The Lord has ministered into my spirit a prophetic word for believers around the world and He has given me liberty to share this as an encouragement and admonition from Him.

There are two distinct things happening prophetically at this moment in history around the world:

  • The borders of many nations around the world are being closed to outside Christian influence. This is in preparation for internal persecution of national believersThis persecution by governments is meant, from their viewpoint, to limit and ultimately eliminate outside Christian ministries.


Governments are going to continue to persecute, arrest and imprison national believers with their goal being to totally eliminate all Christian work in their nations


National believers will be shut off from international connections and communications so much so that believers of each nation will be totally dependent upon the Lord for His provision and empowerment for the persecution and purifying that is coming.


This is the primary reason that the believers of these persecuted nations must begin now to completely trust the Lord for His provision as their resource, rather than depending upon believers of other nations to provide for their needs.


  • God is going to show Himself strong, on behalf of His remnant people who are the true and faithful believers. And as the persecution intensifiesGod will miraculously make provision for His childrenAs the early New Testament Ekklesia was persecuted and purified, all true believers today in these nations will go through persecution and experience the same cleansing and purifying.


This purifying and cleansing will result in a miraculous spreading of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God within these nations and unto the ends of the earth.  And instead of true believers decreasing in numbers, as is now believed by the opposing governments, there will be an increased growth in the numbers of His remnant people who will be prepared and empowered by the Holy Spirit to take the Gospel of His Kingdom to the uttermost part of the earth. 


Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and THEN SHALL THE END COME!


                        “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”

                                      Revelation 22:20   


Humbly submitted, by Dan Hubbell, His servant

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