Preach the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and heal the sick…

By Henry Falcone

Beloved, I want to share this testimony with you. I have seen God heal many times and God has used me to pray for healing with many and He healed them, but this is a testimony I felt the Lord wants me to share.

On November 7th at our Sunday night Believer’s Gathering the Lord’s manifest presence was powerfully in our midst. As God moved through his people, he took us deeper into his heart.

Throughout the meetings I kept getting the name of one of our sisters in Christ’s son, Joshua. I kept asking the Lord, “Why am I getting his name?”

Near the end of the gathering His mom asked for prayer for him. He had fallen off his skate board and cut himself up and also dislocated his shoulder. She said, He is believing God to heal him.

I told her I was getting his name all night. I was participating in this meeting from my home through the internet. I said, “Please go get him and bring him into the room with you.” She too was participating by the internet.

Josh came in, and I said, “What happened?” He told me the story and said, “I can’t even lift my arm.” I said, “your mom told me you believe Jesus will heal you, so do I.”

I said, “Are you ready for that to happen? He said, “Yes”. So I waited upon the Lord for his instructions on what to do and how to pray.

He led me to pray with Joshua and to have him declare that Jesus is his Lor, and to declare that Jesus is his healer.

We prayed together and he prayed a declaration of his faith in Jesus as his healer.

Then the Holy Spirit let me to pray for him and in my room I felt the power of God all over me and felt He was in that room in power with Joshua as well.

As I prayed for him, God opened my eyes and I saw two angels standing on his right and left and they were massaging his arms and shoulders.

I told Josh, what i was seeing and said Josh lift up your arm like this. The Holy Spirit directed my arms to do several moves and I said, Josh do exactly what I am doing. As he did, a miracle started happening.

He could not even move his arm anyway upward. As I started moving my arm up to at least my waist, he was able. I said, Josh were you able to do that before? He said no. I said it “hurts to do it doesn’t it?” He said, yes, but I said, “You can’t stop.”

So the Lord had me move my arm higher now up to my shoulder, then Josh did exactly the same thing. Then the Holy Spirit said, now Josh you keep moving it as you feel led.

I could see the pain on his face, then all of a sudden he started doing it faster and more. As He did, I saw the two angels working with him.

Finally he lifted it almost up to his head and then, Pop” his shoulder went back in place. Praise our God.

He was sore because of all this, but I told him the Lord said, all that pain will leave very shortly. I said, “When you wake up you will have only a little pain and by the end of the day you would have no pain.”

He said, “I believe God.” Then, I led him to thank and worship God for His healing.

By the end of the next day he could fully move his arm with very little pain. I checked on him with his mom a few days later and he was 100% better.

I talked to her again last night and she said, all he has is bruises. He is tossing the football with that arm and using it perfectly.

How great is our God! I have never seen angels at work like that in healing before. I know they work with us and have been, but forever reason Joshua and all of us saw that God has given his angels charge over us.

The angels didn’t heal him, Jesus healed him in the power of the Holy Spirit. The angels were sent on an assignment to help facilitate that. How awesome is God.

The Kingdom of God is in hand now. It is in us. It is a new day. Through God using the internet this boy got healed. To God be all the glory!

Henry Falcone

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