02-19-2018 Charlene Aaron 
Barry Black

US Senate Chaplain Barry Black knows a thing or two about the power of prayer.

As the 62nd chaplain of the Senate, Black is the spiritual leader for some of the most powerful people in the country. He pastors 100 senators and he ministers to hundreds more on Capitol Hill.

I think that prayer is the breath of the soul,” said Black in an interview with CBN News. “It’s inhaling and exhaling.”In light of the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Black weighed in on the recent controversy of some people dismissing the power of prayer and arguing that prayers are an empty gesture.

“Prayer is the only thing we’re told to do without ceasing, so even when we are working, 1 Thessalonians 5, even when we’re working we ought to be praying,” said Black.

“But James says it is not enough to say to someone who is cold, ‘Be warmed.’ It is not enough to say to someone who is hungry, ‘Be filled,’ but that we have work to do as well. Someone said, ‘Work as if prayer had nothing to do with it and pray as if work had nothing to do with it.’ So I think you need to combine the two,” he explained.

Black went on to explain why some in today’s culture devalue the power of prayer.

“The Bible says spiritual things are spiritually discerned and if you do not have a biblical world view or if you do not have a relationship with the transcendent, many times you will undervalue weapons that you use in spiritual warfare,” he explained.

“Paul says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. But when you’re carnal you’re looking for some carnal, where’s the sword, where’s the spear? That’s what  King Saul didn’t understand in 1 Kings chapter 17 when he tried to put his armor on David, ‘Look you’re just a shepherd, you got a rock and a rag and you’re going to face a giant,’ and David said, ‘No, I got something that you don’t see. I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts.’ It was theological with David. We fight with those weapons. I wouldn’t give anything for those weapons.”

Black also shared his thoughts on Joy Behar’s accusation that Vice President Pence has “mental illness” because he listens to Jesus.

“The Bible says you will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it,’ 46th Psalm verse 1 says, ‘Be still and know that I am God,'” he said. “I think a lot of times we don’t hear the voice of God because we don’t stop and listen.”

“Many times as Elijah learned, He speaks in a whisper, a still small voice,” said Black. “He’s not in the earthquake, the cacophonous that is all around us. He’s in that whisper,” he explained.


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