Even people who don’t like Trump or didn’t vote for him are giving him a thumbs up on North Korea: “I hate to give Donald Trump any credit, but the fact is he was able to sit down with the man and possibly get the volume of that threat turned down significantly,” said Susan Leo, 66, of Santa Cruz, California, who supported Hillary Clinton for president.

News Staff : Jun 21, 2018 : CBN News

[CBN News] President Trump says the media isn’t giving him enough credit for his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (Photos: via CBN News)

At a rally in Duluth, Minnesota he told the crowd that North Korea has already returned the remains of hundreds of US soldiers missing from the Korean War and is committed to denuclearization.

“Our great fallen heroes—the remains—in fact, today already 200 have been sent back. They stopped shooting missiles over Japan. They stopped all nuclear testing. They stopped nuclear research. They stopped rocketry, they stopped everything that you’d want them to stop. And they blew up sites where they test and do the testing,” Trump told the crowd.

Trump says the major media outlets have been “dishonest” in their coverage of his summit with Kim. He pointed out that the media have said, “He’s given away so much,” in his gestures to North Korea. “You know what I gave up? A meeting,” Trump said, arguing that he’s essentially given up nothing to get Kim to begin the more serious negotiations.

There has been no official confirmation from military authorities that the remains were sent back to the US, but it was a term Kim Jong Un was said to have agreed to.

There are more than 7,000 US military personnel that remain unaccounted for from the Korean War.

Meanwhile, a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows a majority of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of US relations with North Korea.

Now 55 percent of Americans say Trump has done well on the North Korea issue. That’s a big jump from 42 percent in March and 34 percent last October.

Even people who don’t like Trump or didn’t vote for him are giving him a thumbs up on North Korea.

“I hate to give Donald Trump any credit, but the fact is he was able to sit down with the man and possibly get the volume of that threat turned down significantly,” said Susan Leo, 66, of Santa Cruz, California, who supported Hillary Clinton for president.

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