In This Issue
1. It All Begins with Love
2. The Key to Intimacy With God
3. News Headlines


  1. It All Begins with Love

By Ron McGatlin

Passionate LOVE of God is the source of LIFE abundant and eternal in the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. All design and order of life in God’s kingdom begins with love and is held together in order by love. All growth of the kingdom of heaven on earth is by the passionate love of God flowing in the hearts and lives of His people. The greatest force of all creation and on earth is the passionate love of God.

For the most part the western Christian world has for centuries focused more on the results of God’s love for man than on being God’s love on earth. Mercy, grace, healing, prosperity, heaven after death, and more are all results of God’s love.

We have now entered a season of transitioning from focus on the results of God’s love to entering the ultimate experience of intimately becoming saturated and consumed in His love. Thus becoming one with God which is the highest order of life. All things are possible through Christ by the Holy Spirit of God in us flowing the pure holy life-giving love of God into us and through us to the world around us.

The Overcoming of All Things

All disorder, stress, strife, failure, fear, mistrust, sickness, disease, malformations, crime, wars, and every evil known to man is a direct or indirect result of man’s disconnection from the fullness of the experience of being one with God in His love. The lack of His love in us flowing out to the world around us is the root of all disorder in the world.

Therefore, the one and only cure for the evil of the world is the love of God in His people filling the earth with His love. This is the one and only way for this world to be transformed into the kingdom of God. Christ in His people is the way of the glory of God on earth.

PLEASE HEAR THIS. God’s love is passionate beyond all measure of human understanding for His perfect and beautifully created counter parts that were made in His image for His loving pleasure. The greatest pain of all time and eternity is the longing pain in the heart of God caused by the rejection of His perfect love by His only created beings who were made for the express purpose of receiving and returning pure holy passionate love to Him. The great breakdown of all time and eternity is the separation of God’s people from intimate oneness with God. For God to watch the object of His love, those He loves so greatly, turn their backs to His love and go after other affections of this world causes massive intense pain in the heart of God.

When His people turn back to Him with their whole hearts and worship Him with their whole lives, great joy is in the heart of God. Nothing else can satisfy this greatest of all brokenness of unrequited love between the heart of God and His creation but the complete return of His people to loving God each with their whole heart and life in this world and for eternity.

Heaven and earth will be joined to become as one in the explosion of ecstasy by the heart of God pouring into us His unimaginable, all-consuming perfect love that is beyond words and understanding. Perfect peace immeasurable uncontainable joy in the rapturous experience of all things made perfect and complete in one heavenly body of our becoming one with God from heaven on earth.

The favor of God is poured out upon those who love Him. All the provision, power, and wisdom of the Father of all creation flows through the fully requited love relationship of God and man. God in man as one Spirit and one flesh ruling and reigning in this life now with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit on earth as it is in heaven.

For those who have ears to hear, God is not speaking lightly to give us a good feeling and make our day better. He is calling for the end of our lives of mixture and entering into the cross of our lives to be resurrected into His pure holy intimate love with Him that completely consumes us into His Spirit and Body now in this life. The door is open today in this season. Enter now into the all-consuming fire of His love, unspeakable and full of glory.

Love never fails,

Ron McGatlin

  1. The Key to Intimacy With God

By Gary Oates

Draw Near

Intimacy with God begins when we radically pursue Him with our whole heart. King David wrote, “When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face, O Lord, I shall seek’”(Psalm 27:8). God invites us in James 4:8 to “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

God is saying to us, “Seek my face! Draw near!” Our hearts are crying out, “YES!” But our flesh is screaming “NO!”  The sad part is our flesh usually wins.

We are instructed in Psalm 46:10 to “Be still, and know that I am God.” The wording “be still” literally means to cease from striving. It means to let go and relax, to turn down the volume of the world and listen to the quiet whisper of God. It’s getting still and coming into a place of rest. It means soaking in His Presence. The result is that you will know He is God.

The word “know” is literally an experiential knowledge of God. It’s not being still and knowing about God. It’s being still and knowing God experientially.  You will experience God. You will know the Presence of God.

As we focus our heart, spirit, soul, mind, and body (the whole person) on His manifest Presence, we become oblivious to the natural physical world around us.

The key is where your focus is— on the things of God or on things of this world.

Bible reading and prayer is not enough. We must take time alone with Him, not asking for anything but more of Him, more of His fullness, more of His presence in our everyday lives.

God releases power through us as we dwell in intimacy with Him. The natural outworking of His Presence is miracles.

Experiencing the true intimate Presence of the living God will radically change your life. People describe His manifest Presence in different ways. To some, it is heat, electricity, or shaking. To others, it is lightness, peace, or weeping.

Experiencing the manifest presence is not the goal but the gateway to the supernatural realm. It’s the beginning.  We go into the spirit realm where we can see Him, hear His voice, walk with Him, and be empowered by Him.

Isaiah 64:4 says God “acts for the one who waits for Him.” The Amplified version states, “God…who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who earnestly waits for Him.” He’s waiting on us to wait on Him.

The Cumulative Effect

I realized some time ago that there is a cumulative effect that takes place when I spend time in the manifest Presence of the Lord. From this cumulative effect, God is making a deposit into my inner most being.  As I begin to give out, that anointing flows out of the deposit He had been making all along.

We must learn to come quietly into His Presence just wanting more of Him in our lives. We need to “soak in His Presence,” extracting more of His fullness into those places where we are barren. The cumulative effect of spending time with the Lord will produce an increased anointing in your life. The release of that anointing will serve as a springboard to a life of miracles.

The apostle John offers believers a mind-boggling statement in 1 John 4:17 (NASB) “…as He is, so also are we in this world.”

The implication of this verse is clear—believers should be like Him. That is next to impossible without spending quality time in His manifest Presence. We will never even understand His compassionate nature for a lost and wounded humanity without regular, daily times with Him.


Intimacy with God is the means by which we access living in the miraculous. Spending time in His manifest Presence is the discipline we must develop to access all that God has for us. And, the cumulative effect is what happens in our anointing (or gifting) to function in healing or any of the supernatural.

God’s timing has come for greater works to be accomplished among His people.

This is only an edited portion of this article. For the full article with specific instruction on how Gary enters into the presence of God and more, GO HERE: mp;a mp;a mp;PN=1&TPN=1

Gary Oates Ministries

3. News Headlines

Franklin Graham announced he will embark on a 50-state tour of the United States in 2016 called the Decision America Tour. – 1/7/2016
America is in trouble. neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can turn this country around; no political party or politician is the answer. The only hope for this country is Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ. I want to challenge Christians to boldly live out their faith and to pray for our nation and its leaders. I want to encourage Christians to get out and vote.
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North Korea Claims H-Bomb Test, Draws Global Condemnation – 1/7/2016
North Korea officials say they’ve successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, a move that quickly drew condemnation from global leaders. North Korea conducted the test around 10 a.m. local time and claimed it was a “miniaturized” device. Erick Stakelbeck says North Korea’s test is further proof America’s enemies do not fear the Obama administration. Click play to watch video.
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Cologne Germany Mayor: Women Should Be More Careful After Migrant Mass Rapes, Promises ‘Guidance’ So They Can ‘Prepare’ – 1/7/2016
A scandal is developing in Germany as citizens wake up to the scale of the migrant crime cover-up, and the callous reaction of the mayor of Cologne to mass-sex crime on new year’s eve. Horrific attacks took place against German men and women on new year’s eve by a large gang of migrant Arabs and North Africans. Messages from eye witnesses tell of chaos in German cities.
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IDF Will Deploy “Neck Armor” to Combat Stabbing Attacks – 1/7/2016
The IDF is set to distribute a newly-designed neck armor aimed at protecting soldiers against the stabbing terror attacks which have been plaguing the country in recent months. Israeli soldiers, security personnel and civilians have been stabbed killing dozens and injuring hundreds more. Most of the neck armor will be given to soldiers serving in Judea and Samaria.
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Islamic State (IS) has lost 40% of the territory it once controlled in Iraq – 1/7/2016
IS is “on the defensive”, and has “not gained one inch in Iraq since May.” It has also been driven out of 20% of its territory in Syria. Despite the losses, IS has continued to launch counter-offensives – including several near the western Iraqi city of Haditha in the past 48 hours.” IS has also been driven out of Tikrit in the past year, but they continue to control Mosul…
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Army vet with PTSD entered church with assault rifle, intending something ‘terrible,’ accepted Christ and left a changed man – 1/7/2016
If he started to shoot, Pastor Wright planned to tackle him. Wright is 6-foot-2-inches and 230 pounds. “Can I help you?’” Wright called out to the man, fearing the worst. “Can you pray for me?” the man replied. “I saw in his eyes hopelessness, hurt, pain, despair.” Wright took the rifle and handed it to a deacon. The deacon and three others hugged the man one by one.
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Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Recent Comments on Religion and the Constitution Have “Ignited a Firestorm” – 1/7/2016
“The First Amendment framers did not intend to strip religion of its uniqueness, or to make it exactly equal to every secular institution in society. To the contrary, the establishment clause aims only to keep government from singling out certain religious sects for preferential treatment, not from showing any favoritism to religion in general.” -Patrick M. Garry
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Closed on Sundays, So Why Did These Chick-fil-A Restaurants Open Their Doors Last Weekend? – 1/7/2016
“This morning Chick-fil-A is breaking their own rule and cooking on a Sunday. For the best reason possible…” Several in north Texas opened their doors last Sunday… not to the public but to tornado victims, and emergency workers. The north Texas restaurants were open to “prepare and distribute free food in the aftermath of the deadly storms.”
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Muslim Immigration is What ISIS Wants – 1/2/2016
Al Qaeda and ISIS are not “negative” protest movements formed in response to our foreign policy. That’s a foolish self-centered idea held by foolish self-centered Westerners. Al Qaeda and ISIS are “positive” movements that seek to achieve larger religious goals. Islamic terrorists are not responding to us. They are responding to the Koran and to a thousand years of history…
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2015’s Most Explosive Stories May Surprise You – 12/31/2015
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