in the darkness of one religious unbelief or another, the dawning light of the revelation of Christ in His people is a whole new reality. In their understanding and experience, Jesus was not here and when suddenly their spiritual eyes are opened they see the light of His presence within them and among them, everything changes. (Mat 13).

The awakening does not come by religious debate or even from teachings about Christ. It comes by the word that is alive with the demonstration of the LOVE and POWER of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit. Awakening comes through experiencing the manifest presence of God in Christ Jesus. The presence of God fills every part of our being. For us to live is Christ Jesus living in us. (Phil 1:20-21) (Gal 2:20).

Miracles without LOVE are not of God. Peace without Love is deception. Love without God and His righteousness does not exist. God is love, and there is no fear in love.

Perfect love casts out all fear and leads to peace and joy. God in us in Christ by the Spirit is the presence of the manifest glory of God that overcomes the world and establishes the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18.

Awaken and throw off every weight that restrains you. Ascend into the glory of His presence and walk in the fullness of the life of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit. All things are possible to those who believe. “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE.” 1 Cor 13:13.

Walk in the Spirit and fulfill the life of Christ in this world.

Much love and blessings in the precious name of Christ Jesus, Yeshua Messiah,

Ron McGatlin

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