Biblical Kingdom Reality – Part 3
What did Jesus really say about kingdom?

By Ron McGatlin

Child-likeness and Kingdom Reality

The world is groaning waiting for the sons of God bringing forth the return of the Kingdom of God on earth as it was designed to be in the Garden of Eden. (Rom 8:22).

Can such a magnificent transition and transformation be brought about in this suffering world of upheaval and stress? Yes, and it has already begun.

Pure revelation by the Holy Spirit from the Holy Bible has been and is now being uncovered for God’s people to see, and it is causing the whole world to be shaking with the potential transition from one major age of God to another. (Rom 16:25) (Mark 4:11).

As the fallen loveless world system is moving toward annihilation. The kingdom of God is quietly growing in the purified holy hearts of the people of God’s love.

Day by day and piece by piece the simple words of Jesus are being illuminated with powerful simple keys that unlock the mystery of the kingdom coming forth on earth as it is in heaven.

Not by man’s power and might but by the Spirit of God. (Zech 4:6).

Great armies with super weapons, brilliant technology, wise battle strategies, and even supernatural powers cannot bring forth the glorious kingdom of God on earth. The greatest strengths and best efforts of all collective mankind cannot build or establish the kingdom of God. (Mat 5:1-12).

Jesus said the kingdom must be received as a small child or not at all.

Only small children or a childlike people truly can have the potential to enter into the reality of the kingdom of God on earth.

Jesus said that we would have to be converted to becoming like a small child to enter this kingdom reality. It seems we must have missed the total reality of what he meant by “converted” to as a small child. (Mat 18:3).

According to this word it is no wonder that mankind has missed seeing the reality of the kingdom of God for these many centuries. Personally entering into the kingdom and corporately entering into the kingdom age has some similarity with being childlike.

To the natural man in the fallen adamic world, strife and cunning in competition with others is seen as the way to cure our sense of need and lack and to attain success and happiness in life. Being number one and having the most drives the best of natural societal order of life. Peace and rest become a casualty in the scheme of strife and frustration of seemingly never having enough or being good enough to maintain a sense of deep satisfaction in life. (Hag 1:6) (Mat 6:31-33).

Only a small child is immune to the press of mental and physical striving of life in a hostile competitive world. A small child simply trusts in his loving mother and father to provide for his needs and well-being.

The child does not know right from wrong but can instinctively recognize love in his or her parents. Even a baby knows and responds with trust to his loving mother and father’s voices. However, it does not take very long for the child to begin to be trained in the competitive striving ways of this world to get what he or she wants by cunning and strife.

God’s kingdom is an invisible Spirit kingdom that rules in the visible world.

Jesus said, that a natural minded adult person could not even see the kingdom of God. He further said that one must be “born again” to even be able to see the kingdom of God. Being born again means being born a redeemed Spirit being, a new creation – a child of Spirit Father God. (John 3:3).

When one is truly born again, all things become new as our life source of being is moved from the natural fallen world to heaven’s Spirit source of life in God within us becoming as one Spirit. As a new person, a new creation and child of God we, for the first time, experience the real all-consuming love from God and for God. (2 Cor 5:17).

We begin to feel the trust and faith that our loving Father will provide all that we need and set us, as His sons, in a high place of governance in our lives and in the world around us.

We no longer have any need for striving on our own, seeking to find fulfillment and love in this life. We are filled to overflowing with His love and provision to become a source of God life to the world around us. (John 7:38).

There is a strong desire in our hearts to never disappoint our loving Father. We are quick to obey His desire for us at all times. Our life is more than fulfilled in is His loving presence always with us. Joy and strength fill our lives. Peace and rest fill our souls as we trust Him for every breath and heartbeat of life. We are never alone in Him and Him in us. (John 14:21).

Channels of the River of God’s Love and Life  

As humble sons (male and female) of the living God who abides within us, we have no need to elevate ourselves or to seek after the things of this life. There is no need or desire to build any monuments to our lives such as ministries, institutions, buildings, famous reputation, nor any other tribute or honor to ourselves. If indeed a person has need of these things and seeks after them, he cannot yet see the kingdom of God. His eyes and ears are closed to the reality of the kingdom of God. (Mat 13:10-17).

The brilliance of the love and life of God flowing through the true sons of God shines out to the world around us, and the people are drawn to the light of the love and life of God in us. (Mat 13:41-43).

Prophetic Vision of the Transformation from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age

As the people see the light and hear the sound of the love life of God, they step out of their drudgery of marching in a well-worn religious path of deep sand while carrying heavy burdens upon their backs. They will step out of the path of following one another in shades of darkness in an endless file, one right behind the other, and lay down the heavy pack of burdens that were upon their backs. They will turn toward the light and begin to move toward the sound coming from the mountain of God. On their way they quickly come to a shallow gravel bottom, perfectly clear cleansing stream of the joy of the love of God and are washed clean from all the past as they frolic in the fresh water of heaven’s refreshing life of love.

Revived and filled with the joy and peace of the love of God, they continue on walking side by side to the mountain of the reality of the kingdom of God that fills every area of their lives now in this world and in the life to come.

(For this full prophetic vision read, “The Sound of Transformation” Here:

Love never fails and
His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

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