“…I believe certainly that if she could look at the record of Sen. Sessions today, she would—with integrity—say, ‘Well, he has worked to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan; he has worked to desegregate public schools.’ …Aunt Coretta was a very reasonable woman, and she—with integrity—would have noted that he has done some great work in fighting against discrimination.”

[FoxBusiness.com] Sen. Elizabeth Warren was stopped last night, from her negative comments regarding the character of President Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions, when she began reading from a letter penned by Coretta Scott King. (Screengrab via Fox Business channel)

Niece of Martin Luther and Coretta King—Dr. Alveda King—was interviewed by Neil Cavuto on the Fox Business channel.

Neil asked Alveda about Sen. Warren’s actions.

Dr. Alveda King: If we take a look at my Aunt Coretta Scott King, we know that she was a peacemaker. Her intentions were NEVER to divide in her whole life. I was her communications and correspondence secretary for several years, when I was a young woman.

So in that letter, she would be referring to, perhaps, some of [Sen. Sessions’] comments. However, she would agree, today that he, of course, ended some school segregation; he worked to prosecute members of the KKK. Aunt Coretta was a very reasonable woman, and she—with integrity—would have noted that he has done some great work in fighting against discrimination.

She also … wrote a letter about immigration; she said that immigration could hurt the black job market—the Negro job market, as well. So she had very strong opinions and concern for ALL Americans, and perhaps people all over the world.

And, I believe certainly that if she could look at the record of Sen. Sessions today, she would—with integrity—say, “Well, he has worked to prosecute the Ku Klux Klan; he has worked to desegregate public schools,” so…

It’s almost like a bait-and-switch: stir up the emotions, use the name of “King”—and my name is Alveda King—play the race card…

Neil Cavuto: Is this dividing your family at all?…

Dr. Alveda King: No, no. Not dividing my family at all, we have taken a look at many things that Mrs. Coretta Scott King said; Martin Luther King Jr; my daddy—Rev. A.D. King; but our family, we are peacemakers. We bring people together, Neil, we do not divide people.

Watch the video interview with Dr. King by clicking here.

Aimee Herd : Feb 8, 2017 : FoxBusiness.com

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