Father God desires that you and I and all mankind experience the fullness of His total love. All of life exists in and from the love of God. The beauty of all creation speaks of the love of God. All life illustrates the unending love of the Father of all life. Only by the experience of His love does life on earth and in heaven exist in order and peace.

Peace is the presence and order of God’s love. Joy is the highest expression of the experience of love.

Christ Jesus is the anointed Son of Love. He is the expression of God’s love, the ultimate sacrifice of love resurrected as loving King and Lord of all to rule and reign with love that contains all truth and justice to all and in all of His heavenly kingdom on earth.

A life lived apart from personally and intimately experiencing the love of God is a life of death, a life that never knew real life. To truly live is to abide in the love of God experience, fully connected as one Spirit, one life.

The love of God is all comprehensive and all consuming. There is nothing in creation that can prosper in its existence apart from the love of God. Death and failure is the absence of the love and life of God.

All life is potentially redeemed in the cross and resurrection life of Christ Jesus, which is the ultimate expression of the love of God. All true life in human beings is by the love of God in Christ Jesus by the indwelling Spirit of God. All existence of human beings without the indwelling Spirit of God is ultimately death and failure.

The world is in desperate need of the love of God. The last great move of God on earth that will never end is the love of God consuming the hearts of people by the invasion of the Spirit of God within.

Religion and politics carried on by men and women without the love of God can only lead to more death and failure. Armies and weapons are useless against death and failure without the love of God. Death and failure come to every person, family, tribe, and nation that lifts itself without the love of God.

All life on Planet Earth will come into peaceful and prosperous order when by the Spirit of God the love of God invades and consumes the hearts of the people.

Even in this time of turmoil and disorder of transitioning toward peaceful world order, every individual can fully experience the peace of God by the love of God within by the Spirit of God.


Love never fails.

Ron McGatlin

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